王德军 编
为适应军校对新型军事人才的培养需要,促进军校的军事英语教学,体现军校英语教学鲜明的军事特色,突出“军味”,借助军事英语之桥梁,了解外军,掌握军事科技,开展军事交流,我们专门编写了这套《军事英语阅读教程》。 本教程共4册,每册8单元,每个单元包括2篇课文,配有生词、注释和练习,书后附有练习参考答案,旨在帮助学员掌握军事英语基础知识。同时列出与课文主题相关的书目和网址,为学员课后阅读提供更多的材料,以便有效扩大阅读量。 本教程紧紧围绕军事主题,选材新颖,内容广泛,涵盖了军事发展史、各军兵种知识、军事训练、军事条令条例、武器、高科技装备、军事理论、军事力量、军事机构、军事院校、军事人物、常规作战、现代战争、军事新闻、军事基地、高技术战争、情报战、心理战、未来军事转型等,具有较强的可读性。通过阅读,学员既可以了解外军的基本建制和军事高科技,掌握大量的军事术语、缩略语等英文表达方式,还有助于提高阅读理解能力,掌握必要的阅读技巧。 本教程既适合军队院校作为大学英语一、二年级的泛读教材,也适合承担国防生培养计划的高校作为选修课教材,并可供喜爱军事的广大读者选用。 本教程在编写过程中得到了解放军信息工程大学、解放军理工大学、解放军炮兵学院等院校的大力支持。在此一并表示衷心的感谢。 限于作者水平,编写时间仓促,书中难免存在不足之处,敬请读者不吝指正。
Unit 1 Text A US Military Forces Text B US Special ForcesUnit 2 Text A The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Text B Bundeswehr:the Federal Armed Forcesof GermanyUnit 3 Text A The North Atlantic Treaty Organization at a Glance Text B NATO-Russia:A Pragmatic PartnershipUnit 4 Text A The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces Text B What the UN Does for PeaceUnit 5 Text A US Military Academy at West Point Text B A Brief History of West PointUnit 6 Text A The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Text B The Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed ForcesUnit 7 TeXt A Friction in War Text B Art or Science of WarUnit 8 Text A Future Warfare Text B Nature of Future WarKey to the Exercises
This four-star gener- al reports to the Secretary of the Air Force. The Navy is commanded by a four-star admiral, called the Chief of Naval Operations. The Marines are commanded by a 4-star general called the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Both the Chief of Naval Operations and the Marine Corps Commandant report to the Secretary of the Navy. These four "flag officers" also make up a group called the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JSC). The Joint Chiefs of Staff comprise the four Service Chiefs, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Chairman is nomina- ted by the President and approved by the Senate. For operational matters the JCS by-passes the individual service secretaries and re- port directly to the Secretary of Defense, and the President. TheCoast Guard does not fall under the Department of Defense. Until re- cently, the Coast Guard was under the Department of Transporta- tion. Recent legislation has moved the Coast Guard to the newly cre- ated Department of Homeland Defense. However, the Coast Guard is considered a military service, because, during times of war or con- flict, the President of the United States can transfer any or all assets of the Coast Guard to the Department of the Navy. The Coast Guard is commanded by a 4-star admiral, known as the Coast Guard Com- mandant.
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