

魏高原 编 北京大学出版社





魏高原 编  








第一部分(Part I) 基础化学讲座(Chemistry Lectures)第1章(Chapter 1) 化学的本质(The Nature of Chemistry)第2章(Chapter 2) 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学(Chemistry as a Quantitative Science and a Science of Matter)第3章(Chapter 3) 原子、分子和离子(Atoms,Molecules,and lons)第4章(Chapter 4) 气态(The Gaseous State)第5章(Chapter 5) 化学反应和化学计算法(Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry)第6章(Chapter 6) 热化学(TherMochemistry)第7章(Chapter 7) 有机化合物和基团的命名(Nomenclature for Organic Compounds and Groups) 第二部分(Part II) 重要专业术语(Significant Terms)第8章(Chapter 8) 无机化学术语(Inorganic Chemical Terms)第9章(Chapter 9) 有机化学术语(Organic Chemical Terms)第10章(Chapter 10) 物理化学术语(Physical Chemical Terms)第11章(Chapter 11) 分析化学术语(Analytical Chemical Terms)第12章(Chapter 12) 高分子化学术语(Polymer Chemical Terms)第13章(Chapter 13) 生物化学术语(Biochemical Terms) 第三部分(Part III) 化学文献选讲(Chemical Literature)第14章(Chapter 14) 说明性短文(Descriptive Short Articles)第15章(Chapter 15) 期刊论文(Periodical Papers)第16章(Chapter 16) 获奖演说(Award-Receiving Speeches) 第四部分(Part IV) 附录(Appendices)附录A 单位、常数等实用资料(Tables of Units,Constants and Other Useful Material)附录B 习题答案(Answers to Homework 2-7)附录C 试题举例(Sample Final Exam with Answers)附录D 会话材料(Speaking Material)附录E 速读及英译中材料(Speed Reading and English-to-Chinese Material)附录F 中译英材料(Chinese-to-English Material)附录G 常见科技英语词汇(Word Study Material)附录H 常见科技英语语法结构(Structure Study Material)附录I 基本化学术语总汇(Basic Chemical Terms)


  Analytical Chemical Terms  1. The Importance of Analytical Chemistry  Historically, analytical chemistry has always occupied a vital position in the development of chemistry. The successful elucidation of the process of combustion by Lavoisier was due mainly to his employment of a balance in his investigations; he was among the first to recognize the immense power of quantitative measurements in chemical research. The atomic concept of matter dates back at least to ancient Greece, and certainly was not original with John Dalton. Daltons contribution, above all, was to introduce a quantitative aspect to this notion  an aspect that was verifiable by actual experiment. In a very real sense, then, chemical analysis provided the support necessary to convert the atomic theory from a philosophical abstraction into something of physical significance.  Early chemistry was principally analytical in nature. Only as the body of experimental fact increased did it become possible for the chemist to specialize according to his interestsin other fields. Irrespective of choice, however, he continued to rely heavily upon analytical methods and techniques to provide him with experimental information. Analytical chemistry thus assumed the supporting role of an indispensible tool in advancing the state of knowledge in the fields of inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.  This situation is as applicable to the chemistry of today as to that of the past; every experimental investigation relies, .to an extent, upon the results of analytical measurements. A thorough background in analytical chemistry is thus a vital necessity for all who aspire to be chemists, regardless of their field of specialization. Nor need these remarks be limited to prospective chemists. Investigators in virtually all of the physical and biological sciences are obliged to make use of analytical data in the course of their work. The physician relies heavily upon the results of analysis of body fluids。







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