

林渭芳,张琦 主编 国防工业出版社





林渭芳,张琦 主编  




  《英语阅读与写作教程》是一套英语阅读与写作系列教材,教材以教育部2000年颁发的《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》为指导方针,通过引进国内外先进的阅读与写作理论,将阅读与写作有机地结合起来。这套教程分四册,供高等学校英语专业本科一、二年级阅读课和写作课教学使用。每册有六个单元,使用一个学期,共计使用四个学期。  本教材以“主题”为线索进行编排,以便帮助学生在掌握一定的阅读技能和策略的同时,拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,提高人文素养,培养逻辑推导能力、批评鉴赏能力;通过“读写结合、以读促写”,使学习者有内容可写、有范文可依,帮助学生逐步掌握英语段落和各种文体的写作规律和方法,实现语言输入与输出的有机结合;作业设计主要采用“团队探究”的模式,重点设计以“小组”为单位的课外阅读、赏析和写作作业,培养学生积极主动探索的能力和团队合作精神。根据不同的教学内容和任务,制定详细的评价指标,指导学生学习活动的全过程,同时使学生在进行自我评价和同伴评价时有据可依,增强其自我监控能力。  《英语阅读与写作教程》每单元含阅读篇、写作篇和拓展篇三个板块,每一板块既相对独立,又前后呼应,相辅相成。  一、阅读篇  该板块选用的阅读文章主题宽泛,包括历史、经济、社会、文化、体育、医药、传说、人物传记、科普常识等领域的文章,富有时代性、典型性和针对性特点。主题阅读为写作实践提供一定量的输入。阅读篇主要内容包括快速阅读、阅读策略、阅读练习、补充性阅读和阅读作业五个部分。快速阅读指导学生学会迅速、准确捕捉信息。阅读策略循序渐进地系统介绍各种阅读技能:第1册首先帮助学生了解段落大意、段落结构和段落支撑性细节,根据上下文和构词法猜测词义;第2册重点培养学生把握略读、寻找、推测作者观点、得出结论、区分事实和观点等阅读技巧,增强阅读评析能力;第3册和第4册强调阅读策略的综合应用,其中第3册侧重培养学生对篇章内部逻辑推理、衔接和修辞等方面的理解能力;第4册针对议论文和图表作文等文体进行相应的阅读技能训练。阅读练习通过阅读文章,帮助学生了解、熟练掌握所学阅读策略。补充性阅读为两篇同主题的阅读文章,巩固阅读策略和拓展阅读面。阅读作业主要布置课外团队探究作业和名著导读,进行课外延伸阅读。




Introduction to Reading and Writing Unit 1 Sports  Session A Skimming for Main Idea  Session B Developing a Topic Sentence  Session C Further Development: Capitalization, Numbers and Abbreviations Unit 2 Culture  Session A Identifying Paragraph Structure  Session B Structuring a Paragraph  Session C Further Development: Punctuation (I) Unit 3 Challenge and Opportunity  Session A Understanding Main Points and Supporting Details  Session B Organizing Supporting Information  Session C Further Development: Punctuation (II) Unit 4 Economy  Session A Using Context Clues to Guess Unknown Words (I)  Session B-1 Developing a Paragraph by Exemplification  Session B-2 Developing a Paragraph by Cause and Effect  Session C Further Development: Punctuation (III) Unit 5 Education  Session A Using Context Clues to Guess Unknown Words (II)  Session B-1 Developing a Paragraph by Process Analysis  Session B-2 Developing a Paragraph by Comparison and Contrast  Session C Further Development: Effective Word Choice Unit 6 Language and Language Learning  Session A Using Word Part Clues to Guess Unknown Words  Session B-1 Developing a Paragraph by Classification  Session B-2 Developing a Paragraph by Definition  Session C Further Development: Effective Sentences Appendix 1 Book Presentation Guidelines Appendix 2 Checklist for Revision Appendix 3 Important Word Parts References


  If you are wearing colors that make you feel uncomfortable, it can be becauseyour soul understands that these colors do not mirror who you are on the inside.  Red——This is the ideal color to draw attention to yourself. Wear red if youregoing on an audition, showing off your creative work, or want to set yourself apartfrom the crowd. Avoid this color if youre suffering from nervousness.  Yellow——The brighter the shade of yellow, the cheerier it seems. Mellow,earthy tones convey stability and steadiness. Wear this color when you want to pro-mote clarity; its ideal for making decisions. Avoid yellow when youre tired, as it isdraining.  Green——Green is the color of growth and development. Therefore, its an idealshade to wear when taking classes and acquiring skills. Its also good to motivatepeople to get out of a rut. Because it is stimulating, you should avoid it when yourefeeling restless.  Black——Black conveys a sense of depth and strength that is most formidable. Wearthis color when you want to command authority or exude mystery. Stay away from black,however, if people question your motives or if you want to be treated as an equal.  White——-Nothing inspires trust like the color white. Wear this color when you want toappear detailed, efficient, and faultless. Keep away from white when you want to convey arelaxed, easygoing image. White can also promote anxiety, so use it carefully.  Metallies——Shiny colors like gold, bronze, copper, and silver inspire creativity.There are no better colors to wear when you are engaged in an artistic project ofsome kind. Metallics make people critical and discerning, so avoid them if yourefeeling sensitive.  Fashion Feng Shui is not only practiced in appearance, it also achieves certainresults in your home and office. Earth colors are favorable for kitchens, while pas-tels are better for play rooms and art studios. Vibrant hues are excellent for gather-ing spaces, while neutrals are ideal for bathrooms. And while the prospect of repain-ting your entire house may be a daunting one, you can still reap the benefits of colorthrough your wardrobe.


  注重读写技能训练和思维能力、创新能力的培养  拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,提高人文素养  培养学习者自我监控能力和团队合作精神  读写结合,以读促写,实现语言输入与输出的有机结合




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in the book,i learned a lot new method of re*****, i learned the quick re***** skill,it improved my writing skill a lot as well,this book needs to be read time and time again untill u 've learned what u should learn!

