王建军 著
从学英语专业第一年算起,我已经在第二语言习得与教学领域摸爬滚打将近15载。如今,一股急于分享第二语言学习心得的热情无法遏制。然而,究竟采取何种形式才能最有效地展示出自己对于写作的理解与理念却时刻困扰着我。是详细阐述写作理念,还是寻找一种通向成功的捷径?这种抉择让我苦恼了很久。 我一直负责的写作十大全真预测班给了我极大的启发。改错,模仿,成功。对学生来说,这难道不是最有效的一条捷径吗?君不见有多少胸怀壮志、信心满满的“烤鸭”屠鸭失败、壮志难酬?君不见有多少苦苦背诵大量范文的“烤鸭”无功而返?究其根源,无外乎是学而不致用,背而不能用。其实,没有吸取前辈的经验教训,又怎会不偏离成功的轨道呢?这也是本书的理论基础。 本书有三大亮点: 1.所有作文题目皆出自雅思作文真实题库,绝不自编。由于“烤鸭”们精诚团结,每次雅思考试过后各大论坛都会有考生对试题的回忆。笔者根据雅思官方的信息以及这些宝贵的回忆,自己总结了大量的考试真题,并给予了详尽的解读。 2.所有学生作文皆出自雅思考生之手。由于我主讲写作预测班课程,手里收集了大量学生原汁原味的文章。这样我们就可以更好地做到知已知彼,百战不殆。 3.所有范文皆出自作者之手。书中的范文都是笔者多年教学的成果,经受了雅思的检验,希望能帮助考生在写作水平上取得质的飞跃。 在此,感谢那些帮助我、鼓励我、督促我甚至批评我的朋友们,没有你们,本书很难顺利出版。 最后,我要告诉我最亲爱的学生们,王老师真诚地希望你们早日跨越语言难关,踏上追梦之旅。
从学英语专业第一年算起,我已经在第二语言习得与教学领域摸爬滚打将近15载。如今,一股急于分享第二语言学习心得的热情无法遏制。然而,究竟采取何种形式才能最有效地展示出自己对于写作的理解与理念却时刻困扰着我。是详细阐述写作理念,还是寻找一种通向成功的捷径?这种抉择让我苦恼了很久。 我一直负责的写作十大全真预测班给了我极大的启发。改错,模仿,成功。对学生来说,这难道不是最有效的一条捷径吗?君不见有多少胸怀壮志、信心满满的“烤鸭”屠鸭失败、壮志难酬?君不见有多少苦苦背诵大量范文的“烤鸭”无功而返?究其根源,无外乎是学而不致用,背而不能用。其实,没有吸取前辈的经验教训,又怎会不偏离成功的轨道呢?这也是《王老师雅思作文批改本》的理论基础。
With the development of society, the issue about the cost of health care and educationhas elicited a heated discussion among people.(With the advance in society, the issueabout...)l Some people consider that government should afford the expenditures on healthcare and education, which can facilitate peoples life.(Some people. .. government shouldcover which can ensure peoples life considerably.) As for me, I argue that paying forhealth care and education is an efficient methodology for government to promote harmonyof the whole society.(...governmental investment in health care and education is anefficient methodology to promote the living standards.) Admittedly, if the government dont provide citizens with the cost of health care andeducation, moneys saved can be used in other parts of social life.(...the government donot cover the cost of health care money saved can be allocated to address other socialurgencies, among which are traffic jam and environmental pollution.) Its a fact that thiscost occupies a lot of governments expenditures.(It is a fact that the expenditure hasexerted tremendous pressure on the already limited national budget.) Nevertheless, thegovernment paying for health care and education gives priority to citizens in the country.(Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to give top priority to peoples life in the country.) Initially, governments help can lighten peoples burden.(...governmental assistancecan guarantee a qualified life of people, especially the needy.) Its no denying that a fewpeople are unable to afford the cost of health care and education.(There is no denyingthat, with low living standards, quite a few people fail to meet necessary needs of theirdaily life, not to mention spending sufficient money enjoying decent medical service andqualified schooling.)
所有文章都紧扣真题,考生以举—反三,对雅思实战大有裨益 严格按照雅思作文评分标准,一丝不苟批改学生作文 所有学生文章都来自雅思考生,有极强的参考价值 每一句都进行精心的修改,并给出详解 每一篇都有可以模仿的范本,精益求精 妙语点评,精心为你总结雅思写作的好词好句 来自10,000考生雅思作文实战范例 名师王建军10年教学经验精华汇粹