张卫平 郭庆民
《人文科学专业英语教程》自1999年出版以来,深受读者欢迎,被许多高校用作专业英语教学阶段的教科书。2006年,它又被教育部评为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,这无疑体现了专家和学者们对该教材的肯定。新的荣誉带来了新的要求,在试用了七八年后,我们觉得有必要对原教材进行较大规模的修订,以便使教材内容和语言都更好地反映时代的要求。 其次,修订这本教材还基于以下的原因:2004年初,教育部颁发了《大学英语课程教学要求》,用以替代原来的《大学英语教学大纲》。它在“较高要求”和“更高要求”中,对学生的专业英语能力提出了比原来的教学大纲更高的要求;根据大纲制订者的解释,这是为了适应我国改革开放新形势的要求而采取的举措。 形势的确在变化,但是,这并不意味着学习英语的规律完全变了。而许多这类教材编写者所追求的目标和境界就是如何使教材既反映时代的变化又保持传统的优势。在新修订的这本教材中,我们采用经典和时文相结合的方式,力图实现这一目标。如果说原教材在选材上侧重著名学者的经典著作的话,那么,新修订的版本则是一方面保留了内容和文字皆佳的经典之作,另一方面又补充了相当数量的上个世纪后半期至今的著作,这样不仅可以体现语言的时效性,也能够使读者接触到新知识和新论点。
Unit OneText: The Reality of the External WorldReading Passage One: Philosophers DoubtsReading Passage Two: Philosophy in Education: The Allegory of the CaveUnit TwoText: Historian in an Age of CrisisReading Passage One: The WardenReading Passage Two: To Make Them Stand in FearUnit ThreeText: Religion and RealityReading Passage One: Honor the DivineReading Passage Two: American Religion: The State, the Congregation and the PeopleUnit FourText: The Function of LiteratureReading Passage One: Tradition and the Individual TalentReading Passage Two: Some Self-AnalysisUnit FiveText: The Subject-Matter of EthicsReading Passage One: An Analysis of Moores Definition of GoodReading Passage Two: The Defence of Common SenseUnit SixText: Value Judgment in HistoryReading Passage One: The Rehabilitation of EuropeUnit SevenText: Religious EvolutionReading Passage One: Modem Mission, Global ChristianityReading Passage Two: Whats Right about the Religious RightUnit EightText: Abstraction in Science and ArtReading Passage One: The Metaphysical HypothesisReading Passage Two: Clive Bell and His Metaphysical HypothesisUnit NineText: Jamess Theory of TruthReading Passage One: The Need for a Theory of the GoodReading Passage Two: NatureUnit TenText: History and the Social SciencesReading Passage One: Biography and HistoryReading Passage Two: The Seismic Sixties: When and Why Did the Sixties Begin?Unit ElevenText: What Is Theological Knowledge?Reading Passage One: The Collapse of Community and CustomReading Passage Two: Changing Patterns in American Religious LifeUnit TwelveText: Some Coordinates of Art CriticismReading Passage One: The Work of Art as Imaginary ObjectReading Passage Two: Art as ExperienceAppendix I Key to ExercisesAppendix II Chinese Translation of the TextsAppendix III Glossary