Welcome to ANSI/lSO Standard C, and to C++, too! This book presents leading-edge computing technologies for com-puter science students, software developers and IT professionals. At Deitel & Associates, we write computer sciencetextbooks for college students and professional books for software developers. We also teach this material in industryseminars at organizations worldwide. This book was a joy to create. To start, we put the previous edition under the microscope: The entire C portion of the previous edition was reviewed by a distinguished review teamincluding the head and assistant head of the working group responsible for the C standard (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14) and other experts from industry and academia. All of this material was carefully tuned.All of the chapters have been significantly updated and upgraded.We updated the history of computing in Chapter 1.We added a new chapter on game prog amming with the Allegro C library.We added a new chapter that takes a deeper look at sorting.We added a new chapter introducing the C99 standard. This was placed last among the C chapters to make it nvenient to include or omit.We included a completely new section on object-oriented programming in C++ based on C+ + How to Program, 5/e.We added an appendix on solving and programming the wildly popular game of Sudoku.All of this has been carefully scrutinized by a substantial team of academics, industry developers and members of theworking group responsible for the C standard. We believe that this book and its support materials have everything instructors, students and professionals need for aninformative, interesting, challenging and entertaining C educational experience. In this Preface, we overview variousconventions used in the book, such as syntax coloring the code examples and code highlighting.We also discuss thebook's comprehensive suite of ancillary materials that help instructors maximize their students' learning experience,including the Prentice Hall Instructor's Resource Center (which contains the Instructor's Manual, Test Item File andPowerPoint Slide lecture notes), companion Web site, SafariX (Pearson Education's WebBook publications) and more.
本书是全球畅销的C语言教程之一。全书系统介绍了4种流行的程序设计方法一一面向过程、基于对象、面向对象以及泛型编程,内容全面、生动、易懂,由浅入深地介绍了结构化编程和软件工程的基本概念,从简单的概念到最终完整的语言描述,清晰、准确、透彻、详细地讲解C语言,尤其注重程序设计思想和方法的介绍。在内容方面,本书新增加了介绍C99标准、排序、基于AllegroC函数库的游戏编程以及有关c++面向对象程序设计的章节,并且在附录中增加了Sudoku游戏程序设计的讲解。“活代码”方法是本书的另一特色,它可以促进学生积极地参与到程序设计中来。书中列出的各种程序设计提示,是作者多年教学经验的总结。 本书不仅适合于初学者学习,作为高校计算机程序设计教学的教科书,也同样适用于有经验的程序员,作为软件开发人员的专业参考书。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, the Internet and the Web Chapter 2 Introduction to C Programming Chapter 3 Structured Program Development in C Chapter 4 C Program Control Chapter 5 C Functions Chapter 6 C Arrays Chapter 7 C Pointers Chapter 8 C Characters and Strings Chapter 9 C Formatted Input/Output Chapter 10 C Structures, Unions, Bit Manipulations and Enumerations Chapter 11 C File Processing Chapter 12 C Data Structures Chapter 13 C Preprocessor Chapter 14 Other C Topics Chapter 15 Game Programming with the Allegro C Library Chapter 16 Sorting: A Deeper Look Chapter 17 Introduction to C99 Chapter 18 C++ as a Better C; Introducing Object Technology Chapter 19 Introduction to Classes and Objects Chapter 20 Classes: A Deeper Look, Part 1 Chapter 21 Classes: A Deeper Look, Part 2 Chapter 22 Operator Overloading Chapter 23 Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance Chapter 24 Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism Chapter 25 Templates 718Chapter 26 Stream Input/Output Chapter 27 Exception Handling Appendix A Internet and Web Resources Appendix B Operator Precedence Charts Appendix C ASCII Character Set Appdndix D Number Systems Appendix E Game Programming: Solving Sudoku Index
插图:How can one book appeal to both groups? The answer is that the common core ot me 0ook emphasizes acmevmg program clarity through the proven techniques of structured programming. Nonprogrammers learn programming the right way from the beginning. We have attempted to write in a clear and straightforward manner: The book is abundantly illustrated. Perhaps most important, the book presents hundreds of complete working programs and shows the outputs produced when those programs are run on a computer. We call this the "live-code approach." All of these example programs may be downloaded from our website www. deitel, corn/books/chtp5.The first four chapters introduce the fundamentals of computing, computer programming and the C computer pro gramming language. Novices who have taken our courses tell us that the material in these chapters presents a solid foundation for the deeper treatment of C in Chapters 5-14. Experienced programmers typically read the first four chap ters quickly and then discover that the treatment of C in Chapters 5-14 is both rigorous and challenging. They particu larly appreciate the detailed treatments of pointers; strings, files and data structures in the later chapters.Many experienced programmers appreciate the treatment of structured programming. Often they have been program ming in another structured language, but because they were never formally introduced to structured programming, they are not writing the best possible code. As they learn C with this book, they are able to improve their programming style.So, whether you are a novice or an experienced programmer, there is much here to inform, entertain and challenge you.Most people are familiar with the exciting tasks computers perform. Using this textbook, you'll learn how to com mand computers.to perform those tasks. It is software(i.e., the instructions you write to command computers to perform actions andmake decisions) that controls computers (often referred to as hardware). This text introduces programming in C, which was standardized in 1989 in the United States through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), then worldwide through the efforts of the International Standards Organization (ISO). We call this Standard C.We also introduce C99——the latest version of the C standard. C99 has not yet been widely adopted, so we chose to discuss it in (optional) Chapter 17. Chapters 1-16 discuss Standard (ANSI/ISO) C.Optional Chapter 15 presents the Allegro game programming C library. The chapter shows how to use Allegro to create a simple game. We show how to display graphics and smoothly animate objects, and we explain additional fea tures such as sound, keyboard input and text output. The chapter includes web links and resources that point you to over 1000 Allegro games and to tutorials on advanced Allegro techniques.Computer use is increasing in almost every field of endeavor. In an era of steadily rising costs, computing costs have been decreasing dramatically due to rapid developments in hardware and software technologies. Computers that might have filled large rooms and cost millions of dollars a few decades ago can now be inscribed on the surfaces of silicon chips smaller than a fingernail, costing perhaps a few dollars each. Ironically, s'.ilicon is one of the most abundant mate rials on earth —— it is an ingredient in common sand. Siliconchip technology has made computing so economical that about a billion general-purpose computers are in use worldwide, helping people in business, industry and government and in their personal lives. That number could easily double in the next few years.
“I bare been teaching introductory programming courses since 1975, and programming in the C language since x986. In the beginning there were no good textbooks on C——in fact there weren't any! When Deitel, C Hmv to Program, I/e, came out, wejumped on it——it was at the time clearly the best text on C. The new edition continues a tradition——it's by far the best student-oriented textbook on programming in the C language——the Deitels have set the standard——again!A thorough, careful, student-oriented treatment of not just the language, but more importantly, the ideas, concepts, and techniques of programming! The addition of "live code" is also a big plus——encouraging active participation by the student. A great text!” ——Richard Aibright Goldey-Beacom College“ C Hov to Program, 5/e, continues a tradition of excellence as a C textbook. The book presents C clearly and accu- rately, targeting beginning programmers wvith a well-organized exposition which builds from simple concepts to ulti- mately describing the complete language. The entire language is presented, which makes the book valuable for experienced programmers. An addition to the fifth edition is a chapter on game programming using the Allegro library, which will whet the appetites of many buddingprogrammers. This is an exceptional textbook and reference for the C programmer.” ——Ray Seyfarth, University of Southern Mississippi“ A great book for the beginning programmer. Covers material that will be useful in later programming classes and the job market” ——Fred J. Tydeman, Tydeman Consulting, Vice-chair of Jll (ANSI “C”)“Of any C textbook on the market, the Deitel book easily provides the clearest and most in-depth approach to standard C programming for students of all abilities. With the Deitel C textbook, my students have a tremendous resource that will enable them to succeed not only in my classroom but in theprofissional wvorkplaceforyears to come.” ——William Smith, Tulsa Community College“This book is an invaluable resource for both beginning and seasoned programmers. The authors' approach to explaining the concepts, techniques, and practices is comprehensive, engagin and easy to understand. This is a must-have book.” ——Bin Wang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University
《C大学教程(第5版)(英文版)》:The complete, authoritative DEITEL live-code introduction to C, with a stantial introduction to object-oriented programming(OOP) in C++!C is one of the world's most popular programming languages. This new edition of the world's most widely used Ctextbook introduces four of today's popular programming paradigms——procedural, object-based, object-oriented andgeneric programminng.C How to Program, 5/e, includes new chapters introducing the C99 standard, sorting and game programming with theAllegro C library, and an appendix on programming the game of Sudoku. It includes a completely new section on OOPin C++ based on C++ How to Program, 5/e.Dr. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel are the founders of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the internationally recognizedcorporate training and content creation organization specializing in C, C++, Visual C# 2005, Visual Basic 2005, VisualC++.NET, Java, XML, Python, Perl, lnternet, Web and object technologies. The Deitels are the authors of many otherbest-selling programming language textbooks, including Java How to Program, 6/e, Internet & World Wide WebHow to Program, 3/e and C++ How to Program, 5/e.C How to Program, 5/e's instructor and student resources include Web sites with the book's code examples and information for faculty, students and professionals.
这本书写的不错,现有的英文版C语言教材中, 比较好!