现代商务英语综合教程 教学参考书(第1册)
自20世纪90年代以来,经济全球化逐渐渗透到社会生活的方方面面,而随着中国加入WTO后与国际接轨程度的进一步加深,对于具有良好的英语语言技能同时精通商务知识的复合型人才的需要日益凸显。当今,商务英语的范畴已延伸到与商务有关的所有领域,包括营销、管理、贸易、金融、法律、电子商务和跨文化交际等,构成了具有自己特色的完整的商务英语体系。 从培养目标上看,商务英语课程的教学目的不仅仅是了解有关领域的基本知识,更重要的是能够灵活运用英语进行有效的商务沟通,处理国际商务中的实际问题。这种变化和概念的更新给商务英语教学在内容和质量上都提出了更高的要求,这是传统的大学英语教学所不能达到的。教育部《关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见》中也明确指出:“从根本上来讲,外语是一种技能,一种载体;只有当外语与某一被载体相结合,才能形成专业。过去常见的是外语与文学、外语与语言学的结合。应该看到,即使在社会主义市场经济的条件下,我国高校仍肩负着为国家培养外国语言文学学科领域的研究人员的任务。同时,我们也应当清醒地面对这样一个现实,即我国每年仅需要少量外语与文学、外语与语言学相结合的专业人才以从事外国文学和语言学的教学和研究工作,而大量需要的则是外语与其他有关学科——如外交、经贸、法律、新闻等——结合的复合型人才,培养这种复合型的外语专业人才是社会主义市场经济对外语专业教育提出的要求,也是新时代的需求。”适应这一要求,我们设计了这套系列教材。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Business Chapter 2 Business Recruitment Chaptor 3 BusinessCommunication Chapter 4 Teamwork Chapter 5 Business Travel Chapter 6 Business Etiquette Chapter 7 Health and Safety Chapter 8 Setting Up a Business Chaptar 9 Products Chapter 10 Price Chapter 11 Markets Chaptar 12 Customers
5. Develop a series of phone-screening questions. Compile a list of suitablequestions you can ask over the phone to help you quickly identify qualified candidatesand eliminate everyone else. 6. Review the resumes you receive and identify your best candidates. Once you postyour ad, youll start receiving resumes, sometimes many more than you anticipated.Knowing what youre looking for in terms of experience, education and skills will helpyou weed through these resumes quickly and identify potential candidates. 7. Screen candidates by phone. Once youve narrowed your stack of resumes toa handful of potential applicants, call the candidates and use your phone-screeningquestions to further narrow the field. Using a consistent set of questions in both thisstep and your face-to-face interviews will help ensure youre evaluating candidatesequally. 8. Select candidates for assessment. Based on the responses to your phoneinterviews, select the candidates you feel are best qualified for the next step in theprocess. 9. Assess your potential candidates for their skills and attributes using a provenassessment tool. A resume and phone interview can only tell you so much about a jobapplicant, so youll need a dependable assessment tool to help you analyze the corebehavioral traits and cognitive reasoning speed of your applicants. For example, a goodtest will provide insights as to whether the individual is conscientious or lackadaisical,introverted or extroverted, agreeable or uncompromising, open to new ideas or close-minded, and emotionally stable or anxious and insecure.