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是成为一名21世纪充满灵气的创造性的编辑,还是成为一个充满匠气的封闭性的编辑?这是每一个编辑课程学习者需要细考的问题。伴随着21世纪信息爆炸和互联网传播事业的迅猛发展,当今世界已经处于海量信息的网络传播环境之中,虽然这种传播环境使得人人皆可成为编辑、记者的梦想变为现实,但是我们也发现,新闻专业主义意义上的编辑角色并没有被数字时代所淘汰,而是被数字时代赋予了新的内涵。所以,成为21世纪创造性的编辑将是新闻传播从业者具有独到价值的职业定位和人生选择。 作为美国新闻传播学的经典教材,《创造性的编辑》以其全面的内容、清晰的结构和不断完善的信息而一直广受好评。其第五版通过对文字编辑创新观念的有效呈现、强化和补充,继续保持了以前所获得的经典教材之声誉。浏览全书,可以发现该书涵盖了平面媒体和网络媒体编辑实务的所有重要方面,而且该书作者从基本的语言技巧训练开始,逐步引导读者了解和认识专业化文字编辑工作的每个阶段及其所遇到的重要问题。 一、新闻传播的核心和基石:文字编辑的重要角色 《创造性的编辑》(第五版)的作者认为,21世纪的编辑将依旧处于平面媒体和网络媒体组织的核心环节,这个职位能够为媒体构建和保持公信力而提供专业知识,同时为公众获得新闻和娱乐信息而担当看门人的角色。中国人民大学新闻学院郑兴东教授、陈仁风教授、蔡雯教授的《报纸编辑学教程》中曾对报纸编辑工作的重要性有过这样论述:报纸编辑工作相对于报纸及其新闻传播活动而言是“总设计与总指挥”、“集大成者和总把官人”。可见,在新闻传播的工作流程之中,编辑的重要性不言而喻。这一点在传统的媒体时代如此,在新媒体时代亦然,而且其重要性比历史上以往的任何时刻显得更加重要。 在传媒组织中,编辑和记者的职业角色有所不同。在西方媒体组织结构图中,记者是处于新闻报道最前沿的角色,他们负责直接进行新闻采写并向编辑部提供最初的新闻报道稿件;而编辑则分为若干的层级,其中文字编辑处于记者和总编辑、执行主编、特写编辑、图片编辑等其他层级编辑之间,并在媒体的整个制作流程中发挥着重要作用。由此可见,文字编辑是整个新闻媒体组织中最为关键的环节之一。在某种意义上,编辑其实更像一个新闻传播过程的“指挥家”,协调、调动各种信息资源,并推动新闻传播过程有序向前发展;有时编辑又像是新闻传播活动的“总导演”,通过自己的工作不断地挖掘新闻传播的价值,为公众呈现出更为完美的新闻传播作品。 如今,传媒管理人员也已经认识到并看重优秀文字编辑的价值,这也表明具有优秀文字编辑基本素质的从业者将在未来的职业生涯选择中具有比较优势。另外,那些期望成为传媒管理人员的人也将会发现,文字编辑工作是学习平面媒体和网络媒体错综复杂制作流程的不可或缺的训练基础,而且也是职业化编辑以此为基石而走向媒体管理岗位的最为常规的途径。
多萝西·A·鲍尔斯(Dorothy A.Bowles),美国田纳西大学传播与信息学院新闻与电子媒体系教授。得克萨斯理工大学学士,堪萨斯大学硕士,威斯康星大学博士。曾在美国路易斯安那、得克萨斯、威斯康星、明尼苏达和堪萨斯等地的日报担任要闻记者、体育编辑和新闻编辑。曾在
PrefaceChapter 1 The Copy Editor's RoleChapter 2 Using Correct Grammar and PunctuationChapter 3 Consistent Style and Correct WordsChapter 4 Checking FactsChapter 5 Editing StoriesChapter 6 Legal ConcernsChapter 7 Editing and EthicsChapter 8 TypographyChapter 9 Writing HeadlinesChapter 10 Editing Pictures and InfographicsChapter 11 Design and Layout
Some search engines are crawler-based, meaning that they use computer programscalled "spiders" to scan the Internet continually. Examples are Yahoo! and Google.Everything the spider finds goes into the search engine index, sometimes called thecatalog. Other search engines are more correctly referred to as human-powereddirectories like Open Directory, which rely on humans to build listings to describeWeb sites. Still other search engines are hybrids or mixed results in that they returnresults that combine crawler-based and human-powered listings. Metasearch engines, also called metacrawlers, send searches to several searchengines at the same time. The results from each engine are then blended to form onepage for the user. Some experts recommend using an all-in-one engine at the begin-ning of the search; other experts like to begin with a single engine before conductinga metasearch. Drawbacks of metasearches are the slight increase in retrieval time andthe lack of precision in syntax allowed on individual search engines. All-in-one search pages, unlike metacrawlers, do not send your query to manysearch engines at the same time. Instead, they generally list a wide variety of searchengines and allow you to search at your choice without having to go directly to thatsearch engine. Search engines vary widely in their range of search features and in the waythey index and present their search results. Some index complete Web pages or pagetitles; others add material selectively and review sites based on content; still otherspresent subject indexes for users to browse by keywords. Some Web site administra-tors include coding that instructs indexing robots to omit particular pages fromsearch results. Another difference in search engines is that most guarantee pages will be in-cluded in their index in exchange for a fee. Google is an exception to this busi-ness model. All rely on advertising for revenue, but some engines maintain separate"editorial" services. This isnt to imply that paid listings dont contain worthwhileinformation on the Web pages, but search engine users arent always informed aboutwhich results lead to editorial material rather than advertisements in disguise. Ananalogy would be a newspaper or TV station that did not delineate between newscontent and advertising messages. Previous editions of this textbook contained names and URLs for popularsearch engines. Rapid changes in Internet technology and the financial instabil-ity of many Internet-based companies threaten long-term accuracy of such a list.Consequently, readers are directed instead to Search Engine Watch at http://www.searchenginewatch.com, a Web site that stays abreast of developments in the worldof search engines——which ones are most usable, are most popular, possess specialfeatures or require payment for listings. In addition, this site offers Web searchingtips and reviews, ratings and tests about how well individual engines perform. Thesite links users to all the major search engines, popular metasearch engines, kid-safeservices and others. This site was created and is maintained by Danny Sullivan, anInternet consultant and journalist with no potentially compromising entanglementswith the search engine industry.