《高职高专英语考试教程(2)》是特地为北京大学出版社新近出版的《新世纪应用英语教程》(第二册)和《新世纪交际英语教程》(第二册)而编写的一套学生练习用书。语言学习重在实践。本教程旨在为学生第二课堂语言实践活动的顺利开展提供有益的帮助,使他们能在丰富、多样而有效的语言实践中逐步培养并不断提高自己的语言能力,并能顺利通过各种语言测试以证明自己的能力。因此,本教程不仅可以作为两套教材的同步练习,还可用作准备大学英语考试(CET)和高等学校英语应用能力考试(PET)的适应性训练材料。 本教程针对高职高专学生的英语水平,从基础人手,训练重点有序、循序渐进、逐步提高,以强调实际应用能力和顺利通过相应的各级考试为宗旨。有鉴于此,本教程不仅覆盖了《新世纪应用英语教程》和《新世纪交际英语教程》对应单元的英语知识和技能’而且在特设的模拟应用情景和各类仿真考题中实践高职高专英语等级考试的词汇、语法和基本语言技能,从而很好地体现了教育部颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》。 按照《基本要求》,高职高专英语课程不仅应打好语言基础,更要注重培养实际运用语言的技能,特别是运用英语处理日常和涉外业务活动的能力。语言测试应着重考核学生实际运用语言的能力,同时科学的测试又能为教学改革和语言学习提供积极的反馈,是提高教学质量的必要保证。 为方便教学,本教程以“Unit”为单位,并与教材中的各个“Unit”相对应。在形式上,每个Unit前的“提要”中,列出了所对应单元的重点词汇和语法项目以及等级考试所要求的词汇和语言点,把学习与应考有机地结合起来,有助于学生对所学知识进行归纳总结,同时也加深了对等级考试的认识。每个Unit都包含两个部分:第一部分为本单元的同步练习(Drills),第二部分为一套模拟测试题(Tcst)。其中,奇数单元对应大学英语二、三级考试题型,偶数单元对应高等学校英语应用能力测试题型。分别对应大学英语二级考试和高等学校英语应用能力考试(B)级。所有练习的选择既顾及全面,又突出重点,严格对应有关考试题型,难度均与全真试题相似。 本教程的另一特色是:所有的测试题不仅提供参考答案,而且还适时就相应答案给子简析和例释,力争在解题技巧与解题思路上给学生以启发,也为他们科学地探究问题、解决问题提供了便捷的途径。
Unit OneUnit TwoUnit ThreeUnit FourUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit Eight答案与详解 Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Four Unit Five Unit Six Unit Seven Unit Eight
or American Indians, youll find information about society, religion, Native Americans wisdom, American Indians arts and crafts and the special places related to their culture. In Native Americans art youll read about basket weaving, dance, Navajo weaving buying tips, American Indians jewelry and an introduction into the styles and purchasing of Native Americans pottery. Youll also read about the special places that are sacred to native Americans or American Indians such as Hove weep National Monument, or the Medicine Wheel in Wyoming or get information about museums of note to American Indians and link to a calendar of powwows in the US. Youll also learn of the many legends, read about tribal customs and find out about people like Black Elk, Chief Joseph, Cochise, Black Hawk, Crazy Horse, and more. Visit our cowboys section for the American history of cowboys, their guns, noted lawmen and outlaws. Youll read about outlaws like Billy the Kid, the James Brothers, John Ingo. More outlaws like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, the Younger Brothers and more. Read about famous lawmen like Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, Bat Masterson. Some lawmen even crossed the line between lawmen and outlaws. And dont forget to check out the ladies like Annie Oakley, Belle Star and Cattle Kate. Youll get interesting facts about cow-boys, read songs and poems, and get some western recipes too. Read American history facts about guns. Why are guns called peacemakers? Which companies were making guns at that time? Ever heard the western slang Judas Steer, boot yard, or acorn calf? Hey dont forget to read about the many show biz cowboys that graced out televisions and movie houses! Then, finally, you may want to check out the rodeo section where you11 see links to rodeo events throughout the country, rodeo related gear and rodeo stars. 56. What is the introduction about? It is about 57. Who are mentioned in the introduction as famous lawmen? They were Wyatt Earp,_____, and Bat Masterson. 58. What information will you find related to Native Americans or American Indi- ans? Some information about society, religion,_____, American Indians arts and crafts and the special places related to their culture. 59. What will you find when you visit cowboys section? Learn of American history of the American history of cowboys, their guns, noted_____. 60. Youll read about some special places, they are_____, or the Medicine Wheel.