

耐普 机械工业













  Almost every day Chinese friends ask, "Michael, how can I improve my spoken English?" This book is my answer to the question. Usually when someone asks me for advice about speaking better English, I only have time for a short answer. I try to be as helpful as possible, but more time is needed. I hope the people who are still asking how to improve their English will read this book. If you want to speak better English, this book was written for you.  You may be asking, "Why isn't this book written in Chinese only?" Well, for one thing, I'm an American and my English writing is much better than my Chinese writing. But, there's another more important reason I wrote it in English. The purpose of this book is to help you improve your Spoken English. It's really hard to improve English without some sort of English environment. When you read books in Chinese, your mind is in a Chinese environment. I recommend before you read the Chinese translation, try to read only the English. This book is written in English so you can enjoy the benefit of an English environment.  The stories and examples in this book are true and they are about real people, but in order to protect their identity, some of the names and places have been changed. Those left unchanged are used with permission. This book is not an English textbook. It's not intended to replace  textbooks already being used in classes, especially reading books. If you can read and understand at least half of the contents of this book, I'm sure you've already studied English from lots of textbooks. Even though this is not a reading textbook, studying it will still be a good exercise for your reading ability. However, this book is about spoken English, not reading. The purpose of this book is not to teach you English. Its main function is to clearly show you how to quickly improve your spoken English. No, it's not a textbook at all, but it is a book to help you use the knowledge you have already gained, through classes, books or other materials, to speedily become a fluent English communicator.


You are holding in your hand a book that will most likely change the way you think aboutlearning and speaking English。 The fact that you bought this book is proof you really want toimprove your spoken English。 You have studied English under many different teachers,probably all very skilled。 You have taken English exams。 You've studied with lots of Englishtextbooks, but you are not satisfied with your present ability to communicate in English。 Nowyou have chosen to read a book that will take you beyond classroom and textbook study, intothe real world of freely speaking English。  Although I've taught Oral English classes for more than twelve years, I prefer to call them byanother name。 I like to refer to those classes, and the topic of this book, as EnglishCommunication。 Why do we study a foreign language? For that matter, why do we even learnour own mother language? ls it not for the purpose of communicating with other people? Whatabout English?  People all over the world are learning English so they can communicate with people fromEnglish speaking countries。 They also study Engtish to talk with non-native English speakers fromother nations who have learned to speak English。 The purpose of language is communication。Therefore, in this book sometimes the words Oral English or Spoken English are replaced withEnglish Communication。 That's why we learn language to communicate with people。  Lots of people in China study English。 Far less people can actually communicate well in thislanguage。 Some are satisfied with high exam scores。 Others just want to pass their Englishclasses so they can move on to other courses。 Many people are only interested in being able toread English, especially if they have to read English instructions for their jobs or understandEnglish on the computer。 These are all good reasons to study English, but the contents of thisbook are designed for people like you: People who are not satisfied with just passing examsand reading, people who are eager to go out and really commuhicate with this language。  You are reading this book, instead of just studying another textbook: This shows that you arenow ready to take the next step toward successful English commuhication。 Fluentcommunication takes more than just studying。 It takes action。 It requires taking the actions youare preparing to read about in the following chapters。  The methods for improving your English communication skills in this book are notcomplicated。 They are not meant to be complicated because the best ways to improve oralEnglish are not complicated。 In fact, most of this book is written in very simple English。There's no need to make your training any more complex than it needs to be。 I often tell mystudents, Spoken English is not complicated, but it isn't easy either。 It's simple, but hardwork。 It does require self-discipline but it doesn't have to be so complex that nobody canfigure out what it means。  In my experience teaching English in China, I have found that some of the worst Englishspeakers were also the most complex ones。 I've tried to make them understand that simple isbetter, but they are not willing to listen。 They have believed for years that complicated is morescholarly。 Sadly, those students will never be good English communicators。 They are theones who will just read a few chapters of this book, then throw it aside and proudly say,This book is too simple。 They will go back to their complicated scholarly books andcontinue becoming worse and worse at speaking natural English。  On the other hand, there are wise people, like you, who will see the simplicity of this bookand honestly say, Maybe this foreigner really does know what he is talking about。 I'll give ita try。 These people may or may not already be good at speaking English, but they have abright future of fluently and freely communicating in English。 They don't care if proud peoplelook down on them for their simple approach。 They are not worried about higher exam scoresof their classmates。 They are willing to try the methods in this book, and, while the others arejust becoming more complicated, they will become the best English communicators in China。- or, where ever in the world they want to go。  As you read this handy guide, I hope you will feel my heart。 I hope you will realize 。th:at Ilove China and Chinese people。 I really want you to succeed。 The whole world is speakingEnglish today, and I want you, my Chinese friend, to be one of the best of those English。speakers。 I want YOU to go out and communicate freely with the rest of the world。 I wantYOU to be able to effectively use English in your job。 Whether you go abroad or make friendswith intemational visitors in China, I want YOUR English conversations to be fluent andnatural。 As you read this book and try these methods, I invite YOU to join me in the great adventure of the real world of English communication!


美国密歇根州人,毕业于维京国际大学,取得了国际关系硕士学位。l995年初次到中国,随后在呼和浩特执教,1998年移居北京,目前-5妻子G raceIynn和一双儿女居住在此。


Preface 前言Introduction 内容简介About the author 作者简介Chapert 1 I Love English 我热爱英语 l Loving English does not guarantee Success 热爱英语并不见得就能成功 2 What is love? 什么是爱? 3 Leam to love English before you learn English 在学习英语之前学会爱英语 4 Interesting activities can help you love English 有趣的活动能够帮助你爱上英语 5 Bored to death with English 对英语厌烦得要死Chapert 2 My English is poor 我的英语不好 1 Exam scores don’t tell US everythin9 考试成绩无法代表全部 2 My English is too poor for going abroad 我的英语差到不足以出国 3 Poor Enghsh is hard to love 不好的英语是难以爱上的 4 I need mole vocabulary! 我需要更多的词汇! 5 How to understand your foreign teacher 如何听懂你的外教说的话 6 Summary 小结Chapert 3 Passive Active Learning 消极学习与积极学习 1 Reading&listening VS.Writing and speakin9 读与听VS.写与说 2 Study and learn study与learn 3 Leaming styles 学习方式  4 Vocabulary~How can I remember all those words? 单词——我如何记住所有这些单词呢? 5 Cheating on exams 考场作弊 6 Summary 小结Chapert 4 Grammar Check 语法检查Chapert 5 IF You Can Say It In Chinese, You Can Say It In English 如果你能用汉语说,那么你也能用英语说Chapert 6 Practice Makes Perfect -Not !熟能生巧!不!Chapert 7 Flow River Flow 让英语流利起来Chapert 8 I Dint like to speak english with chinese people 我不喜欢跟中国人说英语Chapert 9 Dynamic Methods For Boosting Your English Ability 迅速提高英语能力的动态方法Chapert 10 Think in english 用英语思考Chapert 11 Culture and Language 文化和语言Chapert 12 Yes You Can 你能做到Appendix 1 Grammar Error Correction Drill 语言错误修正练习Appendix 2 Useful References Resources 有用资源Appendix 3 Everyday Vocabulary for Common Topics 常见话题词汇Appendix 4 Interviews about improving Spoken English 有关提高英语口语的访谈


  A smile can communicate much more meaning than any amount of vocabulary. Sometimes a friendly handshake is more friendly than kind words. When a friend is sad you may not have the right words to bring comfort, but when you put your hand on his or her shoulder your communication is much clearer than anything you could say with your mouth. Likewise, the meanings of words can be changed by raising your voice or speaking softly. These gestures and tones speak louder than thousands of words. Hands sometimes speak clearer than mauths. When you say, "It will cost three yuan," hold up three fingers. When describing something tall, you're your hand up high, and hold it down low to describe short things. Nod and shake your head when saying "yes" and "no." Don't talk with your hands in your pockets. Take them out and use them to make your meaning clear-in any language ! I cannot speak the languages of Korea, Pakistan, Japan, Mexico or Italy, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time in those countries. I bought things, ordered food, and traveled without the benefit of vocabulary. The only thing I had to rely on was the tone of my voice and body language.  ……


  Don't read this book unless you really want to "speak like a native.”After reading this book,your spoken English will never he the same again ! If you are one of the many chinese people asking,“How can I improve my English?”you will definitely find your answers here.  ——Dwight Nordstrom,美国太平洋资源国际(PRI)总裁  成功不一定是耍在男一个领域独辟蹊径,而是要把同样的事情做得更加出色。本书的创作和出版意义正在于此。作者是一位在中国教了十多年英语的美国人,他基于自己的切身体会和教学经验,告知读者以怎样的方法和技巧学习英语口语才最有效。我相信它会是大家的良师益友,并给大家带来全新的学习感受!  ——李鲁平,中国农业大学外语系教授  如果你在学校学了十几年英语,却从来没有信心看完一本英文书,那么这本书是一个不错的开始。我凭我的阅读经验确信,你会饶有兴致地读懂一个美国人如何只身一人来到中国教授英语,并认同他视角中的中美文化差异。你还可能在书中看到“你自己”,因为他指出的一些英文表述问题很可能也发生在你的身上。最重要的是,当你合上这本书时,你会对自己点头微笑说,“我真的看懂并看完了一本英文书,而且并非是学校要求我读的教材。”  ——王晓红,中央财经大学外国语学院院长  读M1chael的书,仿佛又一次步入他的口语课堂。东西方的文化透过风趣幽默的语言而充满活力;异国他乡的生活方式借着明朗轻快的文字而被娓娓道来。Michael从一个美国人的角度,结合他在中国的生活经历,向我们阐释了适合中国人的学习英语口语的有效方法。而他对于爱和社会关怀方面的探讨更是引起我们内心深处的思考,让我们在这个物欲横流的世界回归真实的自我。  ——许健,博士,作者学生







美国老师教你说出好英文 PDF格式下载

看了前面一点 学会了学英语要有自信 my English is not poor!

书是英文和中文对照的,英文写的很简单,比较容易读懂。主要是书中总结了一些学习方法很好,我觉得很受益。比如:作者对“Practises make prefect” 说No ,他的意思是,如果你不加以修正反复练习,只会强化错误,反倒改不过了来,还不如不练习。另外还说到对背单词的看法,说不要奢望能记住所有的单词,最主要的是在使用中记住最常用的,这可能是英文和中文的差别吧?


每天早上起来读20分钟,很好的感觉,读了2个月左右完成了本书学习,内容简单轻松,多是方法和关键。勤奋是学习好英语的最关键要素。所以希望想学英语的 一定要坚持。





英语口语 每日习得




我是在学校图书馆看到的 情不自禁就买了 真的很好 联系你的口语哦








内容简单 容易理解









不错 不错的书











英语学习方法很多 这本书有一些方法值得借鉴








