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Part1.Daring to Be Expressive:Observations from the FreshmenIntroductingHow Shoukd I Write?My First Day in GDUFSPrefer to Live in the DormitoryLife in 10-110Benefits of Making Daily Life PlansOne Major problem in the process of UrbanizationMy CellphoneA New Yet Familiar GuestFather and MotherThe Last Ten MinutesA lovely TeacherA Handful of Hulucao in My Memory ChoiceTrust or NotAn Old TextbookRegaining paternal LoveProfits of Top-roof GardeningStriving for a Fulfilled Life:Review of My AntoniaPart2. Learning to Argue with Facts:Empirical Surveys from Third-Year majors2.1 Understanding Strdents Living on Campus as a Social Community……2.2 Investigation into Students Belief and Values2.3 Reflecting on the First Major Contact with the Real World-the Rarde Fair ExperiencePart3.Learing to Collaborate in Groups3.1 Making Sense of Collaboration3.2 Learning Skills of Supportiong with Humanistic Feedback3.3 Learning to Do Peer ReviewPart4.Gaining Autonomy in Learning4.1 Understanding Ones Own Writing Difficulties4.2 Evaluating Ones Own Development in Writing4.3 Evaluating the Wriing Course4.4 Learning to Be Critical4.5 One-hour Examination essays附录:以写促学,让学生写出自信心和成就感——高校英语写作课整体改革的初步探索
As thee chart above indicates,most students prefer to follow their hearts to start their romantic love stories.Instead,practical factors,such as family background and age,which are usually con-side red to be essential when choosing a husband or a wife,become less important. The following discussion focuses on the students who have benign love,either their love is still going on or has fallen apart.Among these 61 students,21 are boys and 40 are girls. When asked about the most frequent way they use to maintain their love with their boyfriends or many as 54.1%of the students choose dates,another 34.4%say that they make phone calls.and 8.1%say that they write letters or send e-mails. From this,we can see that through modern telecommunication has played an effective role in shortening the distance between people,date as a way to maintain love is still not replaceable.