

(美)埃伦哈特(Ehrhardt,M.c.),(美)布里格姆(Brigham,E.F.) 著 北京大学





(美)埃伦哈特(Ehrhardt,M.c.),(美)布里格姆(Brigham,E.F.) 著  




  When we began planning this book, we had four goals in mind: (1) to create a book that would help people make better financial decisions, (2) to motivate students by demonstrating that finance is both interesting and relevant, (3) to make the book clear enough for students to go through the material without wasting time trying to figure out what we were trying to say, and (4) to provide a book that covers the core material necessary for an introductory MBA course without all the other interesting-but-not-essential material that is contained in most MBA texts. This last goal is the main factor that differentiates Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach from the thermal texts.  Finance theory and applications have dramatically expanded during the last decade, and so have finance textbooks, including some that we have written. As result, professors teaching the introductory MBA course must choose between breadth and depth. They can assign most of the chapters in one of the existing textbooks and teach finance as a survey course, going for breadth at the expense of depth. Alternatively, they can cover fewer chapters (and parts of chapters), explore them in depth, and ignore the remaining chapters. We learned from a review of course syllabi that the vast majority of professors, including us, choose the second alternative. Finance majors will probably cover much of the omitted material in later courses, but non-majors end up having to buy a larger, more expensive book than they need. Also, instructors must make difficult choices, including having to decide what parts of selected chapters are most important. Drawing upon our own classroom experience, we wrote Corporate Finance for those professors who want to cover the critical finance topics in depth, but who do not want to require their students to purchase chapters that will not be covered.




Eugene F.Brigham从1971年开始在University of Florida授课,是University of Florida的名誉研究教授。他是University of California-Berkeley的工商管理硕士和博士。他的本科学士学位是在University of North Carolina获得的。他曾在the University of Connecticut,th


序言 第一部分 构建公司财务的基础 1.公司财务和金融环境总览 2.货币的时间价值 3.风险和收益 第二部分 证券和项目定价 4.债券和其定价 5.股票和其定价 6.资本成本 7.资本预算基础:现金流定价 8.现金流估价和风险分析 第三部分 公司定价 9.财务报表、现金流和税收 10.财务报表分析 11.财务计划和财务报表预测 12.公司定价、以定价为基础的管理和公司治理 第四部分 公司融资 13.资本结构决策 14.股东分配:红利和再回购 第五部分 特别主题 15.跨国公司财务管理 16.营运资金管理 17.期权定价模型应用到实务期权 附录 词汇表 姓名索引 主题索引


  Using Float  Float is defined as the difference between the balance shown in a firms (or individuals)checkbook and the balance on the banks records. Suppose a firm writes, on average, checks in the amount of $5,000 each day, and it takes six days for these checks to clear and be deducted from the firms bank account. This will cause the firms own check-book to show a balance $30,000 smaller than the balance on the banks records; this difference is called disbursement float. Now suppose the firm also receives checks in the amount of $5,000 daily, but it loses four days while they are being deposited and cleared. This will result in $20,000 of collections float. In total, the firms net float--the difference between the $30,000 positive disbursement float and the $20,000 negative collections float--will be $10,000.  Delays that cause float arise because it takes time for checks (1) to travel through the mail (mail float), (2) to be processed by the receiving firm (processing float), and(3) to clear through the banking system (clearing, or availability, float). Basically, the size of a firms net float is a function of its ability to speed up collections on checks it receives and to slow down collections on checks it writes. Efficient firms go to great lengths to speed up the processing of incoming checks, thus putting the funds to work faster, and they try to stretch their own payments out as long as possible, sometimes by disbursing checks from banks in remote locations.  ……


  独特性:惟一一本教材:(1)强调现金流方法对公司定价的影响;(2)强调财务活动对公司价值的影响;(3)将公司治理结构等相关问题综合在一起分析。网络资源:每章的文献提供网络资源,可以获取有用的金融数据,其中包括股票价格、财务报表、财务比率(公司和行业)以及各种利率。网络资料:《当代全美MBA经典教材书系:公司财务(一种关注方法(第1版)金融学精选教材)(英文影印版)》网站提供的指导性链接,可以找到有用的网上资料。应用:工具箱Excel表格演示章节中概念的金融应用。大量屏幕点击提供小型指导,告诉学生Excel的功能和特点。  小案例:这些案例包括很多电子数据表,这些电子数据表演示案例中PowerPoint的计算结果,这就使得教师可以在课堂上把PowerPoint和Excel紧密联系起来。  符号:收益率符号r和大多数投资学教材一致。




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