郅红 等主编
英语词汇学习,关键在于转化为英语语言后输出,即学完后,知道如何在必要的时候,如考试时、写作时、与外国人交流时能运用自如。 我国多数考生不断地背单词以应付考试,但往往在考试时,即便出现熟悉的单渊,也忘了什么意思;或在英语写作或英汉互译过程中,不知道如何用其他单词或短语进行替换,以表达同一意思,因此考试成绩往往不理想。 本丛书首先解决的就是输出问题! 本丛书利用先进的电脑统计技术,对考试词汇所有单词进行了电脑分频,将其中出现频率较高的以及平时使用较多的词汇甄选出来。然后根据频次的高低,将这些词汇分成普通词汇和高频词汇,缩短考生词汇复习时间。 本丛书高频词汇点兵部分不仅包含了英文释义、中文释义、搭配、例句、近义词、词汇辨析、派生词等诸多信息,还对近义词给出了语境例句,使单个词条拥有强大的信息量,让考生对词汇能真正做到学为所用。 本丛书以句为单位和以段为单位给出了两种语境:例句语境突出强调单词在句中的应用,考生可以背诵例句或分析单词在句子中的用法;段落语境突出强调词汇的同义辨析、上下文分析以及同义词在段落中的替换。
本书利用先进的电脑统计技术,对雅思词汇要求的所有单词进行了电脑分频,将其中出现频率较高的以及平时使用较多的词汇甄选出来。每个词条不仅包含了英文释义、中文释义、搭配、例句、近义词、词汇辨析、派生词等诸多信息,还对近义词给出了语境例句,使单个词条拥有强大的信息量,便于考生对词汇进行系统复习;为了验证考生的复习效果,本书还提供了阅读强化和同义辨析双向练习,这样,考生可以在不同考试项目下,对词汇进行对比练习。这些练习均来自历年真题,不但对语言学习有所帮助,更主要的是,使得本丛书更贴近考试。 本书不仅适合参加雅思考试的考生,也适合广大英语词汇学习者随查随用,检验自我英语词汇学习水平。
丛书序Part 1 高频词点兵Part 2 阅读强化练习Part 3 同义辨析练习Part 4 词汇应用对比
Europeans need only look across the North Atlantic to see what could be in store for their cod fisher.In Canada they were too busy with making plans, setting expansive goals, and then allocating fish, and lotof it, instead of making sound business plans to match fishing with the limited availability of the resourceCod populations in European waters are now so depleted that scientists have recently warned that "alfisheries in this area that target cod should be closed." The Canadian calamity demonstrates that we now have the technological capability to find andannihilate every commercial fish stock, in any ocean and do irreparable damage to entire ecosystems in theprocess. In Canadas case, a two billion dollar recovery bill may only be a part of the total long-term costs.The costs to individuals and desperate communities now deprived of meaningful and sustainableemployment is staggering. When penicillin became widely available during the Second World War, it was a medical miracle,rapidly vanquishing the biggest wartime killer —— infected wounds. Discovered initially by a French medicalstudent, Ernest Duchesne, in 1896, and then rediscovered by Scottish physician Alexander Fleming in 1928Penicillium crippled many types of disease-causing bacteria. But just four years after drug companiesbegan mass-producing penicillin in 1943, microbes began appearing that could resist it.
高频词汇点兵,阅读强化练习,同义辨析练习,词汇应用对比。 提炼试卷中出现频率最高的词汇加以分析,并给出搭配、例句等项;在同一词条下,给出同义词及其例句,深入讲解相同词义在不同语境下的应用;增加同义词对比,即高频词和普通词的对比,为翻译和写作提供很好的借鉴;双向练习,提供阅读场景同义词练习和写作场景同义词练习。