拉里 D.柯克帕特里克(Larry D.Kirkpatrick)、 格雷戈里 E.弗朗西斯(Gregory E.Francis) 机械工业出版社 (2012-05出版)
(美)拉里 D.柯克帕特里克(Larry D.Kirkpat
《时代教育·国外高校优秀教材精先·物理学:概念与实践(英文版·文科类)》是一本精心编著的、反映现代物理学最新发展的、适用于非理工科类的大学物理教材。本书语言简明,富有逻辑,使学生在有趣和愉悦的语言氛围中理解和掌握物理概念。同时,本书设置有“PHYSICS EVERYDAY”栏目,在全书28章的篇幅中用了44个专题实例生动地向学生展示了物理原理在日常生活中的各种实践和有趣的现象与应用,如液晶显示、荧光色、全息摄影、引力波、“无线”电池充电等。此外,本书还设置有章前图片、问题和解答,用于检查学生概念理解与否的“ARE YOU ON THE Bus?”栏目,针对数学基础偏弱的学生数学内容可略过而又不影响概念理解的“WORKINGITOUT”栏目、8篇配有大图的传记性短文“The Big Picture”以及每章章后大量的思考题和练习题(全书思考题1500多道,练习题500多道)。 本书主要内容包括九个部分:运动和引力基础,动量和能量守恒,相对论,物质的结构(包括热和热力学),波现象和声音,光和光学,电和磁,量子,原子核、基本粒子与物理学前沿。本书为非理工科类,如文科、经济管理等专业大学生的大学物理教材,也是高校广大物理教师进行教学的优秀参考书,同时还是广大科学爱好者、大学生等学习和了解科学知识的优秀读物。
作者:(美国)拉里 D.柯克帕特里克(Larry D. Kirkpatrick) (美国)格雷戈里 E.弗朗西斯(Gregory E.Francis)
Preface1.AWorld View First Grade On Building a World View Bode's Law Measurements Sizes: Large and Small Summary Key Terms Conceptual Questions Exercises2.Describing Motion Average Speed Images of Speed Instantaneous Speed Speed with Direction Acceleration A First Look at Falling Objects Free Fall: Making a Rule of Nature Starting with an Initial Veloaty A Subtle Point Summary Key Terms ConceptuaI Questions Exercises3.Explaining Motion An Early Explanation The Beginnings of Our Modern Explanation Newton's First Law Adding Vectors Newton's Second Law Mass and Weight Weight Free-Body Diagrams Free Fall Revisited Galileo versus Aristotle Friction Newton's Third Law Summary Key Terms Conceptual Questions Exercises4.Motions in Space5.Gravity6.Momentum7.Energy8.Rotation9.ClassicaI Relativity10.Einstein's Relativity11.Structure of Matter12.States of Matter13.ThermaI Enery14. Available Energy15.Vibrations and Waves16.Sound and Music17.Light18.Refraction of Light19.A Model for Light20.Electricity21.Electric Current22.Electromagnetism23.The Early Atom24.The Modern Atom25.The Nucleus26.Nuclear Energy27.Elementary Particles28.Frontiers
版权页: 插图: This photograph shows a cluster of galaxies. Each galaxy, a collection of billions of stars,appears small because it is very far from Earth. 2 Physics : Concepts and Practice Physics is the study of the material world. It is a search for patterns, or rules, for the behavior ofobjects in the universe. This search covers the entire range of material objects, from the smallestknown particles-millions of millions of times smaller than a marble-to astronomical objects-mil-lions of millions of times bigger than our Sun. The search also covers the entire span of time, fromthe primordial fireball to the ultimate fate of the universe. Within this vast realm of space and time,the searchers have one goal; to comprehend the course of events in the whole world-to create aworld view. FIRST GRADE This course could be one of the most challenging experiences that you will ever have-except forfirst grade. But then you were too young to notice. What happened in first grade?* Well, you learned to read, and that was really difficult. You first hadto learn the names of all those weird little squiggles. You had to learn to tell a b from a d from a p.Even though they looked so much alike, you did it, and it even seemed like fun. Then you learned thesounds each letter represented, and that was not easy because the capitals looked different but madethe same sound and some letters could have more than one sound. Then one day your teacher put some letters on the board; first, the letter C, and you all knew itcould make a "kuh" or "suh" sound; then the letter A, which had lots of possibilities; and finally aT, which luckily had only one sound. You tried out several combinations including "kuh-AAH-tuh."Then suddenly someone shouted out in triumph, "That isn't 'kuh-AAH-tuh'! It's a small furry animalwith a long skinny tail that says 'meow.'" And your world was never the same again. When your carpaused at an eight-sided red sign, you sounded out stop and understood how the drivers knew whatto do. You saw the words ice cream on the front of a store and knew you wanted to go in.