

全国英语等级考试指定教材配套用书编委会 北京大学出版社









  《PETS全国英语等级考试系列丛书:全国英语等级考试教程+同步配套精讲(第4级)(修订版)》由16个单元组成,每一单元为一个交际话题。每单元包括:  第一部分:Dialogues(对话)  该部分由与该单元交际话题相关的2段对话组成。每段对话后设计有问答题,其目的是培养考生的听力、口语和理解能力。  第二部分:Text(课文)  该部分是与该单元交际话题相关的1篇文章。文章后有生词和短语及注释。  New Words and Expressions(生词和短语):按生词和短语在文章中出现的先后顺序排列,给出中文释义。  Notes(注释):简明扼要地介绍考生难以理解的语言点和相关的文化背景知识等。  第三部分:Exercises(练习)  该部分依照PETS第四级考试样卷设计练习,包括Listening Compre-hension(听力),Use of English(英语知识运用),Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)和Writing(写作)。该部分的设计尽可能多样化,既可阶段性地检查考生对英语的掌握程度,又可帮助考生逐步熟悉PETS考试形式。听力部分包含填写表格、填空、判断正误、回答问题及选择题。为了帮助考生掌握基础知识,我们特别设计了一项训练形式,即Vocabulary,Grammar,Translation或Structure。其内容都是围绕该单元所出现的词汇、语法或典型结构而设计。


Unit 1 Industries 工业Part 1l DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 2 Family and Home 家庭Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 3 Environment 环境Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 4 Weather and Climate 天气与气候Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 5 Daily life 日常生活Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 6 Sports 运动Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 7 Economy 经济Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 8 Holiday 假日Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 9 Travel 旅游Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 10 Health and Medical Care 健康与疗Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 11 Public Services 公共服务Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 12 People 人物Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 13 Jobs and Occupation 工作和职业Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 14 Education 教育Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 15 Science and Technology 科学与技术Part l DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 ExercisesUnit 16 Literature and Art 文学与艺术Part 1 DialoguesPart 2 TextPart 3 Exercises课文精讲及参考答案听力录音材料词汇总表


  Yet in professional sports it isn't the athletes most of the time. Usually the fans are the ones to cause the riots and fights. Espeaally in the sport of soccer, the fans take the sport so seriously that they are even playing in the game. Unhappy Corinthian fans said that the players were slacking off and so the fans gave the team a piece of their own mind by invading the field, cursing at the players and punching their own team. Corinthian fans have been known to turn against their own team in unfavorable times. These are obviously not true fans.  A few years ago Latrell Spreewell was in an incident where he choked his coach. This brought a major conflict to the NBA; they did not know what to do with Latrell. At the time he was on the Golden State Warriors, they needed to make the playoffs and fo do this they needed Latrell. But to let him physically and orally assault his own coach and to get away with it, who knows what type of controversy this could bring to the basketball world. They had to do something with Latrell, but what? If they suspended him, the team would have no chance of getting to the playoffs and no possibilily of winning the basketball championship, which would mean a dramatic decrease of income on the behalf of the Warriors. No matter how devoted a fan is they do not want to spend hard-earned money on a losing team.  A good portion of the income for a basketball team is derived from home games. Without many fans, fewer people buy tickets and therefore, fewer people go to the games. This js obviously a financial reason why the Warriors should not suspend Latrell. Another financial issue is that a lot of companies had hired Latrell to advertise certain products for them. Is Latrell the image the retailer is looking for? lf he gets suspended and no one sees him play, why would they want to purchase a pair of shoes endorsed by him?  So if they don't suspend him then he is "getting away with it" , and many people would ask why. The answer is because he is a wealthy, talented basketball player that can get away with choking his own coach. The NBA and the Golden State Warriors had a large problem on their hands that needed to be resolved. How would other NBA players feel about having a violent player on the opposing tearn? If a player would choke his own coach who knows what he would do with other players. Latrell Spreewell posed a potential threat to the NBA and his own teammates.  ……


  全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试。PETS是我国唯一面向全体社会公民的多级别的权威英语测试体系,对考生无年龄、职业以及受教育程度的限制,考生可以根据自己的英语水平选择参加其中任何一个级别的考试。PETS分为笔试和口试两个相对独立的考查部分,对考生听、说、读、写等能力进行全面考查,对合格者颁发相应的英语等级证书,以满足社会上英语能力鉴定和人才市场的需求。  PETS 2级和4级考试的标准被分别用来改造当前高考和研究生入学考试中的英语考试,PETS 2级和3级考试被分别用来替代高等教育自学考试中专科和本科考试中的公共英语考试,PETS 5级考试已替代全国外语水平考试中的英语考试(WSK·EPT)。




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