阎学通 男,1952年生于天津。1982年毕业于黑龙江大学英语系,获学士学位;1986年毕业于国际关系学院,获硕士学位;1992年毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校,获政治学博士学位。现任清华大学国际问题研究所所长、博士生导师,中日友好21世纪委员会中方委员,亚太安全合作理事会中国委员会委员,中国人民外交学会理事,中国军控与裁军协会理事,中国国际关系研究会理事,中国亚太学会理事,中国国际问题研究和学术交流基金会理事,国防大学兼职教授。主要论著有:《中国国家利益分析》、《国际形势与台湾问题》、《中国崛起国际环境评估》、《中国与亚太安全》、《美国霸权与中国安全》、《国际关系研究实用方法》、译著《争论中的国际关系理论(第五版)》。发表有关国际关系的论文和文章上百篇,其中部分发表在美国、韩国、新加坡、菲律宾、印度等国的报刊杂志上,部分文章被美国、日本、新加坡、罗马尼亚等国的报刊杂志全文翻译或转载。 周方银 男,1971年生于湖北。1992年毕业于华中理工大学(现为华中科技大学),获经济学学士学位;1998年毕业于国际关系学院,获法学硕士学位;现为清华大学国际问题研究所博士生。著有《国际问题数量化分析——理论、方法、模型》一书,在《中国社会科学》、《现代国际关系》、《国际论坛》等刊物上发表论文十余篇。主要研究方向为国际关系理论、国际关系研究方法。
PrefaceChinese IntroductionPart Ⅰ Theories of Regional Security1. Defining Peace: Peace vs. Security2. Decade of Peace in East Asia3. Bipolarity and Balancing in East Asia4. Absolute Gains, Relative Gains, and US Security Policy towards China5. Revisiting International Cooperation on Counter-terrorism: Applying and Transcending GeopoliticsPart Ⅱ Regional Security Cooperation6. East Asia: Evolving Security Concepts7. The Architecture of Security Cooperation for a Durable Regional Security in East Asia8. Security Relations among Major Powers in Northeast Asia: Views from Seoul9. Northeast Asia Cooperation and Co-development Security10. Architecture of East Asia Security CommunityPart Ⅲ Regional Economic Cooperation11. East Asia: Emerging Webs of Regional Connectedness12. Politics, Strategy and International Economic Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific RegionAbout the Authors
Finally, China should try to turn challenges into opportunities. After 9/11, China raised the issue of strategic opportunity period. Although China is facing serious challenges to its national security, it can still turn challenges into opportunities so long as it is good at seizing upon opportunities and making a good review and judgment of the situation. 9/11 at the price of thousands of lives sounded the alarm bell for the world including China. Chinese government and people are called to reevaluate Chinas security strategy. China should employ newer dimensions by which to observe, analyze, and assess its relations with other nations. For instance, China should take its foreign relations as a totality with not only bilateral approaches, but also multilateral approaches; China should achieve breakthroughs, if chances so emerge, on crucial issues of overall importance, such as security and arms control; China should make progress by cooperation on common interests, such as economic cooperation, environment and counter-terrorism; and China should make concerted efforts to address global issues, such as bio-engineering and its relevant issues.