这本《系统功能语法入门:加的夫模式》共由三部分组成:第一部分由六位学者撰写的介绍和评论“加的夫语法”(the Cardiff Grammar)的七篇文章组成;第二部分是罗宾·福塞特(Robin P.Fawcett)撰写的Invitation toSystemic Functional Linguistics一书的汉语译文;第三部分是三个附录:附录1是福塞特一书的原文;附录2和附录3是早在2002年发表的两篇关于加的夫语法方面的文章。
黄国文(HUANG Guowen),男,中山大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师。英国爱丁堡大学“应用语言学”博士,英国威尔士大学“功能语言学”博士。研究兴趣包括:功能语言学、应用语言学、语篇分析、翻译研究。
IntroductionForewordSynopsisPart One Introducing theCardiff GrammarChapter 1 From Systemic Functional Grammar toCardiff GrammarChapter 2 TheCardiff Grammar: aComponent of Systemic Functional LinguisticsChapter 3 Notes on theCardiff GrammarChapter 4 TheCardiff Grammar: a simplification of Hallidays Functional GrammarChapter 5 TheCardiff Grammar: an extension of Hallidays Functional GrammarChapter 6 TheConcept of "place" in theCardiff GrammarChapter 7 FromCardiff Grammar to Systemic Functional LinguisticsPart Two TheChinese Version of Fawcetts Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics PrefaceChapter 1 Who this book is for and where itComes fromChapter 2 The place of syntax structure in an overall model of languageChapter 3 Introducing TRANSITIVITY and MOOD a simple exampleChapter 4 ExploringCriteria for establishing reliable GuidelinesChapter 5 Introducing the Subject TestChapter 6 Elements, words and units: keeping things simpleChapter 7 Conflating the Main Verb with the Operator (O/M) : the specialCase of beingChapter 8 The Auxiliary Verb and the Subject Theme. an introductionChapter 9 Improving the Subject Test : introducing forms of doChapter 10 More on TRANSITIVITY: Participants as Subjects andComplementsChapter 11 A brief outline of some other aspects of Clause structureChapter 12 The Guidelines forClause analysisChapter 13 A final analysis taskChapter 14 ConclusionsAppendix 1 A systemic functional micro-grammar forsome of the structures presented hereAppendix 2 A summary of English syntax for the text analyst ReferencesPart Three AppendicesAppendix 1 Invitation to Systemic Functional LinguisticsAppendix 2 Introducing theCardiff GrammarAppendix 3 Studies of theCardiff Grammar inChinaTechnical terms and theirChinese equivalentsNames of non-Chinese Authors and theirChinese translations