周岩,张达球,陈宜 主编
本书为期出版的《会展英语》、《会展实务英语》的配套教材,专门针对英语文化和礼仪编写而成。 本书由8个单元构成,采用案例导入法编写,既阐述了全展来的礼仪概念和文化理论,也注重了中西方礼仪文化的介绍与对比,同进结合会展案例,系统地介绍了会展礼仪相磁规范和具体技巧。 本书既可作为会展经济及相关专业大专院校教材,也可供会展从业人员参考。
Unit 1 General Introduction Part A What is Etiquette and Protocol? Part B Etiquette and Protocol in Events and Exhibitions Part C Think Rightly:Ethics and Etiquette Target PracticeUnit 2 Professional Image for Event Staff Part A The Basics of Professional Images Part B The Images in Business Part C Body Language Part D Top Ten Body Language Tips Target PracticeUnit 3 Daily Etiquette for Event Staff Part A How to Introduce and Be Introduced Part B Handshakes Part C Business Cards Part D Telephone Courtesy Part E Appointment and Visiting Target PracticeUnit 4 Pre-con Meeting Etiquette Part A Invitation Etiquette Part B Conference Room Layout and Seating Arrangement Part C Formal Event Etiquette--Arrival and Seating Target PracticeUnit 5 On-Site Etiquette Part A Greeting Etiquette Part B Trade Show Booth Etiquette Can Attract Attendees Part C Speech Etiquette Part D Etiquette of Audience and Listeners Part E Negotiation Etiquette Part F On-Site Event Orchestration Target PracticeUnit 6 Post-Event Etiquette Part A Gift-Giving Etiquette Part B Business Entertainment Part C Table Manners Part D Tips for Gift-Giving Target PracticeUnit 7 Etiquette in Event Countries Part A Europe Part B Africa Part C The Middle East Part D Asia and the Pacific Part E America Target PracticeUnit 8 Event Ethics, Etiquette and Essentials A~Z Target PracticeReferences
sure those who were invited into the feudal castle knew how to behave properly,so the ceremony could run smoothly.Etiquette is a topic that has occupied writers and thinkers in all sophisticatedsocieties for millennia. All known literate civilizations, including ancient Greeceand Rome, developed rules for proper social conduct. Confucius included rulesfor eating and speaking along with his more philosophical sayings. Early modernconceptions of what behavior identifies a "gentleman" were codified in the 16thcentury, in a book by Baldassare Castiglione, II Cortegiano ( "The Courtier").In the UK, Debrett is considered by many to be the arbiter of etiquettetheir guides to manners and form have long been the last word among the polite society.Traditional publications such as Correct Form have recently been updatedto reflect contemporary society, and new titles Etiquette for Girls and Mannersfor Men act as guides for those who want to combine a modern lifestyle viith traditional values.In America, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington wrote codes of conduct for young gentlemen. The immense popularity of advice columns and booksby Letitia Baldrige and Miss Manners shows the currency of this topic. Even morerecently, the rise of the Internet has necessitated the adaptation of existing rulesof conduct to create etiquette, which governs the drafting of email, rules forparticipating in an online forum, and so on.In Germany, there is an "unofficial" code of conduct, called the Knigge,based on a book of high rules of conduct written by Adolph Freiherr Knigge inthe late 18th century entitled exactly ber den Umgang mit Menschen (On Human Relations). The code of conduct is still highly respected in Germany todayand is used primarily in the higher society.Etiquette may be wielded as a social weapon. The outward adoption of thesuperficial mannerisms of an in-group, in the interests of social advancementrather than a concern for others, is a form of snobbism, lacking in virtue.Cambridge Dictionary defines etiquette as "the set of rules or customswhich control accepted behaviour in particular social groups or social situa-tions", which, in other words, refers to manners and behavior considered ac-ceptable in social and business situations. In Cambridge Dictionary, protocol isdefined as "the system of rules and accepted behaviour used at official ceremo-nies and occasions" . This concept often focuses on customs and regulationswith diplomatic etiquette and courtesies in official situations,such as negotiations.