

张承平 编 北京大学出版社





张承平 编  




  全球经济一体化以及我国即将加入WTO的形势对我国的英语教学提出了前所未有的高要求。我国的高层次知识分子如何适应日益频繁的国际交流,游刃有余地熟练运用英语作为工作语言。在广泛的交流活动中把握住各种机遇,充分利用各种机会,实现国际交流的最佳效果等等,这都是摆在我们面前的新课题。因此我国高层次的英语教学改革已经迫在眉睫。《新世纪博士生综合英语>就是适应这种改革而编写的。  本书具有以下特点。第二一,输入与输出相结合,先输入后输出,重在输出,最终实现全面提高英语实际运用能力的目标。全书包括了听、说、读、写、译各种技能的全面训练,每种技能的训练过程都遵循In and Out的双向式途径,而不是停留在被动接受的层面。第二,选材新,内容广。本书绝大部分课文选自90年代以来出版的国外极具权威性的报刊杂志,例如:《时代周刊》(Times)、《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)、《自然>(Nature)、《科学》(Scienee)、《探索》(Discovery)等等,全部文章具有权威性、时代性、可读性、可思性的特点。第三,注重文化修养。每单元有佳作欣赏。为读者提供颇具影响的名篇佳作,并配有编者的导读,能帮助读者提高欣赏能力和水平。  本书由十二单元组成,每单元有三大模块。  第一部分:Reading Practice(阅读实践)。包括课文(Text)、生词(New words and expressions)、注释(Notes)及练习(Exercises)。




Volume One TextUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Volume Two TranscriptUnit 1 Offering and Requesting ClarificationUnit 2 Asking for ConfirmationUnit 3 Making GeneralizationUnit 4 Expressing OpinionsUnit 5 Shifting FocusUnit 6 Divulging InformationUnit 7 Stating ReasonsUnit 8 Expressing Doubt or DisbeliefUnit 9 Making Negative Statements or Comments PolitelyUnit 10 Persuading and Giving inUnit 11 Extending Congratulations and CondolencesUnit 12 Speculating about the Future;Reminiscing about the PastVolume Three KeyBibliography


  came in a recent survey by the Community Services Guild of Madras.a city in TamiI Nadu.Of the 1,250 women questioned,the survey concluded that more than half had killed baby daughters.11 In urban areas easier access to modern medical technology anables women tO act before birth.Through amniocentesis,womencan learn the sex of a fetus and undergo sex-selective abortions.Atone clinic in Bombay,of 8,ooo abortions performed after amniocentesis,7,999 were of female fetuses,according to a recent report bythe Indian government.To be sure,female infanticide and sex-selective abortion are not unique tO India.Social workers in other South Asian states believe that some communities also condone the practice.12 The root problems,according to village women,sociologists and other experts,are cultural and economic.In India,fl young woman is regarded as a temporary member of her natural family and a drain on its wealth.Her parents are considered caretakers whose main responsibility is to deliver a chaste daughter,along with a sizable dowry,tO her husband’S family.13“They say bringing up fl girl is like watering fl neighborS plant,”says R.Venkatachalam,director of the Community Services Guild of Madras.“From birth tO death,the expenditure is there.”The dowry,he says,often wipes out a family’S life savings but is necessary tO arrange a proper marriage and maintain the honor of the bride’S family.14 After giving birth to a daughter,village women“immediately start thinking,‘Do we have the money tO support her through life?’and if they don’t,they kill her,”according to Vasanthai,20,the mother of an 18一month-old girl and a resident of the village where Rani lives.“You definitely do it after two or three daughters.Whv would you want more?”


  《新世纪博士生综合英语(修订版)》可供中级水平以上的英语自学者使用。《新世纪博士生综合英语(修订版)》练习形式多样,基本涵盖了各类高层次考试的题型。还可供想参加TOEFL(托福)、IELTS(雅思)及国内PETS(5)(国家标准五级)等有志之士复习备考。《新世纪博士生综合英语(修订版)》肯有以下特点。第一,输入与输出结合,先输入后输出,重在输出,最终实现全面提高英语实际运用能力的目标。全书包括了听、说、读、写、译各种技能的全面训练,每种技能的训练过程都遵循In and Out的双向式途径,而不是停留在衩动接受的层面。第二,选材新,内容广。第三,注重文化修养。




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