Social progress lies in exchanges,as does the development of cultures as well as personal friendships.It has been proven through world historical practice that the achievement of cultural prosperity and social progress in the 21“century depends on mutual understanding and exchange.Thanks to the rapid development of transport and communications, mutual exchanges are becoming increasingly frequent day by day, but at the same time new problems have emerged under new circumstances.Human culture call be divided into two levels.The surface level,or“living culture,”which involves all aspects of survival such as eating, drinking and clothing, has been universally propagated.Through fusion, integration and imitation of each other, living culture has played the role of deepening friendship and enhancing mutual understanding among different peoples.
Record of the Listener(Yijian zhi)is a renowned zhiguai collection from the Song Dynasty written by Hong Mai during his later years.Recording stories of the strange circulated by word of mouth,it is the largest zhiguai compilation of the Song period-originally comprising 420 chapters.Its rich content includes topics such as gods and ghosts, injustice and retribution,fantasy and the uncanny,as well as regional customs.The Record of the Listener has enjoyed a privileged place in Chinese literary history;indeed,numerous vernacular short stories and dramas have sought inspiration from its storylines.It also preserves much precious research material on daily life during the Song.
作者:(宋代)洪迈 译者:(美国)阿历斯特·英格尔斯(Alister D.Inglis)
The Blue Wave Hall Pu Dashao's Calligraphy The Official Rest-Post at Shengping Market Third Daughter Xie Meng's Palace Women Xu GuohuaThe Mountain of CrabsThe Honourable Meritorious MinisterThe Warrior WomanThe Taoist of He PrefectureThe Strange Monk's Magic SymbolThe City Tower of Qian PrefectureThe Strange Land near MinqingPine ConesZhang the Rice SellerFahui Burns His EyeThe Blue Wave PavilionSun Devil's HeadJiang AnshiThe Wine of Phoenix Tree CreekGeng Yu's MaidservantStone People of the DreamFang's DaughterMiss LanJunior Guardian WangWang Dalang's HorseZhang Zhu's DreamFifth Brother SunThe Woman in BlackForewordSun JiudingThe Man from Three Rivers VillageMadame ZhangThe Three Taoists of Jade FordLi ShangrenYoung Master WuThe Governmental Post of Sun JuyuanController-General Jiang's DaughterYe RuoguThe Villager from JiangyinLuo Gong Is Reprimanded by the NetherworldGood and Bad Fortune May Not Be AvoidedIsland WomanGreat Fish of the OceanThe Strange Woman of the CapitalSaved by the Buddha from Past EnmitySu Dongpo Transcribes the Diamond SutraXiang's Ancestral TempleFan Dreams of a SonDong Bai'eThe Monster of JiandeThe Old Bottle of YiyangThe Immortal of Luofu……
It was during the Period of Great Vision(1107-1110)that the brothers Qian,gentlemen from Suzhou,traveled to study at the Imperial University.Spring had just blossomed and,as they had some time to spare while waiting for an exam,they went on a jaunt to the Jade F0rd Gardens. There they met three Taoists who greeted them,and they began a conversation.The Taoists had prominent foreheads and long eyebrows Thek words were pure and fresh-pleasing to the ear.After a while they took their leave,saying,“We have a brew of some small renown which we would like to share With you,but unfortunately the sun is already low.Let us meet here again tomorrow at high noon and we can entertain you then.Don't be late or you may miss us” The Qians agreed.Then,with a laugh, the smallest Taoist remarked,“Should you miss the appointed time,you Can dig up the ground and find US here” Thinking this a joke,the two of them laughed heartily and took their leave.The following day the Qians were detained on other business,and it was evening by the time they reached the place of rendezvous.There they found the remains of a feast strewn untidily about.
I have read the entire surviving corpus of Record of the Listener by Hong Mai (1123-1202)of the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279)and have eslected waht Iconsider the cream oif unusual accounts which Ipresent as trandslation in the present volume Throuht this window may we catch a fleeting glimpse of things past of abduction adultery murder of a time when ghosts stalked the night when trees and rocks were imbued with spirits all long gone yet still existent to the time traveler ——Alister D.Inglis(USA)
《夷坚志选(英文版)》:Nevertheless,the value placed on quantity and minimal selectivity in the original work led to an unwieldy, rambling corpus.For this volume, Professor Alister Inglis of Simmons College,Boston USA,has selected and translated a total of 107 stories which typify the collection's overall nature.All the stories encapsulate a charming narrative quality which will hold readers spellbound while,at the same time,heighten understanding of society during the late Northern/early Southern Song era.