托马斯·R·戴伊(Thomas R.Dye),美国著名公共政策学家,曾执教于美国佐治亚大学、威斯康辛大学和宾夕法尼亚大学,现为美国政府McKenzie教授、佛罗里达州立大学名誉教授。著有《理解公共政策》、《州和社区的政治学》、《美国政治学》、《谁掌管美国?》、《自上而下的政策
前言第1章 政策分析:政府做什么。为什么要这么做,这样做有何作用和影响 1.1 公共政策是什么? 1.2 为什么要研究公共政策? 1.3 从政策分析中能学到什么? 1.4 政策分析与政策倡议 1.5 政策分析与寻求解决美国问题的方案 1.6 政策分析既是技术又是艺术 注释 参考书目 网站第2章 政治模型:为思考公共政策提供帮助 2.1 用于政策分析的模型 2.2 制度主义:政策是制度的输出 2.3 过程模型:政策是政治活动 2.4 理性主义:政策是社会效益的最大化 2.5 渐进主义:政策是过去政策的补充和修正 2.6 团体理论:政策是团体利益的平衡 2.7 精英理论:政策是精英的价值偏好 2.8 公共选择理论:政策是自利个人的群体选择 2.9 博弈理论:政策是竞争状态下的理性选择 2.10 模型:如何区分不同模型的实际价值 注释 参考书目 网站第3章 政策制定过程:决策活动 3.1 政策过程:如何制定政策 3.2 问题确认与议程设定 3.3 自下而上的议程设定 3.4 自上而下的议程设定 3.5 “不决策”:决定哪些问题不予决策 3.6 议程设定与舆论动员:大众传媒 3.7 政策形成 3.8 利益集团与政策制定 3.9 政策合法化:最直接的决策者 3.10 政策执行:官僚制 3.11 政策评估:印象派与系统化 小结 注释 参考书目 网站第4章 刑事司法:公共政策的理性与非理性 4.1 美国的犯罪 4.2 犯罪与威慑 4.3 犯罪要付出代价吗? 4.4 警察与执法 4.5 打击犯罪的联邦政策 4.6 犯罪与枪支 4.7 反毒品运动 4.8 犯罪与法院 4.9 《诈骗犯罪与腐败行为法》(RICO)与自由 4.10 监狱与改造政策 4.11 死刑 小结 注释 参考书目 网站第5章 卫生与福利:寻求理性策略 5.1 福利国家的理性与非理性 5.2 定义问题:美国的贫困问题 5.3 谁是穷人? 5.4 为什么穷人会受穷? ……第6章 教育政策:团体的竞争第7章 经济政策:实践中的渐进主义第8章 税收政策:特殊利益之争第9章 国际贸易与移民:精英与大众之间的冲突第10章 环境政策:外部性与利益第11章 公民权利:精英与大众的互动第12章 美国的联邦主义:制度安排与公共政策第13章 国防政策:重大博弈的策略第14章 国土安全:恐怖主义与无法阻止的威胁第15章 政策评估:发现法律通过后发生了些什么索引
插图:What are the implications of elite theory for policy analysis? First, elitism implies that public policy does not reflect the demands of the people so much as it does the interests, values, and preferences of elites. Therefore, change and innovations in public policy come about as a result of redefinitions by elites of their own values. Because of the general conservatism of elites that is, their interest in preserving the system——-change in public policy will be incremental rather than revolutionary. Public policies are frequently modified but seldom replaced. Changes in the nature of the political system occur when events threaten the system, and elites, acting on the basis of enlightened self-interest, institute reforms to preserve the system and their place in it. The values of elites may be very "public regarding." A sense of noblesse oblige may permeate elite values, and the welfare of the masses may be an important element in elite decision making. Elitism does not necessarily mean that public policy will be hostile toward mass welfare but only that the responsibility for mass welfare rests on the shoulders of elites, not masses.Second, elitism views the masses as largely passive, apathetic, and ill informed; mass sentiments are more often manipulated by elites, rather than elite values being influenced by the sentiments of masses; and for the most part, communication between elites and masses flows downward. Therefore, popular elections and party competition do not enable the masses to govern. Policy questions are seldom decided by the people through elections or through the presentation of policy alternatives by political parties. For the most part these "democratic" institutions——-elections and parties——are important only for their symbolic value. They help tie the masses to the political system by giving them a role to play on election day and a political party with which they can identify. Elitism contends that the masses have at best only an indirect influence over the decision-making behavior of elites.Elitism also asserts that elites share in a consensus about fundamental norms underlying the social system, that elites agree on the basic rules of the game, as well as the continuation of the social system itself. The stability of the system, and even its survival, depends on elite consensus in behalf of the fundamental values of the system, and only policy alternatives that fall within the shared consensus will be given serious consideration. Of course, elitism does not mean that elite members never disagree or never compete with one another for preeminence. It is unlikely that there ever was a society in which there was no competition among elites. But elitism implies that competition centers on a very narrow range of issues and that elites agree more often than they disagree.
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