王黎 主编
第一部分 英语词汇学精要问答
绪 论
第1章 词与词汇的基本概念
第2章 英语词汇的形成和发展
第3章 英语构词法ⅰ
第4章 英语构词法ⅱ
第5章 词义
第6章 语义关系与语义场
第7章 词义的演变
第8章 词义与语境
第9章 英语习语
第10章 英语词典
第二部分 模拟测试题
附录 英语词汇学术语表
(b) From proper noun to common noun. Words commonized from proper nouns have experienced the same semantic change. Many proper nouns, including person name, place name, book name and even trade mark become common nouns used in everyday life. A good example is the word newton, a unit of force now, from Sir. I. Newton, an English mathematician and natural philosopher. Another case is the word quixotic, meaning “an impractical idealist” now, coming from name of a figure in the novel Don Quixotic. (c) From concrete to abstract. With the development of language, some words denoting concrete meaning may be used in an abstract sense, thus enlarging the range of word meaning. For example the word pain used to mean “a concrete punishment”, now it refers to an abstract concept “sufferings”. (2) Narrowing of meaning, also called specialization, is the opposite of extension. It is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower or specialized sense. In other words, a word that used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special meaning in present-day English. Deer is a typical example. In Shakespearean line “rats and mice and such small deer”, deer obviously designates “animal” in general. (3) Elevation refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. Some words early in their history signified something quite low or humble, but changed as time went by to designate something agreeable or pleasant. Take a common term nice for example. Its originalmeaning was “ignorant”, then changed to “foolish” and now elevated to mean “delightful, pleasant”.