中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 外文出版社 (2012-01出版)
The year 2008 was an extraordinary one in the history of the People's Re-public of China (PRC). In that year China overcame a devastating earthquake, with the epicenter in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province; successfully hosted the 29th Olympic Games and Paralympics in Beijing; and greeted the 30th an-niversary of the adoption of reform and opening-up policies. Historic changes have taken place in the relations between contemporary China and the rest of the world. The Chinese economy has become an impor-tant part of the world economy, China has become an important member of the international system, and the future and destiny of China have been increasing-ly closely connected with the international community. China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world enjoy prosperity and stability without China. Starting from this new historical turning point, China is unswervingly taking the road of peaceful development, unswervingly carrying out its policies of reform and opening-up and socialist modernization, unswervingly pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace and a national defense policy solely aimed at protecting its territory and people, and endeavoring to build, together with other countries, a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity. China adheres to taking the Scientific Outlook on Development as an important guiding principle for national defense and armed forces building; is actively adapting itself to new trends in world military development, taking it as its fundamental purpose to safeguard national sovereignty, security and de-velopment, taking reform and innovation as its fundamental driving force, and advancing the modernization of its national defense and armed forces from a higher starting point. ……
The year 2008 was an extraordinary one in the history of the People's Re-public of China (PRC). In that year China overcame a devastating earthquake, with the epicenter in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province; successfully hosted the 29th Olympic Games and Paralympics in Beijing; and greeted the 30th an-niversary of the adoption of reform and opening-up policies. Historic changes have taken place in the relations between contemporary China and the rest of the world. The Chinese economy has become an impor-tant part of the world economy, China has become an important member of the international system, and the future and destiny of China have been increasing-ly closely connected with the international community. China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world enjoy prosperity and stability without China. Starting from this new historical turning point, China is unswervingly taking the road of peaceful development, unswervingly carrying out its policies of reform and opening-up and socialist modernization, unswervingly pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace and a national defense policy solely aimed at protecting its territory and people, and endeavoring to build, together with other countries, a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.
China's National Defense in 2008 (January 2009) Fifty Years of Democratic Reform in Tibet (March 2009) China's Actions for Disaster Prevention and Reduction (May 2009) Development and Progress in Xinjiang (September 2009) China's Ethnic Policy and Common Prosperity and Development of All Ethnic Groups (September 2009) The Internet in China (June 2010) China's Human Resources (September 2010) Progress in China's Human Rights in 2009 (September 2010) China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation (December 2010) China's Efforts to Combat Corruption and Build a Clean Government (December 2010) China's National Defense in 2010 (March 2011) China's Foreign Aid (April 2011) Sixty Years Since Peaceful Liberation of Tibet (July 2011) China's Peaceful Development (September 2011) The Socialist System of Laws with Chinese Characteristics (October 2011) New Progress in Development—oriented Poverty Reduction Program for Rural China (November 2011) China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change (2011) (November 2011) China's Foreign Trade (December 2011) China's Space Activities in 2011 (December 2011)
版权页: China has joined all international treaties and international organizations in the field of non-proliferation. It attaches great importance to the role of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in preventing the proliferation of WMD. China supports the role played by the UN in the field of non-proliferation, and has conscientiously implemented the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. China is dedicated to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and firmly promotes the Six-Party Talks process on that issue. China facilitated the adoption of "Initial Actions for the Implementation of the Joint Statement" and the "Second-Phase Actions for the Implementation of the Joint Statement" re-spectively in February and October 2007. China maintains that the Iranian nuclear issue should be resolved peace-fully by political and diplomatic means. China has participated in the meetings of foreign ministers or political directors of the ministries of foreign affairs,and hosted a meeting of political directors of the ministries of foreign affairs of those six countries in Shanghai in April 2008. China has also actively taken part in the deliberation on the Iranian nuclear issue at the International Atomic En-ergy Agency (IAEA) and the UN Security Council, playing a constructive role. China attaches great importance to non-proliferation export control, and has established a comprehensive legal system for export control of nuclear,biological, chemical and missile and related dual-use items and technologies.China has also constantly updated these laws and regulations in light of its international obligations and the need for export control. China amended the Regulations of the PRC on the Control of Nuclear Exports in November 2006,the Regulations of the PRC on the Control of Dual-Use Nuclear Items and Re-lated Technologies Exports in January 2007 and its Control List in July of the same year. China has spared no effort in strengthening law enforcement in the field of non-proliferation export control.