史志康,曾甲 编
为了帮助广大考生在英语专业新题型考试大纲出台之后能够轻松获得英语专业四级考试高分,我们组织编写了《英语专业新题型巅峰突破·4级听力》。 一、题目:本书根据新题型考试大纲编写,按照新题型英语专业四级听力考试的形式(包括短文听写、长对话理解、短文理解、新闻理解),汇编成16个Test,分为“入门分析篇”、“技能实战篇”、“强化提高篇”、“考前冲刺篇”四个阶段。考生自测时每个Test须在35分钟内完成。 二、听力答案:直接跟在每个Test之后,便于考生查阅。答题依据在听力原文中均用黑体标出,简洁明了。针对于一些较难的单词、短语均给出中文意思。 三、16个Test:通过做题,每天1个Test,举一反三,掌握做题技巧,16天轻松突破四级听力,提高英语听力水平。 四、适用对象:该书主要适用于考生对新题型四级听力理解以及答题技巧的突破,也适用于具有中级英语水平的学生自学使用,同时也可以作为强化班老师教学参考使用。 本书的听力题目都经过反复推敲、实践,但不当之处在所难免,敬请广大读者、同行、专家不吝指正,以便改进。
入门分析篇Test 1答案与听力原文Test 2答案与听力原文Test 3答案与听力原文Test 4答案与听力原文技能实战篇Test 5答案与听力原文Test 6答案与听力原文Test 7答案与听力原文Test 8答案与听力原文强化提高篇Test 9答案与听力原文Test 10答案与听力原文Test 11答案与听力原文Test 12答案与听力原文考前冲刺篇Test 13答案与听力原文Test 14答案与听力原文Test 15答案与听力原文Test 16答案与听力原文
Listen to the following passage.Altogether the passage will be read to you fourtimes.During the first reading,which will he read at normal speed,listen and try tounderstand the meaning.For the second and third readings,the passage will be readsentence by sentence,or phrase by phrase,with intervals of 15 seconds.The lastreading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should checkyour work.You will then be giwen 2 minutes to check through your work oncemore. Please write the whole passage on ANswER sHEET oNE. In Section A,B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY Listen carefullyand then answer the questions tha t follow.Mark the correct answer to each questionon your answer sheet. In this section you will hear several conversations.Listen to the conversationscarefully and then an$wet the questions that foliow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation.At the end of theconversation,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now,listen to the conversation 1.What prevents the man from taking the poets of 1960s class? A.It’S only open to poetry majors. B.It requires another class first. C.It’S already full. D.It’S only offered in the morning. 2.What problem does the man have with the introductory poetry class? A.The class meets during his working hours. B.The class iS too far away. C.He has another class at the same time. D.He’S already familiar with the material. 3.Why doesn’t the,man want to change hiS work schedule? A.AlL the other work schedules conftict with his classes. B.He doesn’t want to ask his boss for another favor. C.He wants to work.the same schedule as his friends; D.He likes to do his home work in the evenings. Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the CON-versalion,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now,listen to the conversation 4.What.do newspapers.and radio and TV have in common? A.They are all obj ective. B.They all involve personalities. C.They all lack obj eetivity- D.They have the same impact on people. 5.Features of.personality do not include A.voice inflections(声调变化) B.exclamation marks C.facial expressions D.body language 6.The two speakers seem tO——. A.have similar opinions B.have different opinions C.agree only on certain points D.try t‘O please each other Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation,At the end of theconversation,you will be given 20 SeCOnds to answer the questions, Now,listen to the conversalion. 1.According to the conversation,which of the following is TRUE about the lo-cation of the house? A.1t is only five-minute walk from super mall. B.The transportation is quite convenient. C.It It is quiet in the.neighborhood. D.It.is a few minutes’ride from subway station. 8.What will the landlord do in a couple of days? A.Repair the roof.B.Do up the house