亲爱的读者请进!如果你一直被哑巴英语困扰着,如果你遇到老外常手足无措,如果你已经或者想要进入外企工作,如果你想要跳槽谋求高职,如果你期盼成为国际谈判桌上的赢家,如果你打算出国旅游或有国外游客需要接待,如果你必须用英语来服务他人,如果你意欲留学镀金或者想在课堂上一句话惊倒老师,那么我们这套《开口飚英文》,就会让你轻松过关。本套丛书体例新颖,编排独特,情景生动,细致入微,打破常规,招招制胜、 第一招技巧点拨单元开端给出与主题内容相关的技巧性点拨——为人之道、处世哲学、礼仪差异、国外风俗等,可以说,这不仅仅是一套口语书! 第二招抢先经句把身边的口语短句用小标题精心提炼,出彩动人——最经典的句子,最常用的句型,最地道的口语,最简单的说法! 第三招一线情景用最流畅的对话。最平实的语言展示或锋芒毕露或淡定神怡,或兢兢业业或吊儿郎当,或官腔满腹或轻松调侃,或感激涕零或大动干戈——虽然百态,但这就是我们的日常生活、学习和工作的全部内容,如此真实! 第四招流畅表达必背的段落,听力的考察——有了前面语料的积累,语感的锤炼,那么现在可以脱口而出,出口成章啦! 第五招拓展词汇相关的词汇链接与深入学习,一碟饭后的甜品,一杯淡淡的绿茶——看似无关轻重,却别有一番收获在其中! 第六招超值MP3赠送美籍专家配音,发音纯正,语速适中,音调优美.读者可以把MP3下载下来,走路等车的时候听,坐车开车的时候听,逛街购物的时候听,课间体息或工作间隙的时候听,临睡之前或早起刷牙的时候听——让你的美语外教随传随到! 第七招双语把关首都师范大学年轻教师与众多职场精英人士共同执笔,多位英美外籍专家审核把关——绝对的双语双地道!
Chapter 1 NewcomersUnit 1 Notifying to WorkUnit 2 Remuneration and BenefitsUnit 3 Employment ContractUnit 4 First Day in the CompanyUnit 5 Working EnvironmentUnit 6 TrainingUnit 7 Complimenting and Criticizing the StaffChapter 2 Personnel WorkUnit 1 Being LateUnit 2 Asking for LeaveUnit 3 Working OvertimeUnit 4 Asking for a Salary RaiseUnit 5 PromotionUnit 6 Recruiting a New StaffUnit 7 TransferringUnit 8 ResignationUnit 9 FiringUnit 10 Company BonusUnit 11 Performance ReviewChapter 3 Day-to-Day WorkUnit 1 Arranging AppointmentsUnit 2 Thanks and ApologyUnit 3 Dealing with ComplainsUnit 4 Compensation ClaimUnit 5 Making CallsUnit 6 Entertaining the ClientsUnit 7 ScheduleUnit 8 File KeepingUnit 9 MeetingsUnit 10 Company DressChapter 4 Business ReceptionUnit 1 Meeting Clients at the AirportUnit 2 GreetingsUnit 3 Arranging HotelsUnit 4 Around the WorkshopUnit 5 Business DinnerUnit 6 Sightseeing with the GuestsUnit 7 Seeing Off ClientsChapter 5 Going Abroad on BusinessUnit 1 Arranging the PlanUnit 2 Passport and VisaUnit 3 At the CustomsUnit 4 At the HotelUnit 5 Calling On ClientsUnit 6 Trade FairsUnit 7 Travel ReimbursementChapter 6 After WorkUnit 1 Diet CultureUnit 2 TravelingUnit 3 FitnessUnit 4 Tasting lifeUnit 5 Money ManagementUnit 6 CarsUnit 7 Buy a House
In the management review conducted every year, we would, responding to clients new de- mands, increase our requirements on product and service quality, and reflect them in our quality goal. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplishing them. For managers, every decision has constraints based on policies, procedures, laws, precedents, and the like. Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance, but since uncertainty is always there, risk accompanies decisions. For ex- ample, managers sometimes treat problems by con- vention. Because individuals and organizations fre- quently have different ideas about how to attain the goals, the best choice may depend on who makes the decision. Frequently, departments or units within an organization make decisions that are good for them individually but that are less than optimal for the larger organization. Some of these objec- tives are more important than others, but the order and degree of importance often vary from person to person and from department to department.
超炫口语·地道表达 张口就来·招招制胜