张静 机械工业出版社 (2011-04出版)
张静 编
《职业英语:工商管理类》专门针对工商管理类专业的学生编写。全书共10个单元,每个单元又分为开篇重点内容提示、导入问题、课文与综合练习、阅读理解、写作、语法、轻松阅读等模块,在传授专业英语知识的同时注重开发和培养学生的英语应用能力,突出“实用为主,够用为度”的原则。 《职业英语:工商管理类》内容选材新颖,题材广泛,无论是课文还是练习,都注重选择最新的英语材料。课文篇幅短小、实用,生动活泼,努力使英语学习寓于趣味性、娱乐性之中,使得学生在课堂学习和课后自学都不会觉?枯燥乏味。 《职业英语:工商管理类》可作为高职高专院校工商管理类专业的专业英语课程教材,也可供从事管理等相关工作的从业人员参考使用。
前言Unit 1Passage: Vocational Education in Germany2Reading for Fun: Differences between British and American Universities8Writing: Letters of Introduction9Grammar: Sentence Patterns 11Unit 2Passage: Vocational Education in China 15Reading for Fun: A Regulation for Vocational Students20Writing: Letters of Congratulation22Grammar: Nouns24Unit 3Passage: Liaoning Jidian Polytechnic 31Reading for Fun: The University of Michigan37Writing: Letters of Recommendation 38Grammar: Adjectives and Adverbs 40Unit 4Passage: The Role of Advertising51Reading for Fun: Advertising in America57Writing: Thankyou Letters58Grammar: Numerals60Unit 5Passage: Differences in Corporate Communication Styles65Reading for Fun: When East Meets West71Writing: Letters of Complaint/ Claim72Grammar: Modal Verbs74Unit 6Passage: Ecommerce81Reading for Fun: Ebusiness Investments86Writing: Letters of Reservation87Grammar: Disjunctive Questions89Unit 7Passage: B2B 95Reading for Fun: The Growing of Ecommerce101Writing: Letters of Confirmation103Grammar: Exclamations and Emphasized Structures104Unit 8Passage: Multimodel Transport109Reading for Fun: The Multinational Corporation114Writing: Abstracts115Grammar: Object Clauses118Unit 9Passage: Warehousing 122Reading for Fun: Customers in the Digital World127Writing: Agendas128Grammar: Adverbial Clauses Ⅰ130Unit 10Passage: The Key to Success for Business136Reading for Fun: Howard Schultz:The Star of Starbucks142Writing: Certificates144Grammar: Adverbial Clauses Ⅱ145AppendixChinese Translations and Reference Keys151参考文献187
版权页:插图:Vocational education will also provide more education opportunities for young people in China.Due to limited educational resources, each year more than 10 million junior middle school graduatescannot enter senior high schools, several million high school graduates cannot enter colleges, and a-bout one million college graduates cannot find jobs.To better meet the need of economic development, China has been actively engaged in the in-ternational cooperation and exchanges in the'field of vocational education. During the past 20years, the government has sent many delegations to over 20 countries and districts where vocationaleducation is well-developed to learn successful foreign experience. At the same time, China'has re-ceived many foreign vocational education delegations, invited foreign experts to give lectures in China, and jointly provided education with foreign vocational education institutions to promote the de-velopment of Chinese vocational education.