Tune in to the extemal environment
1.1 Mapping a new future
1.2 The past doesn't help anymore
1.3 Predictable cycles of change
1.4 Businesses with a buzz
1.5 Scanning your business environment
1.6 Summary
Diagnose organization capability
2.1 The challenge of the 1990s
2.2 Organizing for change
2.3 The strategy lever
2.4 Structure as a lever for change
2.5 Systems can be sexy
2.6 The people lever and culture change
2.7 Managing for the future
2.8 Identifying your agenda for change
2.9 Summary
Change starts with you
3.1 Adjust your mind-set
3.2 The change will change you
3.3 Believe you can make a difference
3.4 The paradox of personal change
3.5 Letting go
3.6 Managing personal transition
3.7 From meddler to strategist: influendng styles
3.8 Summary
Understanding the change process
4.1 The challenge to management
4.2 Change hurts
4.3 The predictable process of change
4.4 Why individuals resist: translating negatives into
4.5 Summary
Building a culture for change
5.1 No quick fix
5.2 Creating an internal market for change
5.3 Investing in education
5.4 Total immersion in the business
5.5 Shared vision
5.6 Spelling out the changing requirement
5.7 Joint diagnosis of business problems
5.8 Reinforcing a 'people matter' style
5.9 How ICL created a culture for change
5.10 The lessons for sustaining change
5.11 Summary
Anticipating and managing resistance
6.1 Resistance and the status quo
6.2 Organizational and individual inertia
6.3 Identifying resistant forces
6.4 Resistance as momentum for change
6.5 Some techniques for managing resistance
6.6 Summary
Visionary leadership
7.1 The vision thing
7.2 Building a shared vision
7.3 Leading change
7.4 Living the vision
7.5 The long goodbye
7.6 Summary
Destabilizing the status quo
8.1 Speeding up the unfreezing process
8.2 Immovable objects and irresistible forces: the
dynamics of change
8.3 Harbingers of doom
8.4 Surfacing dissatisfaction
8.5 Recognizing a common enemy
8.6 Engineering a crisis
8.7 Summary
Communicate like crazy
9.1 Information: the antidote to uncertainty
9.2 What to communicate when ambiguity abounds
9.3 Glasnost: the open style
9.4 The $64,000 question: how?
9.5 Top-down' or bottom-up'?
9.6 Ownership and early involvement
9.7 Establishing communication channels
9.8 Ten commandments for getting it wrong
9.9 Summary
Time, timing and transition
10.1 Change takes longer than you think
10.2 Evolutionary v. revolutionary change
10.3 Lead-times and change tools
10.4 Timing is all
10.5 Announcementitis: macho v. Zen
10.6 Managing transition: creating time and space
10.7 Summary
Making it happen
11.1 Are you convinced?
11.2 Summary of key messages and challenges
11.3 Becoming a change star
11.4 A process for leading change
Further reading