本书是《在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语教学大纲》编订后出版的第一部词汇练习专用书,也是作者多年词汇教学经验的总结。该书的特点如下: 1.编排独特,注重实效。运用自如比识别词义更加重要。考虑到读者在主动使用英语词汇时的困难,该书的内容不仅仅是选项练习,也包括汉译英词组练习和词形练习。汉译英练习涉及的词汇以大纲规定词汇为主,按英语字母顺序排列,覆盖绝大部分单词和词组,但也增加少量同义词和常用词。目的是提高记者的词汇使用熟练程度,减少其写作和翻译方面的困难。增添词形练习旨在提高使用词汇的效率,并减少拼写错误。 2.重点突出,覆盖面宽。本书练习的重点为词形相近的词、有一定难度的词、易混淆的词和人们不熟悉而又常用的词义。词组和常用短语也占一定的比例。通过对大纲词汇做精心的筛选,本书确保读者对重点词汇的意义和用法有进一步的了解,从而从根本上提高阅读能力。由于该书中出现的词汇众多,读者只要认真完成每项练习,就可遇到几乎所有规定的词汇。 3.附有注释,加深印象。为了使读者理解某些词和词组的用法和区别,答案部分附有解释,说明正确选项的合理性,另外对某些难懂的句子也翻译成汉语。汉译英练习的答案尽量提供多种译法。 本书设法减少读者在英语学习中可能遇到的困难,尽量满足不同层次读者的需要,提高其英语水平。
第一部分 选项练习 答案 解释第二部分 词型变换练习 答案第三部分 词组翻译
693 Molecules are in A.consistent B constant C.considerate D.constructive 694 Language is its validity. A controversial B.COnjunction C consequence D.conventionaI 695.Their social systems are different,but their interests A.correspond B coincide C agreeD conform which is invisible to our naked eyesin the sense that there is no absolute standard by which tO judge B.conservative C.contradictory 696n many aspectsearly hours is more beneficial to one’S health than staying up late A.Keeping B.Living C Making D Taking 697.He has been working for nearlytired. A succeeding B regarding C running D including seven hours .H 698 The girl was able tO lose weight by dieting.Many of her friends A.held water B broke ground C.turn the corner D followed suit 699.Disciplinary actions will be taken against those students who others A.swear at B aim at C gaze at D smile at 700.Perspective buyers of housing have to make sure that the houses in the contractspecltlcanons A adapt to B.conform to C.correspond to D abide by701 Driver————————are a contributing factor in one—and-fl—half million crashes a year
掌握足够的词汇是通过各类英语考试的基本条件,《在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语辅导丛书 词汇教程》由北京市研究生英语教学研究会专家编写,针对联考词汇难度和范围精心选编了词汇练习题1000多道,让你在集中而专门的训练中迅速强化词汇能力,为英语阅读及其它方面打下坚实的基础。
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