Immediately popular when published over a century and a half ago, Jane Eyre has contnnuea to find appreciative audiences. This student casebook offers a unique interdisciplinary approach to the study of Charlotte Brontes landmark novel. While it gives insightful literary analysis, it also contextualizes the novel in terms of the historical social issues it confronts. Expert commentary is supported with primary documents from legal and medical treatises, magazine articles, letters, essays and firsthand accounts. A personal biography written by Elizabeth Gaskell, an acquaintance of Bronte, offers a detailed account of the Cowan Bridge School. which Charlotte attended and fictionalized in Jane Eyre.
DEBRA TEACHMAN teaches English liteature and composition at New Mew Mexico State University Alamogodo.
Introduction1. Literary Analysis: Jane Eyre2. Education for Victorian GirlsFROM:Mrs. Sarah Trimmer, The Economy of Charity; or,an Address to Ladies; Adapted to the Present Stateof Charitable Institutions in England (1801)Frances Power Cobbe, Life of Frances Power Cobbe,as Told by Herself (1904)Hannah Lynch, Autobiography of a Child (1899)Elizabeth Gaskell, The Life of Charlotte Bronte (1857)"An Enquiry into the State of Girls’ FashionableSchools" (Fraser’s Magazine, 1845)Hannah More, Strictures on the Modern System ofFemale Education (1799)Thomas Gisborne, An Enquiry into the Duties of theFemale Sex (1797)William Duff, Letters on the Intellectual and MoralCharacter of Women (1807)3. The Governess in Nineteenth-Century EnglandFROM:M. Mostyn Bird, Woman at Work: A Study of the DifferentWays of Earning a Living Open to Women (1911)Mary Wollstonecraft, Thoughts on the Education ofDaughters, with Reflections on Female Conduct inthe More Important Duties of Life (1787)Advice to Governesses (1827)Sarah Lewis, "On the Social Position of Governesses"(Fraser’s Magazine, 1848)Anne Bronte, Agnes Grey (1847)Elizabeth Gaskell, The Life of Charlotte Bronte (1857)4. Madness and Victorian Women: Diagnosis and TreatmentFROM:Henry Maudsley, Body and Mind (1873)Henry Maudsley, Responsibility in Mental Disease (1874)Alexander Morison, Outlines of Mental Diseases (1824)William Willis Moseley, Eleven Chapters on Nervousand Mental Complaints (1838)Andrew Wynter,George C. Brodrick, English Land and EnglishLandlords (1881)Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Lawsof England (1765)William Alexander, The History of Women from theEarliest Antiquity, to the Present Time (1779)Sir Frederick Pollock and Frederic William Maitland,The History of English Law Before the Time ofEdward I (1898)6. Jane Eyre: Issues in the Twenty-first CenturyIndex