王建平,阮巍,冯媛媛 著
《航海英语(无限、近洋航区)》按中华人民共和国海事局制定的《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试大纲》编写,全书知识点紧扣考试大纲,具有权威、准确、系统、实用的特点,重点突出船员适任考前培训和航海实践需掌握的知识,旨在培养船员在实践中应用知识的能力,并可作为工具书为船员上船工作使用。本教材在着重于航海实践的同时,紧密结合现代船舶的特点,考虑到将来有关船舶技术的发展,教材内容涉及到最新的航海技术,与时俱进,进一步拓展船员的知识层次。 本教材供无限航区和近洋航区各个等级海船二/三副、大副和船长适任证书考试培训使用,也可用作海运院校师生的教学参考书。
Chapter 1 Ships Certificates1-1 Contents of Certificates1-2 Port FormalitiesChapter 2 Nautical Publications2-1 Dover Strait Sailing Directions2-2 Guide to Bahrain Port Entry2-3 Other Nautical Publications2-4 Charts and Their Uses2-5 Admiralty Notices to MarinersChapter 3 Logs Letters and Fax3-1 Decklogs and Standing Orders3-2 Application Letters3-3 Declarations and Notices3-4 Telex,Fax and Email3-5 Marine Protests3-6 Marine Accident Reports3-7 Prestige Casualty Technical Analyses3-8 Cargo Survey ReportChapter 4 International Safety Management4-1 The International Safety Management Code4-2 Documents and Reports for Port State ControlChapter 5 Shipping Regulations & Business5-1 Carriers Responsibilities5-2 York-Antwerp Rules5-3 Bill of Lading5-4 Voyage Charter Party5-5 Time Charter5-6 Demise Charter5-7 Ship Sales Forms5-8 Ship Management5-9 Crew Service Terms & Conditions5-10 Hull,Cargo and P&I Clauses5-11 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea5-12 Maritime Cases and ClaimsChapter 6 International Maritime Conventions6-1 STCW6-2 SOLAS6-3 MARPOL6-4 International Convention on Salvage6-5 ILO ConventionChapter 7 Marine Navigation7-1 Anchoring and Berthing Operations7-2 Coastal and Ocean Navigation7-3 Navigation in Narrow Channels,Ices and Canals7-4 Sailing in Rough Seas7-5 COLREG7-6 Geographic Navigation7-7 Tides and Tidal CurrentsChapter 8 Marine Cargo Operations8-1 General Cargo Operations8-2 Operations of Containers8-3 Operations of Solid Bulk Cargoes8-4 Operation of Liquid Bulk Cargoes8-5 Operation of Special Cargoes8-6 Loading and Discharging Operations8-7 Cargo Tallying and Measuring8-8 Remarks on Mates ReceiptsChapter 9 Marine Meteorology9-1 Weather Reports and Weather Routeing9-2 Marine Weather9-3 Ocean Surface CurrentsChapter 10 Ship Structure and Equipment10-1 Ship Structure10-2 Ships EquipmentChapter 11 Navigational Equipment11-1 Radar andARPA11-2 Compass and Gyro-compass11-3 AIS,ECDIS,GPS,VDRetcChapter 12 Communications at Sea12-1 GMDSS12-2 VHF CommunicationsChapter 13 Repair and Maintenance13-1 Repair List13-2 Deck and Hull Maintenance13-3 Riggings, Fittings and Their Maintenance13-4 Stores,Provisions and Their MaintenanceChapter 14 Emergency Responses14-1 Search and Rescue Operations14-2 Fire-fighting at Sea14-3 Life-saving and Survival at Sea14-4 Oil Pollution Responding and Damage Control14-5 EmS and MFAGExercises