刘振聪,修月祯 编著
写作之道,存乎一心。纵观中国历史,能文之人众多,例如导致洛阳纸贵的左思、七步能文的曹植,即是其中之翘楚。单就英语学术论文而论,其种类繁多,有专题论文、课程论文、毕业论文、期刊论文等等,凡此种种,不一而足。其范式、结构、体裁大都遵循英美学术界通行准则,自成一格,与中文论文格式大相径庭。这种状况无形之中给中国学人传播学术设置了障碍,形格势禁,难有突破;最终往往陷入学术不昌、故步自封之境地! 但是,天下大势,浩浩荡荡,顺之者昌,逆之者亡。值此大同之际,允功允能,立功立言立德,互通有无,无疑应该是题中应有之义!可喜的是,我们已经有部分先行者经过不懈努力,不但已经开始在国际学术刊物上发出自己的声音,而且有日趋频密之势。即便如此,仍然还有许多学人或迫于形势,或限于条件,对英语学术论文写作及其规范不知虚实,虽有在国际学术刊物上发表论文的心愿,但是不得其门而人,无从措手!本书意在雪中送炭,助其一偿宏愿,争胜于天下。内容简介 本书共分六章,每章三单元。每章主要围绕三条主线展开。第一条主线是论文写作的主要步骤,第二条主线是论文写作相关事项,第三条主线是论述方法。 论文写作的主要步骤包括选题、材料的收集与评估、列出提纲、论文写作、编写参考文献以及摘要写作。论文写作相关事项包括学术论文的特征、流程、文章的衔接与连贯、文体特点、图表的使用、写作规范、参考文献的标注以及致谢等。至于论述方法,则主要介绍定义法、因果法、比较与对照法、议论法以及记叙法等。 附录包括三篇范文以及一个常用格式指南。参考答案则与各章练习相匹配,供读者参考。 本书特点 概括而论,本书具有以下四个特点: 第一,内容齐全,涵盖面广。包括论文写作的主要方面,如选题、材料收集及评估、提纲、遣词造句、衔接与连贯、文献引用及其标注、论文写作、修改、定稿以及摘要写作等。 第二,切合实际,针对性强。主要针对如何在国外英文期刊上发表论文的问题,充分考虑在校研究生及广大在职专业人士的现实需要。
本书共分六章,每章三单元。每章主要围绕三条主线展开。第一条主线是论文写作的主要步骤,第二条主线是论文写作相关事项,第三条主线是论述方法。 论文写作的主要步骤包括选题、材料的收集与评估、列出提纲、论文写作、编写参考文献以及摘要写作。论文写作相关事项包括学术论文的特征、流程、文章的衔接与连贯、文体特点、图表的使用、写作规范、参考文献的标注以及致谢等。至于论述方法,则主要介绍定义法、因果法、比较与对照法、议论法以及记叙法等。 附录包括三篇范文以及一个常用格式指南。参考答案则与各章练习相匹配,供读者参考。
Chapter One Introduction Part One Introduction to Academic Writing Part Two Procedures of Academic Writing Part Three Definition Writing Chapter Two Research Topic Part One Choosing a Title Part Two Tables and Figures Part Three Cause and Effect Chapter Three Data Collection and Evaluation Part One Data Collection and Evaluation Part Two Developing an Outline Part Three Comparison and Contrast Chapter Four Writing Style Part One Citation vs. Plagiarism Part Two References Part Three Language Style Chapter Five Paper Writing Part One Paper Writing Part Two Cohesion and Coherence Part Three ArgumentationChapter Six Abstrace Part One Abstract Writing Part Two Description Part Three Rounding out the PaperAppendix 1 Sample Paper of ArtsAppendix 2 Sample Paper of ScienceAppendix 3 Sample Scientific PaperAppendix 4 Common Style GuidesKey to ExercisesReferences
The comments that we are usually familiar with include reviews, comments and analysis, etc., involving books, articles, art, perspectives, characters, events, results of scientific research and so on. However, in academic journals book reviews are also common. Book reviews introduce the main content and evaluate the books strengths and weaknesses. They usually analyze, interpret and evaluate the main points, viewpoints and methods of the book, making use of certain methods and perspective, the fundamental purpose of which is to promote new books and provide objective assessment for reference. In accordance with the manner of writing, book reviews can be divided into those mainly introducing the content of the book, those keeping a balance between narrative and comment and those mainly focusing on the review. Although these approaches do not vary in quality, it is undeniable that book reviews focusing on comments are more academic and more difficult to write. For the reader who only wants to learn the current situation of the book market, it is advisable to read the introductory book reviews. If he also wants guidance from an expert, then the narrative-and-comment- balanced book review is a good choice. For readers familiar with the book market, the comment-focused book reviews are the best choice. Of the four types of academic papers discussed above, descriptive papers are most widely used in natural sciences but also used in social sciences, that is to say, they are the most typical academic paper type. Therefore, the authors choose them as the focus of discussion in this book. Task Two Paper Evaluation Pick up two academic journals, one about social sciences, and the other about natural sciences. In groups, discuss the types of papers in the journals. How many types of papers are there in the journals? Are there other types than those discussed above? If so, what are they?
很不错的英语书 对于写学术论文很有帮助 柑橘不错
一般吧 没有想象中的那么有条理