Foreign Language Press
Foreign Language Press
Tianjin,pioneering seaport metropolis,city of inventive past and unique culture. Inspired,perhaps,by the danc-ing waters of the Bohai Gulf,Tianjin became:a naval piomeer-birth-place of modren shipyards and China's first submarine;a commu-mications piomeer-a post-route to all parts and home of China'sfirstrailway,postal service,cables and telephones;a cultural pioneer-with China's first university degree,musenm ,women's newspaper;a financial pioneerwith its own "Wall Street",and industrial pioneer with world-class innovations. But piomeering has not ob-literated tradition-Tianuin is a city of legend and age-old customs and cuisine-neveer more so than at Chi-nese New Year. These elements unite to make the commercial metropolis and major port ot Tianjin,with600years of unique history and innovation,Tianjin is respomding with con-fidence to the challenges of the 21 st century.
Breeding Ground for Stirring Writings From Baihe River to Haihe Tiver From Confucius Temple to Model Schools FromHaihe Culture to Elite Culture From Quadrangle Homes to Museum of World Architechure From Opera Stage to Folk WorkshopA Post Route to Every Corner Of the world Tianjin Bureau of the Great Qing Imperial Plst China's First Telegraph Cable Set Up inTianjin LargeDragom Stamps and Tianjin China's First Train Runs from Tianjin China's First Telephone Line Flourishing Gold Street Tianjin Machinery Factory Displays China's Strength "Red Triangle"Outwits Brunner Mond The Kailuan Mining Bureau and the WesternizationMovement Tianjin;s"Wall Street"Legends Without End How Tianjin Got Its Name Legends of the Table Clothing History Celebrating New Year the Old Way Tianjin Folk CustomsAppendices Services to Tianjin The Tianjin Climate and Best Season Major Hotels for Forgigners Major Travel Agencies Major shops in Tianjin Tianjin City Proper Map