

(美)里坦恩伯格 北京大学出版社









In the first edition of this text, we adopted the theme "Concepts for a Changing Environment." Our objective was to be ahead of the curve in dealing with technology, risk, and changing audit approaches. We were proud to be the first textbook to adopt the business risk approach and to integrate computerized audit techniques into all major audit illustrations. With the second edition, we revised those aspects of the book that took advantage of this new business environment. Now, in the third edition, we continue the theme of change with an increased emphasis on understanding business risk and the new business environment. For example, terms like e-commerce and B2B were unheard of when we wrote the first edition, and we now fully incorporate these topics into the discussion. Truly, the third edition reflects these large shifts in the business environment more than ever before. It is difficult to imagine anything that is changing the shape of business more than the rapid advances in computer technology. Business plans for strategic growth must be based on new and emerging technology, but at some risk. Paper documents are eliminated and replaced with electronic signatures and images. Companies become more interdependent through electronic commerce and need assurance on the operational and integrity features of their trading partners. The third edition fully incorporates these major changes in the business environment. The changing environment allows companies to both succeed and fail at an alarming rate. Thus, the techniques for business risk analysis must be built into every audit. Emphasis has increased on business risk, corporate governance, the quality of financial reporting, and emerging forms of assurance services. More is being demanded of the audit. Auditors are expected to detect material fraud. Companies are expected to present financial reports on the Internet and to have the auditor attest to them on a real-time basis. These trends all present challenges to the auditing profession. More importantly, we assume the continued development of these trends as the foundation for the third edition. We understand that students do not learn best when simply reading and rehashing the textbook. Thus, we continue to emphasize real-world exercises, including significant business risk exercises using the Internet, and real-world computerized exercises. We have included one of the most widely used audit software packages in the world, IDEA™, licensed through CaseWare International, Inc. (formerly licensed through The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants), to provide students with "hands-on" learning experiences and a competitive advantage when they leave the auditing course. We continue to hold the belief that an effective auditing curriculum must encourage students to develop a questioning attitude. Students must work with integrity, understand the importance of the assurance function, and learn how the assurance function will expand with changing business environments.


本版更为强调的是理解商业风险和新的商业环境。本书把在商业环境中发生的主要变化全部组织在一起,以现实中各种趋势的发展作为第三版的编著基础。本版继续强调现实世界练习,其中包括利用网络的有意义的商业风险练习和现实世界的计算机化的练习。本书包含全世界使用最为广泛的审计软件包IDEA,由CaseWare国际公司授权。IDEA提供给学生快速的学习经验和竞争优势。 适用对象:适用于审计学初级课程。


Karrt E.Rittenberg博士是美国University of Wisconsin-Madison会计和信息系统的Ernst & Young 教材,讲授审计、计算机和业务审计。他曾经是内部审计师协会业务部的副主席和内部审计师研究基金的主席;美国会计学协会审计标准委员会的委员;美国会计师协会下属计算机审


Chapter 1: Assurance ServicesChapter 2: corporate Governance,Serving Client and Public lnterests,and Audit ProfessionalismChapter 3: The Audit ProcessChapter 4: Understanding Business Risk: A Framework for Audit PlanningChapter 5: Evaluating the lntegrity and Effectiveness of the Client's Control SystemsChapter 6: Computer-Based Processing: Developing an Audit Assessment ApproachChapter 7: Direct Tests of Account BalancesChapter 8: Audlting Computerized lnformation SystemsChapter 9: Auditing Revenue and Related AccountsChapter 10: Audit SamplingChapter 11: Audit of Acquisition Cycle and lnventoryChapter 12: Auditing Liquid AssetsChapter 13: Audit of Other Assets and Long-Term FinancingChapter 14: Completing the AuditChapter 15: Communicating Levels of AssuranceChapter 16: Professional LiabilityChapter 17 Internal and Value-Added AuditingAppendix: IDEA Tutorial and Cases


Even with its limitations, the test data approach is effective for limited purposes and serves as a basis for the integrated test facility discussed later in this chapter. FRAUD ANALYSIS: A GOOD APPLICATION FOR TEST DATA A common computer fraud is to add code to a computer program to be executed only on encountering specific criteria. For example, a bank fraud may be implemented by a programmer inserting code that says, "If this is my account, do not print any overdraft messages." From a programming view, the coding looks like this: IF ACCOUNT-NO. EQUAL 8075EMP GO TO BMP-MODULE ELSE CONTINUE The programmer has implemented a module that is executed only if a transaction affects his or her account. Because test data normally does not use live data, it is reasonable to ask how test data might detect such a fraud. Fortunately, other software, referred to as process tracing software, can complement the use of test data. The process tracing software identifies computer program modules that were not executed by the test data. The auditor then reviews the computer code of unexecuted modules to determine whether the modules and program flow might be fraudulent. Alternatively, the auditor submits data designed to activate the unexecuted modules in order to determine the processing results. In the situation identified here, the auditor will be able to determine if the module contains unauthorized processing designed to benefit the employee. Integrated Test Facility The integrated test facility (ITF), a logical extension of the test data approach, is designed to overcome a major limitation of test data that confines test results to one point in time. When using an ITF approach, the auditor (usually an internal auditor) develops a "dummy company" against which transactions are submitted for processing concurrently with normal processing of other transactions by the application.


出版者序言2001年12月10日中国加入了世界贸易组织,从此,中国将进一步加大与世界各国的政治、经济、文化各方面的交流和合作,这一切都注定中冈将在未来世界经济发展中书写重要的一笔。 然而,中闽经济的发展正面临着前所未有的人才考验,在许多领域都面临着人才匮乏的现象,杵別是厂解国际贸易规则、能够适应国际竞争需要的国际管理人才,更是中国在未来国际竞争中所必需的人才。因此,制定和实施人才战略,培养并造就大批优秀人才,是我们在新一轮国际竞争中赢得主动的关键。 工商管理硕士(MBA),1910年首创于美国哈佛大学,随后MBA历经百年风雨不断完善,取得了令世人瞩目的成绩。如今,美国MBA教育已经力世界企业界所熟知,受到社会的广泛承认和高度评价。中国的MBA教育虽起步较晚,但在过去10年里,中国的MBA教育事业发展非常迅速,也取得了相当显著的成绩。现在国内已经有50多所高等院校可以授予MBA学位,为社会培养了3000多名MBA毕业生,并有在读学员2万多人。 目前,国内的MBA教育市场呈现一片繁荣景象,但繁荣的背后却隐藏着种种亟待解决的问题。其中很大一部分问题的成因是因为目前我国高校使用的教材内容陈旧,与国外名校的名牌教材差距较大,在教学内容、体系上也缺乏与一流大学的沟通。为适应经济全球化,国家教育管理部门曾要求各高校大力推广使用外语讲授公共课和专业课,特别是在我国加入WTO后急需的上百万人才中,对MBA人员的需求更是占1/3之多,所以,大力开展双语教学,适当引进和借鉴国外名牌大学的原版教材,是加快中国MBA教育步伐,使之走向国际化的一条捷径。 目前,国内市场上国外引进版教材也是新旧奸坏参差不齐,这就需要读者进行仔细的甄别。对于国外原版教材的使用,在这里我们要提几点看法。国外每年出版的教材多达几万种,如果不了解国外的教材市场,不了解国外原版教材的品质就可能找不到真正适合教学和学习的好的教材。对于不太了解外版教材的国内读者来说,选择教材要把握以下几点,即:选择国外最新出版的书;选择名校、名作者的书;选择再版多次并且非常流行的书。综合以上几点来看,目前国内市场上真正出新、出好、出精的MBA教材还是不多的。基于以上认识,北京大学出版社推出了《当代全美MBA经典教材书系(英文影印版)》,本套丛书的筛选正是本着以上提到的几点原则。即:出新、出好、出精。经过北京大学及国内其他著名高校的知名学者的精心挑选,本套丛书汇集了美国管理学界各个学科领域专家的权威巨著,称得上是一套优中选精的丛书。本套丛书现在已经推出了MBA主干课程、会计专业、金融专业课程教程三个系列,共45个品种。以后,我们还将陆续推出更多专业的英文影印版书籍。




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