

弗兰克·J.汤普森 北京大学









本书收录了30篇公共部门人事政策方面的经典文献,呈现了美国公共部门人事政策的历史、发展和当前的状况。内容涉及公共部门人事政策的历史形成、考绩制改革、高层领导力、平等就业机会与代表性官僚制、员工权利和劳工关系、变革的前景等重要问题。本书对公共部门人事政策的研究和改革实践都有重要的参考和借鉴价值。 本书为“公共管理学经典教材原版影印丛书”之一,收录了30篇公共部门人事政策方面的经典文献,呈现了美国公共部门人事政策的历史、发展和当前的状况。内容包括:公共部门人事政策的历史形成、考绩制改革、高层领导力、平等就业机会与代表性官僚制等。本书为英文影印版。


弗兰克·J.汤普森(Frank J.Thompson)美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California,Berkley)政治学博士,现任纽约州大学(State University of New York)洛克菲勒学院院长。在政治学与行政学、健康政策、政策执行、公共人事政策等研究领域出版了多部作品。


PREFACEPART Ⅰ Beginnings: Politics and Public Personnel Policy  1 Americanizing a Foreign Invention: The Pendleton Act of 1883 2 The Pendleton Act 3 Merit Systems and Politics 4 Merit, Morality, and Democracy PART Ⅱ Merit Systems: Triumph, Discontent,and the Shadow 5 The Silent Revolution in Patronage 6 Rutan v. Republican Party of Illinois 7 The Civil Service: A Meritless System? 8 Position Classification: A Behavioral Analysis for the Public Service 9 Merit Pay in the Public Sector: The Case for a Failure of Theory 10 The Personnel Office: Friend or Foe? 11 The Illusion of Smallness 12 The Supreme Court and Private Contractors: Extraas from O'Hare Truck Service v. City of Northlake and Board of County Commrs. v. Umbehr PART Ⅲ Merit Systems and Executive Leadership 13 The Idea of a Civil Service: A Third Force? 14 The Malek Manual 15 Testimony on Civil Service Reform and Organization 16 Leadership for Governance 17 The Governor as Leader: Strengthening Public Service Through Executive Leadership PART Ⅳ Equal Employment Opportunity and Representation 18 The Negro and the Federal Service in an Era of Change 19 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, As Amended 20 Griggs, et al. v. Duke Power Co. 21 Through the Glass Ceiling: Prospects for the Advancement of Women in the Federal Civil Service 22 Cultural Diversity Programs to Prepare for Work Force 2000: What's Gone Wrong? PART Ⅴ Employee Rights and Labor Relations 23 Public Personnel Administration and the Constitution: An Emergent Approach 24 Strikes in the Public Service 25 The Limits of Collective Bargaining in Public Employment 26 The Impacts of Collective Bargaining on Local Government Services:A Review of Research 27 Working Together for Public Service PART Ⅵ Toward Reinvention 28 Hard Truths/Tough Choices: An Agenda for State and Local Reform 29 From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government That Works Better and Costs Less 30 People and Performance: Challenges for the Future Public Service--the Report from the Wye River Conference




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