王维波 著
少数民族文化是中华文化的重要组成部分,是中华文化百花园中的奇葩。没有少数民族文化的多彩多姿、争奇斗艳,就没有中华文化的博大精深和迷人魅力,就没有中华民族的无限活力和历久弥新。只有使各民族的文化瑰宝交相辉映,中华民族的团结和谐才会有更加强韧的纽带,中华民族的智慧和创造才会有不竭的源泉,中华文明才会不断焕发出蓬勃的生机和活力。 我国现有13所少数民族高校,在校少数民族学生比例均在65%以上,有的院校高达80%以上。在近几年的大学英语教学中,我们发现许多少数民族学生尽管对自己民族的文化有所了解,但仅仅局限于用本民族语言或汉语表达层面上,而一旦将其放在英语层面时,要么表达不清楚,要么不会表达,即使涉及最简浅的内容也是如此。少数民族高校是专门培养少数民族专业人才的地方,是少数民族文化集中和传播的要地。今天在校的少数民族大学生是我国少数民族文化走出中国、走向世界的传承人。我们认为,在中国文化以英语作为载体走向世界的同时,我国的少数民族文化也应该如此。对少数民族学生来说,在自己英语水平不断提高和进步的过程中.以英语为平台触及自己本民族文化,无疑是一件一举两得之事:一是学习英语;二是熟知本民族文化,更重要的是他们是在用世界上使用范围最广的语言传承和传播本民族文化。 少数民族高校具有开发和创建少数民族文化英语传播渠道的责任和义务。自1978年以来,经历了30年改革开放之后的中国正在以一个开放、和谐和团结的大国姿态活跃在世界大舞台上。中国文化从来没有像今天这样在全球范围内引入瞩目、为人接受、令人赞赏。我国少数民族文化在中华文化中具有其独特和不可替代的地位。
Unit 1 A Large Fami ly with 56 Ethnic Groups56个民族一个大家庭Text A Fifty-six Ethnic Groups as Fifty-six Flowers56个民族56朵花ExercisesText B The FiftY-five Ethnic Minorities in China中国55个少数民族ExercisesText C The Fifty—six Ethnic Groups and their Alternative Names56个民族及其别称ExercisesUnit 2 The Mongol Ethnic Group,the People on Horseback马背上的民族——蒙古族Text A The Mongol Ethnic Group.the Elites on the Grasslands草原骄子——蒙古族ExercisesText B The Incomparable Chingis Khan天下无敌的成吉思汗ExercisesText C Nadam Fair那达慕大会ExercisesUnit 3 The Hui Ethnic Group,the People of Unity in Diversity多元一体的民族——回族Text A The Ethnic Group from the Silk&Spices Road丝绸与香料之路上走来的民族ExercisesText B The Immortal Voyage to the West by Zheng He不朽之旅——郑和下西洋ExercisesText C Legends on the Festivals Observed by the Huis回族节日的传说ExercisesUnit 4 The Tibetan Ethnic Group,the Ancient Residents on the Snow-covered Plateau雪域高原上的古老居民——藏族Text A The Tibetan Ethnic Group,the People Living on the Roof of the World生活在世界屋脊上的民族——藏族ExercisesText B Gesar,a King Legendary Figure传奇人物——格萨尔王ExercisesText C Bathing Festival沐浴节ExercisesUnit 5 The Uygur Ethnic Group,the People Living in the Oasis in Gobi Desert戈壁绿洲上的民族——雒吾尔族Text A The Uygurs,the United Ethnic Group团结的民族——维吾尔族ExercisesText B Mahmud Kashghari,the Pride of the Uygur Ethnic Group维吾尔族的骄傲——马赫穆德?喀什噶尔ExercisesText C The Muslim Grand Festival—Corban穆斯林的盛大节日——古尔邦节ExercisesUnit 6 The Korean Ethnic Group,the People Honoring Teachers and Teaching尊师重教的民族——朝鲜族Text A The Korean Ethnic Group,the People in White白衣民族——朝鲜族ExercisesText B Dances by the Korean Ethnic Group朝鲜族舞蹈ExercisesText C Sports by the Korean Ethnic Group朝鲜族体育运动ExercisesUnit 7 The Manchu Ethnic Group。the People from White Mountain and Black Water来自“白山黑水”的民族——满族Text A A Bird's Eye View of the Manchu Ethnic Group三言两语话满族ExercisesText B The Prosperous Culture of the Manchu Ethnic Group繁荣文化看满族ExercisesText C The Unique Customs of the Manchu Ethnic Group独特风俗话满族ExercisesUnit 8 The Zhuang Ethnic Group,the Most Populous Minority in China人口最多的少数民族——壮族Text A The Ethnic Group Living in “Stone Caves”“石山洞民”——壮族ExercisesText B Lady Xian,Goddess of the South of the Five Ridges“岭南圣母”——冼夫人ExercisesText C Song Fair in Zhuang Villages壮乡歌圩ExercisesUnit 9 The Yi Ethnic Group,the People Adoring Black Color崇尚黑色的民族——彝族Text A The Yi Ethnic Group,Expressing Themselves through Songs and Dances用歌舞表达感情的民族——彝族ExercisesText B The Torch Festival火把节ExercisesText C Sani People's Marriage and Ashima'S Love Story撒尼人婚俗和阿诗玛的爱情故事ExercisesUnit 10 The People Wearing Bright—colored Costumes and Playing the Lusheng as Well花衣银装不离笙的民族——苗族Text A The Miao Ethnic Group,Good Dancers and Singers能歌善舞的民族——苗族ExercisesText B Distinctive Costumes of the Miao Ethnic Group独具特色的苗族服装ExercisesText C Miao Festivals苗族人的节日ExercisesKey to Exercises中国少数民族文化英语阅读(中文)参考文献