[美]迈克尔·A.希特 (Michael A.Hitt),[美]R.杜安·爱尔兰 (R.Duane Ireland),[美]罗伯特·E.霍斯基森 (Robert E.Hoskisson)
本书是一部战略管理的经典著作,英文版在美国一直得到广大工商界人士、教授和MBA学生的普遍认可,引入国内以来也广受好评。第8版沿袭了原有的框架体系,再次为读者展示了充满睿智并兼具实践性的战略管理分析: 1.精心整合战略管理领域著名的两大理论:工业组织经济学和企业资源基础观,以解释战略管理过程及其在各种类型组织中的应用。 2.全面涵盖战略管理理论,采用经典的研究成果,同时包含许多战略管理文献的最新内容。 3.应用导向,展示了大量有关战略管理思想、技术和工具的范例和应用。 4.案例全面更新,多数案例附有完整的财务数据。 由于原书篇幅较大,为了更加适合国内高校“战略管理”课程双语教学的需要,改编者对原著作了小幅删减,删除了原书的“战略创业”一章及“公司治理”一章中公司控制权市场部分的内容。此外,原书的24个案例保留了8个经典案例:AMD与英特尔、波音、戴尔、福特、华为、微软、雀巢及沃尔玛。
迈克尔·A·希特(Michael A.Hitt)得克萨斯农工大学杰出教授,拥有商业领导力方向的Joseph Foster教席。于科罗拉多大学获博士学位。与人合著/合编著作26部,发表论文150篇。
在多家国际著名期刊的审稿委员会任职,包括Academy of Management Journal,Academy of Mana
前言第1篇 战略管理的输入 第1章 什么是战略管理 第2章 外部环境:竞争与机遇 第3章 内部组织:行动、资源和能力第2篇 战略行动:战略规划 第4章 建立并维持竞争优势 第5章 业务层战略 第6章 公司层战略 第7章 收购与重组战略 第8章 国际化战略 第9章 合作战略第3篇 战略行动:战略执行 第10章 公司治理 第11章 组织结构与控制 第12章 战略领导力第4篇 案例 案例1 AMD与英特尔:竞争的挑战 案例2 波音:重新界定战略,管理竞争市场 案例3 戴尔:从一家低成本的PC制造商成长为一家创新型公司 案例4 福特汽车公司 案例5 华为:思科的中国对手 案例6 微软的多元化经营战略 案例7 雀巢:在成熟市场持续增长 案例8 沃尔玛公司-
插图:Managing Cooperative StrategiesAlthough cooperative strategies are an important means of firm growth and enhancedperformance,managing these strategies is challenging.Learning how to effectively man-age cooperative strategies is important however,in that being able to do so can be a sourceof competitive advantage.128 Because the ability to effectively manage cooperative strate-gies is unevenly distributed across organizations in general,assigning managerial respon-sibility for a firm's cooperative strategies to a high-level executive or to a team improvesthe likelihood that the strategies will be well managed.Those responsible for managing the firm's set of cooperative strategies should takethe actions necessary to coordinate activities,categorize knowledge 1earned from previ-OUS experiences,and make certain that what the firm knows about how to effectivelyform and use cooperative strategies is in the hands of the right people at the right time.And firms must learn how to manage both the tangible assets and the intangible assets(such as knowledge)that are involved with a cooperative arrangement.Too often,part-ners concentrate on managing tangible assets at the expense of taking action to also man-age a cooperative relationship’s intangible assets.129Two primary approaches are used to manage cooperative strategies——cost minimization and opportunity maximization”。(see Figure 9.4).In the cost minimization management approach,the firm develops formal contracts with its partners.These contractsspecify how the cooperative strategY is to be monitored and how partner behavior isto be controlled.The TNK-BP joint venture discussed previously is managed throughcontractual agreements.The goal of the cost minimization approach is to minimize thecooperative strategy’s cost and to prevent opportunistic behavior by a partner.The focusof the second managerial approach——opportunity maximization——is on maximizing apartnership’s value.creation opportunities.In this case,partners are prepared to takeadvantage of unexpected opportunities to learn from each other and to explore addi.tional marketplace possibilities.Less formal contracts,with fewar constraints on partners’behaviors,make it possible for partners to explore how their resources and capabilities can be shared in multiple value.creating ways.Firms can successfully use both approaches to manage cooperative strategies.However,the costs to monitor the cooperative strategY are greater with cost minimiza.tion,in that writing detailed contracts and using extensive monitoring mechanisms isexpensive,even though the approach is intended to reduce alliance costs.Although mon-itoring systems may prevent partners from acting in their own best interests,they alsooften preclude positive responses to new opportunities that surface to use the alliance'scompetitive advantages.Thus,formal contracts and extensive monitoring systems tendto stifle partners'efforts to gain maximum value from their participation in a cooperativestrategy and require significant resources to put into place and use.The relative lack of detail and formality that is a part of the contract developed byfirms using the second management approach of opportunity maximization means thatfirms need to trust each other to act in the partnership’s best interests.A psychological state,trust in the context of cooperative arrangements is“the expectation held by onefirm that another will not exploit its vulnerabilities when faced with the opportunity to do so.”132 When partners trust each other,there is less need to write detailed formal contracts to specify each firm’s alliance behaviors)13’and the cooperative relationship tendsto be more stable.134 On a relative basis,trust tends to be more difficult to establish ininternational cooperative strategies compared with domestic ones.Differences in tradepolicies,cultures,laws,and politics that are part of cross-border alliances account forthe increased difficulty.When trust exists,partners’monitoring costs are reduced andopportunities to create value are maximized.EssentiaUy,in these cases,the firms havebuilt social capital.135 According to company officials.the alliance between Renault andNissan that we examined in the Strategic Focus is built on“mutual trust between thetwo partners…together with operating and confidentiality rules.”136 Research showing that trust between partners increases the likelihood of alliancesuccess seems to highlight the benefits of the opportunity maximization approach tomanaging cooperative strategies.Trust may also be the most efficient way to influenceand control alliance partners’behaviors.Research indicates that trust can be a capabil.ity that is valuable,rare,imperfectly imitable,and often nonsubstitutable.137 Thus,firmsknown to be trustworthy can have a competitive advantage in terms of how they developand use cooperative strategies.138 One reason is that it is impossible to specify all operational details of a cooperative strategY in a formal contract.Confidence that its partnercan be trusted reduces the firm's concern about the inability to contractually control a11alliance details.A cooperative strategy is one where f_rms work together toachieve a shared objective Strategic alliances.where firmscombine some of their resources and capabilities to createa competitive advantage.are the prima ry form of coopera-tive strategies Joint ventu res fwhere firms create and ownequal shares of a new venture that is Intended to developcompetitive advantages),equity strategic alliances(whereflrms own different sha res of a newly created venture)andnonequity strategic alliances(where fi rms cooperate through acontractuaI relationship)a re the th ree basic types of strategicalliances.Outsou rcing,discussed in Chapter 3,commonlyoccurs as flrms form nonequity strategic alliancesCollusive strategies a re the second type of cooperative strategies(with strategic alliances being the other).In many economies,explicit collusive strategies are illegal unless sanctionedby gove rnment policies Increasing globalization has led tofewer government-sanctioned situations of explicit collusionTacit collusion,also called mutuaI forbea rance.is a coopera-live strategy th rough which firms tacitly cooperate to reduceindustry output below the potentiaI competitive output Ievelthereby raising prices above the competitive levelThe reasons firms use coope rative strategies va ry by slowcycle.fast-cycle,and standa rd-cycle market conditions.Toenter restricted ma rkets(slow-cycle).to move quickly fromone competitive advantage to another(fast-cycle),and to gainmarket power(standa rd-cycle)a re among the reasons whyfirms choose to use cooperative strategies.Four buslness-level cooperative strategies are used tohelp the f_rm improve its performance in individuaI productma rkets(1)Th rough vertical and horizontal complementaryalliances,companies combine thei r resou rces and capabili-ties to create value In different parts(vertical)or the samepa rts(horizontal)of the vaIue chain(2)Competition-responding strategies a re formed to respond to competitors'actions,especially strategic ones(3)Competition-reducingstrategies a re used to avoid excessive competition whilethe fI rm ma rshals jts resources and capabilities to improveits competitiveness(4)Uncertainty-reducing strategiesare used to hedge against the risks created by the conditions of unce rtain competitive envi ronments(such as newproduct ma rkets)Complementa ry alliances have the highestprobability of yielding a sustainable competitive advantage;competition-reducing alliances have the lowest probability ofdoing so.Firms use corporate-level coope rative strategies to engagein p roduct and/or geog raphic dive rsification Th roughdive rsifying strategic alliances.
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才看完最开始的overview,已经很强大了,思路逻辑非常清晰,对于没接触过管理学的建议买。以后要创业的明白vision 和mission怎么写。此书偶会接着看。