

谭雪松//杨财容 人民邮电









  为了帮助技工学校机电类专业学生进一步提高专业英语阅读、写作、会话的能力,全国各类技工学校机电类专业纷纷开设“机电专业英语”课程.为了帮助技工学校老师能够全面、系统地讲授这门课程,我们几位长期从事专业英语教学的教师,共同编写了这本《机电专业英语》。  全书选择的文章和阅读材料尽量贴近实际应用,同时把握机电技术的最新发展方向,并对其中具有一定难度的句子作了必要的解析和注释,尽量降低学生阅读的难度,在授课教师的引导和帮助下,学生可以较好地完成相关知识的学习。  全书共10个单元,每个单元包括3篇课文,每一篇课文包含一个与单元主题相关的知识点。全书的技术内容涉及机械基础、工程材料、金属切削过程、加工方法、数字控制、电子和信息、计算机辅助设计与制造、非传统加工方法、模具设计和现代制造。在每单元的最后均设有习题,使学生通过练习巩固本单元所学知识。在每单元的后面还有提高训练,主要介绍基本语法及相关的专业写作知识。  为了便于教师教学和学生学习,每单元在内容的安排上都是从易到难.教师一般可用60个课时来讲解本书内容,教师在实际授课过程中可以根据需要对学时进行适当的调整。  本书可作为技工学校机电类相关专业的教材,也可作为相关专业工程技术人员的参考书。  参加本书编写工作的还有沈精虎、黄业清、宋一兵、向先波、冯辉、郭英文、计晓明、董彩霞、郝庆文、滕玲、管振起等。  由于编者水平有限,疏漏之处恳请广大读者批评指正。


  本书内容编排以实用为原则,贴近企业实际,使学生既能学到机械、电子方面的专业英语知识,又能学到机械、电子方面的各类小知识。  全书共10个单元,采用最新的机电专业技术资料,内容涵盖机械基础、工程材料、金属切削过程、加工方法、数字控制、电子和信息、计算机辅助设计与辅助制造、非传统加工方法、模具设计和现代制造。每个单元由若干小课文组成,每课包括短文、生词和短语、课文注释、测验、阅读材料等内容。在每单元最后均设有习题,使学生通过练习巩固本单元所学知识。在每单元的后面还有提高训练,主要介绍基本语法及相关的专业写作知识。  本书可作为技工学校机电类相关专业“机电专业英语”课程的教材,也可作为企业培训、上岗培训的教材。


Unit 1 Foundation of Mechanics Text 1 The Basic Components of an Truck  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Mechanism  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Production Automation  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Exercises(练习) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 2 Engineering Materials Text 1 Cast Iron  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Steel  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Materials Selection  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Exercises(练习) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 3 Metal-Cutting Process Text 1 Chip Formation  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Cutting Speed, Feed and Depth of Cut  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 The Surface Quality  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 4 Manufacturing Method Text 1 Turning and Lathe  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Milling and Milling Machine  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Grinding Wheels and Grinding Machines  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 5 Numerical Control (NC) Text 1 Numerical Control Automation  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Basic Components of a NC System  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Trends and Other Applications in Numerical Control  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法知识) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 6 Electronic and Information Text 1 Motors  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Mechanical Engineering in the Information Age  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料)  Grammars(语法知识) Exercises(练习) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Improving Exercises(提高练习) Unit 7 CAD&CAM Text 1 Design Process  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Computer Aided Design (CAD)  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM)  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Exercises(练习) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 8 Nontraditional Manufacturing Process Text 1 Ultrasonic Machining (USM)  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Laser Beam Machining  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM)  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Exercises(练习) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 9 Mold Design Text 1 Injection Molding Machine  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Basic Underfeed Mould  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Feed System  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Exercises(练习) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) Unit 10 Modern Manufacturing Text 1 Robots  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 2 Flexible Manufacturing  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Text 3 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)  New Words and Phrases(生词和短语)  Notes(课文注释)  Test(测验)  Reading Materials(阅读材料) Grammars(语法) Reading and Writing Skills(读写技巧) 课文翻译 参考答案 


  It would be difficult to find a device that has had more influence on manufacturing automation thanthe computer. Computer control of production processes or Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) aswell as Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), and their design counterpart (CAD), has profoundlyaltered manufacturing in dramatic waystll. One very important area that has been established for manyyears and continues to undergo development is that of computer numerical control or CNC. CNC is the equipment and methods used to control a process by numerical instructions throughcomputers driving electromechanical or hydraulic actuators. Although CNC has been applied to almostevery manufacturing process, machining certainly has been one area where its development isunparalleledE21. Perhaps the reason for this is that machining involves a wide variety of high precisionmanufacturing requirements. All of the previously discussed factors are present in an automated numerical control machiningsystem. The processes to be controlled include tool and workpiece positioning, tool changing, feed andspeed rates, and special functions unique to the specific process or machine toolE31. Electromechanicaland electronic sensor systems built into the computer control make decisions and initiate appropriateactions.  ……


  《机电专业英语》选材适中,注重阅读能力的培养  根据岗位要求,构建知识体系  体现新知识,新技术




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