中国武术协会 编
Taiji Quan is such a physical exercise that, on the one hand, it can helpprevent and cure diseases, and on the other, improve health and the physique.Regular practice of Taiji Quan may help improve the cerebral function andget rid of many chronic diseases caused by nervous disorders. This exercisecan be done any place, at any time, by people of any age in just about anyhealth condition; it thas, therefore, a larger following than any other Wushuexercise in China. Taijt Quan has various schools, and their routines are all somewhatdifferent. This set of routines, which consists of 24 forms; has been simplifiedand standardized by China's State Physical Culture and Sports Commissionin order to make Taiji Quan more popular. It is, therefore, the most basic,yet authoritative. It has proved simple and clear, and easy to learn. We havepublished a hanging chart showing the movements of simplified Taiji Quan,together with simple captions, in order to help Taiji Quan enthusiasts graspthe essentials of its movements in an effective and quick way.