哈利南(Christopher Hallinan) 人民邮电出版社 (2008-02出版)
本书是一部全面易懂的嵌入式Linux开发实用指南。主要内容包括:处理器基础、Linux内核、内核初始化、系统初始化、Bootloader、设备驱动基础、文件系统、MTD子系统、BusyBox、嵌入式开发环境、开发工具、内核调试技术、调试嵌入式Linux应用程序、Linux与实时等。 本书适合有一定的C语言编程基础,对本地局域网和互连网有基本了解的嵌入式开发人员和工程师阅读。
作者:(美国)哈利南(Christopher Hallinan)Christopher Hallinan是MontaVista公司的FAE(现场应用工程师),拥有25年以上的网络和通信行业经验,做过多种产品的开发工作,在软件接口方面的深厚的开发背景。加盟MontaVista之前,Chris是一位Linux顾问,拥有4年Linux系统移植、设备驱动和bootloader开发经验,在U-Boot(一个流行的bootloader)项目中做出了杰出的贡献。
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Why Linux?1.2 Embedded Linux Today1.3 Open Source and the GPL1.3.1 Free Versus Freedom1.4 Standards and Relevant Bodies1.4.1 Linux Standard Base1.4.2 Open Source Development Labs1.5 Chapter Summary1.5.1 Suggestions for Additional ReadingChapter 2 Your First Embedded Experience2.1 Embedded or Not?2.1.1 BIOS Versus Bootloader2.2 Anatomy of an Embedded System2.2.1 Typical Embedded Linux Setup2.2.2 Starting the Target Board2.2.3 Booting the Kernel2.2.4 Kernel Initialization: Overview2.2.5 First User Space Process: init2.3 Storage Considerations2.3.1 Flash Memory2.3.2 NAND Flash2.3.3 Flash Usage2.3.4 Flash File Systems2.3.5 Memory Space2.3.6 Execution Contexts2.3.7 Process Virtual Memory2.3.8 Cross-Development Environment2.4 Embedded Linux Distributions2.4.1 Commercial Linux Distributions2.4.2 Do-It-Yourself Linux Distributions2.5 Chapter Summary2.5.1 Suggestions for Additional ReadingChapter 3 Processor Basics3.1 Stand-alone Processors3.1.1 IBM 970FX3.1.2 Intel Pentium M3.1.3 Freescale MPC74483.1.4 Companion Chipsets3.2 Integrated Processors: Systems on Chip3.2.1 PowerPC3.2.2 AMCC PowerPC3.2.3 Freescale PowerPC3.2.4 MIPS3.2.5 Broadcom MIPS3.2.6 AMD MIPS3.2.7 Other MIPS3.2.8 ARM3.2.9 TI ARM3.2.10 Freescale ARM3.2.11 Intel ARM XScale3.2.12 Other ARM3.2.13 Other Architectures3.3 Hardware Platforms3.3.1 CompactPCI3.3.2 ATCA3.4 Chapter Summary3.4.1 Suggestions For Additional ReadingChapter 4 The Linux Kernel——A Different PerspectiveChapter 5 Kernel InitializationChapter 6 System InitializationChapter 7 BootloadersChapter 8 Device Driver BasicsChapter 9 File SystemsChapter 10 MTD SubsystemChapter 11 BusyBoxChapter 12 Embedded Development EnvironmentChapter 13 Development ToolsChapter 14 Kernel Debugging TechniquesChapter 15 Debugging Embedded Linux ApplicationsChapter 16 Porting LinuxChapter 17 Linux and Real TimeAppendix A: GNU Public LicenseAppendix B: U-Boot Configurable CommandsAppendix C: BusyBox CommandsAppendix D: SDRAM Interface ConsiderationsAppendix E: Open Source ResourcesAppendix F: Sample BDI-2000 Configuration FileIndex
《嵌入式 Linux 开发(英文版)》适合有一定的C语言编程基础,对本地局域网和互连网有基本了解的嵌入式开发人员和工程师阅读。
这是montavista linux的FAE写的书,当然好了。