吴晓军,董汉河 编著
《中国环保:和谐与共存(英文版)》属于第二部分,读者从中可以了解到中国某个行业、部门,某个领域的人们,为了国家的和平发展,在怎么想,在怎么做,取得了什么样的成就,积累了什么样的经验和教训。读者尤其可以看到,在不同的领域,中国人民是怎样坚毅不拔地把追求发展、幸福、和平的梦想,一步一步地变成现实。 《全景中国》第一部分从纵向角度,介绍了中国各地最具特色的看点。第二部分,以中国不同部门、不同行业、不同领域为单元,从横向的角度介绍中国各行业、各领域的发展实践、发展理念和发展成就,以及面临的挑战和机会。这些介绍是真实鲜活的,力求图文并茂,轻松愉悦。
Green Project to Provide Long-lasting Benefits Major forest zones Destruction of forests: a mistake that must be corrected The north China protective forests—— the largest ecological project in the world Green planted on the roof of the world in Yushu PrefectureWater Conservancy to Safeguard Human Homeland To protect the soil is to protect the homeland of mankind Surveying of the national land resources and water conservancy according to law Beautiful scenery of terraced fields Massive migration from the areas at the origins of the three big riversProject of Pollution Treatment—— a Tenaciously Painstaking Endeavor Environmental pollution: a difficult global problem during industrialization Recycling of wastes: a choice to realize sustained development Beijing once again has a blue sky Difficult situations and variable water treatmentNature Reserves to Preserve Life and Green Space The earth: a happy dwelling place for all living creatures A summary of living species in China Nature reserves: a mark of human civilization Dinghu Mountain Nature Reserve:the first natural conservation zone in China Gansu: protecting life in all parts of the province Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve: a kingdom of tropical living creatures Yangxian Nature Reserve for crested ibis:harmonious co-existence between man and birds Nature reserve at the origins of the three big rivers:extending life on the Qinghai-Tibet PlateauEcological Environmental Protection:China's Principle Focus China's environmental issues viewed in hindsight The rise and development of China's environmental protection program Protection of the ecological environment in the new era Laws as sharp swords in the protection of the ecological environment Control population and eradicate poverty to uproot the source that undermines ecology Returning cultivated land to forests and grassland to restore and improve the ecology Clean production: China rejecting pollution Action of volunteers for environmental protection: awakening of public awarenessA group of Chinese People Who Are the Backbone of a Harmonious Homeland Zhu Zhenda: a pioneer in the study of desert Shi Shuzhu: committed to treating sand Soinam Targyai: first man to give his life for the protection of wildlife Liang Congjie:father of "Friends of Nature" Jiang Tianmin:first man who protected the Chinese salamander
版权页: 插图: Forestation and Water conservancy are fine traditions of the Chinese people as well as basic mea sures of ecological protection.Tohave a large expanse of green coverage in China is the long-term de sire of the Chinese people. In 1952,the late ChairmanMap Zedong inspected Xuzhou inJiangsu Province.When he saw thebarren mountain ridges of theYunlong Mountain,he announcedthat something must be done tochange the situation.Now theYunlong Mountain is lush green andiS one of the favored destinationsof tourists jn Xuzhou.The fhurthtask laid down by the First Five-year Plan(1953-1957)for National Economic Developmentwas to launch projects for water conservancy,forestation and reduction of soil erosion. The 12th of March was officially named the Day of Three-planting in China in 1979.The Fourth Plenary Session of the Fifth National People's Congress formally passed the "Resolu-tion on the Voluntary Drive to Plant Trees Throughout the Whole Country" in December 1981.During the annual Day of Tree-planting,former Chinese top leader Deng Xiaoping led hisfamily to take the lead in planting trees.He believed that planting trees and beautifying themotherland with green coverage was a great cause for generations to come and it was essentialto adhere to it. After the 1980s,the Chinese government,with the increase of national economic power,looked at the issue from the perspective of sustainable development.Because the economicoutcome of the ecological effects of water conservancy and protection through natural forestsis far better than that of felling trees,the project of protecting natural forests was put in forceand the timber industry changed its focus from cutting down trees to protecting and plantingtrees.An emphasis has been placed on intensifying the production and construction of an eco logical environment,with projects of protection of natural forest resources,green coverage of barren mountains and implementation of plans so as to turn farmland,having been claimedfrom forests,back into forests and green coverage.
《中国环保:和谐与共存》编辑推荐:At the present time,China has reached amaior milestone in its economic development,accompanied by significant social progress.China has become an important part of theglobal.ndustrial network,but at the same timeas it needs development it also needs greenmountains and clear waters.This in fact is are flection based on world industrialdevelopment,and,even more,a Summaryof the gains and losses of China's reform andopening-up.With a view to building a harmo nious homeland,the Chinese governmenthas chosen sustainable development,and this has not only become a fundamental national policy but also a concept close to thehearts of the people. China's dedicated efforts and activitiesrelating to ecological and envi ronmentalprotection have resulted in encou ragingsuccesses,but this has involved a long and painstaking process.This book presents acomprehensive overview of the achievements,problems and prospects in China's environmental protection activities.