

甘瑟尔 人民邮电出版社











本书针对嵌入式系统开发中的一些本质问题提出了大量深刻见解,内容涵盖嵌入式系统的开发过程、代码编写、实时性问题等方面。附录部分还给出了固件标准、设计样例及设计指南等方面的丰富内容。 本书是从事嵌入式系统设计和开发的工程技术人员的必备参考书,也可供高等学校相关专业本科生和研究生参考。


Jack Ganssle嵌入式系统领域世界级权威。目前任Ganssle集团CEO,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)顾问。他有20多年从业经验。曾经创办过3家电子公司,包括一家领先的嵌犬式开发工具厂商;主持开发了100多种嵌入式系统产品,包括美国白宫的安全系统、在线仿真器等等。他长年活跃于嵌入式开发社区,热心于传道解惑,多次在Embedded Systems Conference等业界顶级技术大会做主旨演讲,他的大师研讨班帮助英特尔、西门子、TI等众多公司和成千上万的开发者提高了自己的嵌入式系统开发技能。他也是著名的技术作家,现任权威杂志Embedded Systems Programming的技术主编,除本书外,他还撰写了The Art ofProgramming Embedded Systems等著作。


Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Project  2.1 Partitioning  2.2 Scheduling Chapter 3: The Code  3.1 Firmware Standards  3.2 Code Inspections  3.3 Design by Contract ?  3.4 Other Ways to Insure Quality Code  3.5 Encapsulation Chapter 4: Real Time  4.1 Real Time Means Right Now  4.2 Reentrancy  4.3 eXtreme Instrumenting  4.4 Floating Point Approximations Chapter 5: The Real World  5.1 Electromagnetics for Firmware People  5.2 Debouncing Chapter 6: Disciplined Development  6.1 Disciplined Development  6.2 The Seven Step Plan  6.3 The Postmortem Appendix A: A Firmware Standard  A.1 Scope  A.2 Projects  A.3 Modules  A.4 Variables  A.5 Functions   A.6 Interrupt Service Routines  A.7 Comments  A.8 Coding Conventions Appendix B: A Simple Drawing System  B.1 Scope  B.2 Drawings and Drawing Storage  B.3 Master Drawing Book  B.4 Confi guration Drawings  B.5 Bills of Materials  B.6 ROMs and PALs  B.7 ROM and PAL File Names  B.8 Engineering Change Orders  B.9 Responsibilities Appendix C: A Boss ’s Guide to Process Improvement  C.1 Version Control  C.2 Firmware Standards  C.3 Code Inspections  C.4 Chuck Bad Code  C.5 Tools  C.6 Peopleware  C.7 Other Tidbits Index


  How many of us designing microprocessor-based products can explain our jobs at a cocktail party? To the average consumer the word "computer" conjures up images of mainframes or PCs. He blithely disregards or is perhaps unaware of the tremendous number of little processors that are such an important part of everyones daily lives. He wakes up to the sound of a computer-generated alarm, eats a breakfast prepared with a digital microwave, and drives to work in a car with a virtual dashboard. Perhaps a bit fearful of new technology, hell tell anyone who cares to listen that a pencil is just fine for writing, thank you; computers are just too complicated. So many products that we take for granted simply couldnt exist without an embedded computer! Thousands owe their lives to sophisticated biomedical instruments like CAT scanners, implanted heart monitors, and sonograms. Ships as well as pleasure vessels navigate by GPS that torturously iterate non-linear position equations. State-of-the-art DSP chips in traffic radar detectors attempt to thwart the police, playing a high tech cat and mouse game with the computer in the authoritys radar gun. Compact disc players give perfect sound reproduction using high integration devices that provide error correction and accurate track seeking.  It seems somehow appropriate that, like molecules and bacteria, we disregard computers in our day-to-day lives. The microprocessor has become part of the underlying fabric of late 20th century civilization. Our lives are being subtly changed by the incessant information processing that surrounds us.


  “本书将嵌入式开发的理论、经验和技巧熔于一炉,对技术人员更加深刻地理解开发过程意义重大。”  ——Software Development Times  “我要是在学校的时候能读到这本书就好了,那样会少走多少年的弯路啊。”  ——Amazon读者评论


  《嵌入式系统设计的艺术(英文版·第2版)》是嵌入式系统权威、Jack Ganssle多年实践经验的结晶。1999年《嵌入式系统设计的艺术(英文版.第2版)》上一版出版后,很快成为本领域的经典著作,产生了广泛而深远的影响。新版针对嵌入式系统开发中一些本质性和新出现的问题提出了大量深刻见解,内容涵盖编程、软硬件设计、调试、质量、管理等嵌入式系统项目开发的方方面面。  与一般同类图书不同的是,《嵌入式系统设计的艺术(英文版·第2版)》不讲枯燥的大道理,而是强调开发和管理思想。善于运用故事,结合作者自己的许多心得和领悟,使读者有亲身受教之感,是嵌入式系统工程技术与管理人员的必读之作,也是高等学校相关专业师生的优秀参考书。





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