

张道一 外文出版社









The Art of Chinese Papercuts
The attraction of the traditional Chinese folk art of papercutting lies in its
apparent simplicity: a typical papercut requires no pairits or brushes, only an
ordinary pair of scissors or a knife, and a single sheet of paper. Unique
among Chinese folk arts, papercutting's influence on other fields and its
number and variety of products reveal the depth of its roots in popular
culture as a means of beautifying the everyday environment.
In recent years, as a number of papercut artists have gone abroad to
exhibit their works and demonstrate their skills, both the interest in and the
market for Chinese papercuts have increased. This book is intended to
provide an introduction to the origins and history, the style, the themes, and
the techniques involved in papercutting. It is illustrated with more than 200
reproductions, half of which are in colour. In addition to enjoying the
country charm of the papercuts, readers may try their own hand at paper-
cutting by following the instructions given in the last section of the book.


About the Author
Born Jn 1932 in Zouping County,
Shandong Province, Zhang Daoyi has
been working as an art teacher ever
since his graduation from Shandong
University's Department of Fine Arts
in 1952. He is now an associate
professor at Nanjing College of Art,
honorary chairman of the Chinese
Papercuts Society, a standing council
member of the Jiangsu Aesthetics
Society, an advisor to the Research
Society on the History of Arts and
Crafts, and deputy council director
of the Nanjing Society of Arts and
Crafts. Over the years, he has been
engaged in the study of art history
and folk arts, occasionally turning
out a book-cover or ornamental
design. Among his books published
in Chinese are Ancient Jewellery,
Landscape Designs and Chinese
Folk Papercuts - An Introduction
and Appreciation.


1. Origins and History
Before Papercuts
Ancient Customs
The Earliest Examples of Papercuts
Papercuts and Printed Textiles
Papercut Designs Fired onto Porcelain
The Appearance of Papercut Artisans
The Many Uses of Papercuts
2. Patterns and Styles
The Ornamental Appeal of Papercuts
Basic Characteristics
A Large Variety of Design
A Distinctive Style
Famous Papercut Artisans
3. Themes and Content
Good-Luck Characters and Sayings
Traditional Fairy Tales and Characters
4. The Techniques of Papercutting
Tools and Materials
The Basic Skills
The Basic Steps





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