随着全球经济一体化和中国经济的快速发展,中国对外商务合作的前景日益广阔。中国企业为了寻求更好的发展空间和机遇,纷纷到世界各地投资建厂以获最大利益;与此同时,许多国际知名企业和跨国公司先后在中国各地投资。中国已经成为全球经济、贸易、商务、技术合作和投资的热点地区。在这种商务格局的大背景下,商贸活动已成为经济活动中一个非常关键的环节。然而由于距离的限制,面对面的商务交流往往费时费力,因此如何在适当的场合运用准确的语声,用各种各样的书面形式向对方表达商业意图成为维持商务关系,确保商业成功的重要因素。 为满足各大专院校复合型外语人才培养以及社会上各阶层商务工作者的需要,我们特编写了《国际商务英语函电》一书。本书科学地将国际贸易知识、商务技能与英语语言综合能力融为一体,目的在于帮助更多的学习者通过系统地对外贸易函电的学习,掌握外贸实务的基本理论知识,熟悉各种各样的函电格式和常用句型,了解不同商务活动的人文背景以及具体操作规范及程序,从而提高对外贸易往来的业务能力。 本书分为15章,涉及利用函电进行交易磋商的主要方面包括商业书信的撰写、商务关系的建立、询盘与答复、发盘与还盘、接受预订单、信用证的开立与修改、支付包装与运输、保险与仲裁、投诉与索赔以及电子信函等。
Chapter 1 Business Letter Writing Section I Layout of Business Letters 1. Essentials of Business Letters 2. Miscellaneous Matters 3. Envelope Addressing 4. Principles for Business Writing Section II Styles of Business Letters 1. The Blocked Letter Style 2. The Indented Letter Style 3. The Modified Indented Letter Style Specimeus Exercises RemarksChapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations Section I Introduction 1. Importance of Business Relations 2. Channels for Information of Potential Partners 3. Requirements for Writing Section II Specimens 1. Self-introduction 2. A Request for the Establishment of Business Relations and Its Reply 3. Transferring Business Relations Useful Lxpressions Exercises RemarksChapter 3 Enquiry and Reply Section I Introduction 1. Classification of Enquiry 2. Requirements for Writing Section II Specimens 1. A General Enquiry and Its Reply 2. A Special Enquiry for White Cat Shampoo and Its Reply -- 3. A Status Enquiry and Its Favorable Reply Useful Expressions Exercises RemarksChapter 4 Offers and Counter-offers Section I Introduction 1. Definitions of Offers and Counter-offers 2. Classifications of Offers 3. Requirements for Writing Section II Specimens 1. A Non-firm Offer 2. A Firm Offer 3. A Bid 4. A Counter-offer 5. Declining an Offer Useful Expressions Exercises Remarks Chapter 5 Acceptance and Order Fulfillment Section I Introduction 1. Confirmation of Acceptance 2. Conditions of Acceptance 3. Orders 4. Requirements for Order Writing Section II Specimens 1. Sending a Repeat Order……Chapter 6 Opening and Amending the Letter of CreditChapter 7 Terms of PaymentChapter 8 Package and ShiprmentChapter 9 Insurance,Commodity Inspcction and ArbitrationChapter 10 Complaints and ClaimsChapter 11 Agency and ConsignmentChapter 12 Joint VentureChapter 13 Other Trade ModesChapter 14 Electronic CommunicationChapter 15 Trade DocumentsKeyAppendix I 常用国际贸易词汇Appendix II 常用经贸英语略语表参考文献
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