UNIT1 SuccessSample 1 WinnersSample 2 How to Achieve SuccessSample 3 On the Way to Success)Sample 4 Luck Also CountsSample 5 Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?UNIT 2 Time & MoneySample 1 The Value of TimeSample 2 Don"t Waste TimeSample 3 How Important Is Money?Sample 4 What Is Money For?UNIT 3 Failure & GrowthSample 1 Facing FrustrationSample 2 Wonderful Failure(7)Sample 3 FailureSample 4 Just to TrySample 5 Pain and GrowthUNIT 4 Golden AdviceSample 1 Be Brave to Make DecisionsSample 2 Another DoorSample 3 Living in the PresentSample 4 Where There Is a Will, There Is a WayUNIT 5 Education & LearningSample 1 Going Abroad to StudySample 2 How to Learn with SuccessSample 3 The Importance of EducationSample 4 English and ISample 5 No Books in the Future?UNIT 6 Competition & CooperationSample 1 The Importance of CooperationSample 2 CompetitionSample 3 My View on Competition and CooperationSample 4 What Has Competition Brought to Me?UNIT 7 Life & HappinessSample 1 A Simple Truth about HappinessSample 2 My Idea of a Happy LifeSample 3 What Makes Life Worthwhile?Sample 4 Life Is to Be WholeSample 5 My Idea of BeautyUNIT 8 Love & FriendshipSample 1 The Great HelpSample 2 Thank You, Mum!Sample 3 A Friend in Need Is a Friend IndeedSample 4 Of FriendshipSample 5 Generation GapUNIT 9 Women & Women"s LiberationSample 1 Women Should Not Be NeglectedSample 2 Chinese Women - Half of the SkySample 3 Women Are Free to Make a ChoiceUNIT 10 Media & EntertainmentSample 1 Television, Good or Bad?Sample 2 A Case for AdvertisingSample 3 My View on AdvertisementsSample 4 Computer Games Are GreatSample 5 Down with Computer Games!UNIT 11 GlobalizationSample 1 Globalization. Opportunities and ChallengesSample 2 Are We Lost?Sample 3 New Century, New Challenges!UNIT 12 Eco-environmentSample 1 On TourismSample 2 Be a Good TravelerSample 3 Let Us Put Our Words into Our DeedsA PPENDIX 1 Famous QuotesA PPENDIX 2 English Proverbs
Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today it is my great honor to be here and give my speech about lucky numbers. Many people believe that some numbers are lucky numbers and some are bad numbers. They claim that lucky numbers like6, 8, 16, and 18, or any numbers ending in 8 can bring them good luck, while bad numbers like 4 can bring disasters. They think the lucky numbers have magic power, and their success or failures are related to certain numbers. That is why we can see the number 8 is so popular on most price tags in our country. Some people pay much more money for their telephone numbers or car plate numbers with an 8 or 6 in them. But do the socalled lucky numbers really bring good luck? Well, as far as I am concerned, this belief is superstitious and ridiculous. Take the number 8 for example, it is believed to be the lucky number only because its sound happens to be identical to that of the word of "make a fortune" in Cantonese. This is just a coincidence. There is no connection between sound andsense. Just as Shakespeare once said, "If we call a rose by any other name, it would smell sweet as well." Indeed there is nothing mysterious about lucky numbers. A number is a thing,and good luck is another. They have nothing to do with each other. How can you ever have any good luck simply because of some lucky numbers even if you don" t work hard, don" t have good opportunities or don"t get along well with the people around you? Numbers were invented by mankind, so they should serve people instead of being our master and controlling us. As a matter of fact, I think those people who depend on lucky numbers for their fortune or success lack self-confidence.Remember, it is not numbers that bring good luck; it is our hard work, our own ability and our strong will that help us succeed. As for me, if my number in this speech contest were 4 or 14, I would not be frightened. Or if it were 8 or 18, I would not be overjoyed, either. What I will do, and that is actually what I am doing now, is to try my best to demonstrate myself,to speak out my mind, and to be the master of my own destiny. Thank you very much!
以前同类书籍比较零散,且集中在大人物主题上,内容太成人化,学生 习作又多有缺陷,而此书由熟悉学生情况、了解学生思想感受的青年作家亲 手编写,更具针对性和指导性。 ——樊葳葳 华中科技大学教授、外语学院院长 每篇演讲作文的构思与立意都有值得学习和借鉴之处,遣词造句上也显 示了深厚的语言功底,既可以作为练习演讲、提高口语水平之用,又可以作 为练习作文、提高英语写作能力的参考书。 ——母兴春 中学英语高级教师 内容丰富,发人深省,从不同角度反映了当代青少年的精神追求和真挚 情感。 ——侯 灿 全国大学生英语竞赛(2003年)一等奖获得者 文章不仅构思精巧,而且凸显了英语演讲作文在内容与语言上的特点。 ——邹霞 全国高中生英能奥林匹克竞赛(2004年)二等奖获得者 分类很清楚,每篇文章都附有词汇表达的注释、参考译文、简要讲析, 读者可以更好地理解演讲稿,提高演讲水平。 ——刘 学 全国初中生英语能力竞赛(2002年)二等奖获得者
内容很适合普通中学生英语演讲,作为学习资料也不错。具体话题都很贴近学生生活,语言浅显易懂,结构符合一般演讲要求,很不错的书籍,可惜很多书店没有卖。例如The Imporation of Cooperation, Friendship, Dream,