克莱兰,爱尔兰 著
第1篇 导论
第1章 项目管理的演变
第2章 为何开展项目管理
第3章 项目管理过程
第2篇 项目的战略内容
第4章 何时运用项目管理
第5章 项目的战略内容
第6章 董事会与大项目
第7章 项目利益相关者管理
第8章 项目管理中的战略问题
第3篇 项目管理的组织设计
第9章 项目管理的组织
第10章 项目组合管理
第11章 项目授权
第12章 项目管理成熟度
第4篇 项目实施
第13章 项目规划
第14章 项目管理信息系统
第15章 项目监督、评估和控制
第16章 项目挣值管理系统
第17章 项目终止
第5篇 项目管理中的人际动力学
第18章 项目领导
第19章 项目沟通
第20章 成功的项目团队
第6篇 文化因素
第21章 通过项目持续改进
第22章 项目管理中的文化因素
第7篇 新展望
第23章 可选择的项目团队
版权页:插图:Especially with the evolution of contemporary organizations, such as the matrix, traditional bureau-cratic hierarchies have declined and horizontally oriented teams and work units became increasinglyimportant to effective project management (Fisher, 1993; Marshall, 1995; Shonk, 1996).Increasingly, the team leader's role as supervisor has been diminished in favor of more empowermentand self-direction of the team, as defined in Table 20.2. In addition, advances in information technology made it feasible and effective to link teammembers over the Internet or other media, creating a virtual team environment, as described inTable 20.3. Virtual teams and virtual project organizations are powerful managerial tools, especiallyfor companies with geographically dispersed project operations, and for linking contractors,customers, and regulators with the core of the project team. These contemporary team concepts are being applied to different forms of project activities inareas of products, services, acquisition efforts, political election campaigns, and foreign assistanceprograms. They are also found in specialty task groups such as venture teams, skunk works, processaction teams, and focus groups. For these kinds of highly multifunctional and nonlinear processes,researchers stress the need for strong integration and orchestration of cross-functional activities,linking the various work groups into a unified project team that focuses on energy and integrates allsubtasks toward desired results. While these realities hold for most team efforts in today's workenvironment, they are especially pronounced for efforts which are associated with risk, uncertainty,creativity, and team diversity such as high-technology and/or multinational projects. These are alsothe work environments that first departed from traditional hierarchical team structures and triedmore self-directed and network-based virtual concepts (Fisher, 1993).