(英)弗格森(Ferguson,D.) 著
With a population of around eight million people, Nantong is a small city by Chinese standards - what is known as a "second-tier" city. But it is a place with a rich and fascinati ng industrial, social, and cultural heritage. In this book, author David Ferguson tells the story of the city of Nantong through the lives of one great man of the past, Zhang Jian, and thirteen modern business pioneers. Zhang Jian (1853 1926) lived through one of the most volatile periods in modern Chinese history, encapsulating the Sino-Japanese war, the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the last emperor, and the creation of the first republic of China. Zhang played an active role at the highest level in all of this, as as cholar, a potitiaan, an industrialist, and an enlightened social visionar3t and Manthropist. The modern business pioneers of Nantong have followed in Zhang's footsteps and beyond, crossing the world with their ideas and their entrepreneurship to bring development and prosperity to their home city and to the countries where they now live and work. All of them started with nothing in the early days of reform and opening up; all have gone on to buiLd diverse international businesses on every continent, covering textiLes, real estate, mines,manufacturing, and a whole range of other commercial activities.
David Ferguson graduated in Law from Edinburgh University in Scotland. Aftera long career as a management consuLtant, he set up an independent media production company in 2003. He first came to China with his wifet who is Chinese, in 2006, and since then he has spent most of his time here. He has worked extensively for the Chinese media, covering major events as diverse as the Sichuan earthquake, the Beijing Olympic Games, and World Exp0 2010 inShanghai.
IntroductionChapter 1 Zhang Jian - Foremost among the Nantong PioneersChapter 2 Impressions of Modern NantongChapter 3 Early DaysChapter 4 Difficult TimesChapter 5 First BusinessChapter 6 Going AbroadChapter 7 Violence and DangerChapter 8 Helping OthersEpilogueAppendix
Nantong enjoys great potential for development by virtue of its advantageous location by the Yangtze River, very close to the Yellow Sea. The city will certainly grasp the favorable opportunities that currently present themselves, and map out an even brighter future-one inspired by global vision and strategic analysis-while addressing those problems that it encounters along the way. ——Tang Jiaxuan, former state councilor Nantong was the earliest city in modern times to be built and administered by the Chinese the mselves. It deserves its fame as "the pioneer city in modern China" for the originality of its conception, and for the complexity of the functions and services that it developed. With his forward-looking philosophy and comprehensive planning of the city's construction, Zhang Jian set Nantong a unique model in modern Chinese history. ——Wu Liang yong, member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor, architect & urban planner, Tsinghua University I find the book highly palatable and insightful in examining the past, the present and perhaps the future of a typical modern metropolis in east China. I like the book since it portrays Nantong accurately as a pearl in the crown of the Yangtze River Delta Region, the heartland of China's manufacturing economy. Seeing is believing. ——Yang Rui, host and managing editor of Dialogue, CCTV News