Chapter 1 Ladies and gentlemen
Chapter 2 Pay to play
Chapter 3 Making a demo
Chapter 4 In the recording studio
Chapter 5 The judges
Chapter 6 You’re rubbish!
Chapter 7 Back to the studio
Chapter 8 Waiting for a decision
Chapter 9 Watching Talent Tonight
Chapter 10 Music business
Chapter 11 I want to be famous
Chapter 12 Read all about it
Chapter 13 The worst gig ever
Chapter 14 Talent Tonight
Chapter 15 Back in the office
Chapter 16 Rent a crowd
Chapter 17 On the way to the radio station
Chapter 18 Hamlet and us
Chapter 19 The point of no return
Chapter 20 A business meeting
Chapter 21 The next round
Chapter 22 Are we a band?
Chapter 23 Publicity at last?
Chapter 24 Tiffany is back!
Chapter 25 A new role
Chapter 26 The competition
Chapter 27 The final show
Chapter 28 And the winner is…
Chapter 29 A chance meeting
第1章 女士们,先生们
第2章 付钱演唱
第3章 制作唱片试样
第4章 在录音工作室
第5? 评委们
第6章 你们是垃圾!
第7章 回到录音棚
第8章 等待最后的决定
第9章 观看“今晚的天才”
第10章 音乐事业
第11章 我想成名
第12章 看完所有的资料
第13章 最差的演出
第14章 “今晚的天才”
第15章 回到办公室
第16章 租一群人
第17章 在去电台的路上
第18章 哈姆雷特和我们
第19章 辞职的理由
第20章 工作会议
第21章 第二轮
第22章 我们是一个乐队吗?
第23章 为了宣传?
第24章 蒂凡妮回来了!
Chapter 24 Tiffany is back! The band was now through to the next round of Talent Tonight because Steve had left, but they still needed a new bass player. Of course, they wouldn't be ready to play in the next programme, but Tiffany made a special appearance on the show to say that she would be back soon.The judges and the audience were all very kind to Tiffany. I didn't understand why they felt sorry for her.She didn't leave the band, it was Steve. Ricky Anderson, the producer, was delighted that Tiffany was back on the programme for this special appearance. Ratings had soared since the argument about Steve leaving the band.This was more publicity and now the newspapers had another story. The headlines said: 'Tiffany is back!' There were no more stories about Steve. The newspapers had already forgotten about him. On the programme Tiffany announced that they were looking for a new bass player and that people should send a photo and demo to Talent Tonight. I remembered when I had my first band at college. We sometimes had auditions for new members. We used to put a small advert in a local music magazine with the warning ' No time wasters' . Lots of musicians used to come to those auditions back in college. Each one had ten minutes to play some music, and we called them back later if they passed the first audition. At the second audition they played more music, this time with the band, but we also tried to get to know each person to see if we had the same ideas about music.But an audition is always about more than just the music. Auditions are a kind of in terview. You have to see if the person who is applying for the 'job' is like you.Do they have the same sense of humour? Will you all be able to get along together? All of this is important because you are going to spend a lot of time together.Your band is like a family. Back in college we played a lot of gigs and it was a big commitment, with all the practices and the travelling. And ofcourse nobody made any money.But it was worth it.It was great to be in a band. It was depressing for the people who didn't pass the audition.One guitarist even wrote a sad letter to me to ask for another chance. I didn't understand why he cared so much. That first band of mine didn't make any money, and we were never on TV. When Tiffany made the announcement about finding a new bass player, I don't think Talent Tonight was ready for the number ofpeople who contacted them. Thousands of people sent in a photo and a demo.They all wanted to be on the show. Each one ofthem believed that they had a chance. I felt qrute sorry for them all. There was no need for the new member of the band to be a really good bass player. A professional studio musician could help play the music. But the new member had to look good on stage.It was all about image - just as Sarah always said on Talent Tonight. I rang Ricky Anderson about the auditions for the new bass player. "You don't need to worry about that, John. We'll find the right penon for this. TifErny will be helping as well. " I wasn't surprised when he said that, but I wasn't very happy about it. Chapter 25 A new role l hardly saw the band the week before the final show of Talent Tonight. The producers took them away to a very expensive rehearsal studio.The band was being paid for the first time ... not by me, but by Ricky Anderson's product:ion company. The new bass player looked fantastic, and he had the same blond hair as the rest of the band.I didn't know if he was a good bass player or not. I didn't hear him play before he final show, and there was no time for a gig at Rory's lub. My role was changing. There were now other people rganising the band, people with a lot more experience. here was nothing really for me to do any more. Ricky Anderson had asked me to think about a trategy for the band and present some of my /deas at the eeting with the production company, but I think he just wanted me to stay out ofthe way. I did write some things own, but we never had that meeting. Everything was hanging so quickly. TifEany had a publiast now and the newspapers and agazines were fuU of features and gossip about her: 'Tifihny and her secrets' ,' Tiffany goes shopping with her mum - what did they buy?' ,' Tifiiany and love -Tifliany's boyfriend gjves an exclusive interview' . Tifihny's boyfriend also had a new role in the band. Tiffany said that he was now their 'Executive Manager'. 'm not sure what he did, but the name made him sound ery important.I think they gave him the new role to keep um happy and because they wanted him to stay out ofthe way. The bands for the final programme amved at the elevision studio in limousines, but I travelled separately There were security guards at the stage door and lots of fans behind barriers. Every time someone came near the stage door, the fans screamed and shouted at them. I had a pass for the stage door and when I was going inside, fans asked me for my autogTaph. They didn't know who I was, but perhaps was famous. However, the the did recognise Tiffany. They were shouting her name when she amved and so were the photographers. They all wanted the best photo for tomorrow morning's newspapers. The band arrived with TifEany but stayed behind her. There was no interest in them or the new guy who was playing bass.And they were no longer called 'The Bus Drivers'or' Tiffny and the Bus Drivers' just ' Tiffany ' . Tonight there were two other acts performing as well. Tiffany still had a long way to go before she could be the winner of Talent Tonight. ……
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