

袁宾久 编著 中国建筑工业出版社





袁宾久 编著  






Qingdao situated by Yellow Sea, in the southern Shandong Peninsula, with mountains behind and by the sea,is so magnificent as if created by Heaven, with a long history and many eminent persons, numerous cultural relicsas well. The Great Wall of the ancient State of Qi in the 3rd and 4th century BC is extending across Qingdao to theYellow Sea. Emperor Qingshihuang had left a monumental inscription in Langyatai when he was traveling to theeast. The history and culture has been continuous for thousands of years, the old city Jimo, a site in Sui Dynasty,has been remained up till now. However, Qingdao is now a world famous city because of its important position inmodem history, and has been announced as a historical and cultural city at national level by the State Council manyyears ago.The architecture in Qingdao City reflects the influence of colonial architecture in nearly a hundred ofyears. The architectural styles of 24 countries are represented here, so it is well-known as "a World Fair ofArchitecture". But among them, the number of architecture in German style is the largest, with the highestartistic value, so it has become a landscape feature of the famous national, historical and cultural city. The bookcompiled by Mr. Yuan Binjiu, architectural photographer, born in Qingdao, who has accumulated many yearsof hard working and thorough study, he has introduced thoroughly and precisely about Qingdao architecture inGerman style, with precious historic maps, the photos of the important architecture in German style as somebuildings have disappeared, and the information about the former sites in the book, as if revisiting the formersites or relived that period of history. How precious it would be.The author knows that I have come to Qingdao many times for the sake of my work, I have a deep emotionfor the famous city, my work also relates with taking the photos of architecture, and I have done something forapplication, protection and development of Qingdao, the famous national modern historical and cultural city.So I have written a few words since he has asked me to write a preface and by which ! hope to express mycongratulations for the publishing of the book. I do not think it is necessary to write any longer for the delicatephotos and the more literary context in the book have to be appreciated and remarked by the readers themselves.


  施耐特拉格-希姆森公寓楼旧址(Wohnhaus und Geschaeffshaus yon Snethlage&Siemssen 、朗德曼商业综合楼旧址(Geschaeffshaus Landmann)、拉尔兹药店旧址(Apotheke Adalbert Larz)、路易特坡尔德路住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Luitpold Strasse)、弗朗茨·伊克萨维尔。毛勒建筑公司及住宅旧址(chemals Wohnhaus und firma yon Franz Xaver Mauerer)等。




序青岛德式建筑概述青岛德式建筑建筑经典 总督官邸旧址(Gouverneurs Wohnhaus) 福音教堂(Christuskircht) 总督官署旧址(Gouvernements—Dienstgebaeude)行政及公务建筑 胶澳帝国法院旧址(Kaiserlicht—Gericht) 警察公署旧址(Polizei Dienstgebaeude) 台东镇巡捕局旧址(Polizeiamt l-ai tung tschen) 青岛监狱(欧人监狱)旧址(Tsingtauer Gefaengiss) 胶海关旧址(ChinesisChen Zollgebaeude,Kiaochow) 胶海关大鲍岛分卡J日址(ChinesisChen Zollgebaeude,Tapautau)使馆及别墅建筑 格尔皮克-科尼希别墅旧址(Villa Gelpcke—Koenig) 美国领事馆旧址(Amerika Konsulate) 施迪克弗特别墅旧址(Villa Stickforth) 迪特里希路捷成洋行别墅旧址(Villa Diederichsen Jebsen Co.&) 海军陆战营第三营军官官邸旧址(Bataillonshaus) 曼弗莱德·齐默尔曼住宅(英国领事馆旧址)(Wohnhaus von Manfred Zimmemlann) 霍恩洛厄路波特尔公寓旧址(Wohnhaus von Carl Poetter) 克列纳公寓旧址(Wohnhaus von Harald Kliene) 米斯住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Conrad Miss) 安娜别墅旧址(Villa Anne) 里特豪森住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Otto Ritthausenl 圣言会住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Kath01.Steyler Mission) 马克·齐默尔曼住宅(德国领事馆)旧址(Wohnhaus yon Mark Zimmermann) 贝恩住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Roland Behn) 美国长老会住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Amerika Mission) 俾斯麦路住宅(Wohnhaus von Bismarck Strasse) 毕娄哈旧宅(Wohnhaus yon Arthur Bialucha) 税务司阿理文旧宅(Wohnhaus von Ernst Ohlmer) 副税务司旧宅(Wohnhaus yon E.O.Reis) 总督副官住宅旧址(Gouverneurs—Adjutantenhaus) 伯恩尼克住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Hermann Bernick) 阿达尔贝特王子路捷成洋行别墅旧址(Villa Diederichsen Jebsen&Co.yon Prinz Adahlbed Strasse)公寓及商业建筑 皮卡特商业综合楼旧址(Wohnhaus und Geschaeftshaus yon Pickardt) 施耐特拉格-希姆森公寓楼旧址(Wohnhaus und Geschaeffshaus yon Snethlage&Siemssen l 朗德曼商业综合楼旧址(Geschaeffshaus Landmann) 拉尔兹药店旧址(Apotheke Adalbert Larz) 路易特坡尔德路住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von Luitpold Strasse) 弗朗茨·伊克萨维尔。毛勒建筑公司及住宅旧址(chemals Wohnhaus und firma yon Franz Xaver Mauerer) 莱格纳住宅旧址(chemals Wohnhaus von Legner) 魏斯住宅旧址(Wohnhaus von C.Weiss) 安治泰主教公寓旧址(Palais Bischof J.B von Anzer) ……实业及金融建筑旅馆及娱乐建筑公用及军事建筑教育及宗教建筑街道、里院及古力盖消逝的建筑我与青岛老建筑“青岛德式建筑”图文资料参考书目









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