《精细化工专业英语》是针对精细化工学科发展和教学需要而编写的精细化工专业英语教材。课文材料分五部分,共30单元,内容涉及普通化学(元素及周期表、无机和有机化合物的命名、性质等);有机化合物波谱(紫外-可见光谱、红外光谱、核磁共振、质谱等);有机化学实验(重结晶、蒸馏、分离、合成等) ;精细化学品基础知识(药物中间体、香料、化妆品、染料、农药等)以及精细化工的最新进展和应用等。为便于学生自学,每个单元均配有词汇表,并对课文做了必要的注释。《精细化工专业英语》内容既注重对专业知识面的覆盖,又照顾专业的历史发展资料,并反映当前最新发展状况和若干重要科技领域(如能源、环保等)。 《精细化工专业英语》可供高等学校精细化工专业或相关专业三四年级学生使用,也可供同等英语程度化学工程师或相关领域的科技人员使用。
PART 1 INTRODUCTION OF GENERAL CHEMICALSUnit 1 The Elements and the Periodic TableUnit 2 The Nomenclature of Inorganic CompoundsUnit 3 Hydrogen PeroxideUnit 4 Nomenclature of HydrocarbonUnit 5 Nomenclature of the Compounds Containing OxygenUnit 6 The AlkanesPART 2 SPECTROSCOPY OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDSUnit 7 Ultraviolet SpectroscopyUnit 8 Quantitative Application of UV/Vis SpectroscopyUnit 9 Infrared SpectroscopyUnit 10 An Introduction to High-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) SpectroscopyUnit 11 Mass SpectrometryUnit 12 Examination of a Standard X-ray Diffraction PatternPART 3 TECHNIQUES AND EXPERIMENTS FOR ORGANIC CHEMISTRYUnit 13 Cleaning UpUnit 14 Techniques of RecrystallizationUnit 15 DistillationUnit 16 Separation of the Components of “Panacetin”Unit 17 The Preparation of Synthetic “Banana Oil”Unit 18 The Preparation of Azo DyesPART 4 FINE CHEMICALSUnit 19 General Introduction of Fine ChemicalsUnit 20 Drug Development and ProductionUnit 21 Fragrance and FlavorUnit 22 CosmeticsUnit 23 Dyes and PigmentsUnit 24 Agricultural ChemicalsPART 5 THE APPLICATION OF FINE CHEMICALSUnit 25 Inorganic Photovoltaic Materials and Devices: Past, Present, and FutureUnit 26 Perfluorinated Surfactants and the Environmental Implications of Their Use in Fire-Fighting FoamsUnit 27 Chemistry of 2-Acety1-1-pyrroline, 6-Acety1-1, 2,3,4-tetra-hydropyridine, 2-Acety1-2-thiazoline, and 5-Acety1-2,3-dihydro-4H-thiazine: Extraordinary Maillard Flavor CompoundsUnit 28 The Natural Constituents of Historical Textile DyesUnit 29 Development and Characterization of Silicone/Phosphorus Modified Epoxy Materials and Their Application As Anticorrosion and Antifouling CoatingsUnit 30 The Recent Development of Vitamin DVOCABULARY