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FOREWORDPREFACEChapeter1 General Physical Environment 1.1 Topography 1.2 Climater 1.3 Vegetation and soil 1.4 Hydrogeologic conditions 1.5 River systems 1.6 Lakes 1.7 GlaciersChapter 2 Temporal and Spacial Distribution of Main Hydrologyical Elements 2.1 Atmospheric moisture content andvapor transfer 2.2 Prectipitaion 2.3 Runoff 2.4 EvaporationChapter 3 Surface Water Resources 3.1 Regionalization of surface water resources 3.2 Regional total annual precipitation 3.3 Regiona annual runoff 3.4 Variation of the ampleness and dryness of water resources and representativeness analysis 3.5 Annual runoff of main rivers 3.6 Water amount dischatging into seas and flowing out/in through national boundaricsChapter 4 Groundwater ResourcesChapter 5 Gross Water ResourcesChapter 6 Water QualityChapter 7 Issues in China's Water Resources